Sunday, December 31, 2006

From bumped to bumper

The highway ablazed with zipping headlights. Transport of various makes and models were on their pilgrimage to a higher calling; home. Just like the rest, I too embarked on this journey to send my girlfriend home.

What can go wrong on this perfectly normal weekday night?


Someone jams his brake. In front of me.

At 80 to 90 km/h, i literally floored the brakepad to prevent a collision.
At that split second, A thought came to mind... Would the car following behind me react likewise? Before my thought sentence could complete, the rear vehicle slammed into my car.

My girlfriend screams and covers her face, presumably is a girl's natural reaction. I simply braced myself, slammed the brakes and witnessed the collision process.

A loud bang.

Things within the car were flunged out of place. My spectacles literally took flight from my face and landed in the rear seats area. Watching how the boot of the mazda crumpled in front of me took me by surprise. Then it dawned upon me... what about mine?

I alighted to a sea of chaos. Other cars' passengers had alight to do damage accessment, at the same time looking out for someone to shoulder the blame. Contacts were exchanged, and some kind passer-bys stopped over and offered to help. One guy assisted by taking down the required information for such an accident and he also gave advice on how to proceed on from there. How nice.

Then an automotive workshop namecard touched my hands.


A complete package from car towing, to repair, to insurance claim, medical claim and finally to car rental. Not a single cent needs to leave my pocket for this offer. How amazing, everything is arranged. Right down to the car that was supposed to be rented to me, was already in the car workshop! Wow wow..

I was kinda skeptical so I hesitated and delayed for time while taking advice from my half asleep dad. Advice was given and appropriate actions followed. Then during this short stint of composure, when things are settling down, something just had to break it.

The sight of my boot.

Badly compressed in with the internal frame exposed. The car behind me must have relied on my brakes to stop both our cars. Okay, me bad, my brakes is only sufficient for 1 car. So i had to share the load with the car in front because too much of a good thing would make me fat.

A total of 4 cars, me being the 2nd. But apparently I'm the most badly damaged of the lot. But then again, the 3rd car suffered several casualties, slightly crushed bonnet and a shattered windscreen. Oh well. Nothing's too joyous about winning in this league.

Traffic folks in blue arrived shortly, took some photos and conducted a on site investigation. They suspected foul play but no evidence. Routine.

The agent persisted. So after several discussion sessions, i finally relented to his sales pitch. Anyway he has everything prepared. Well.. might as well. Under his pre-arrangements,

Shortly after that, i was off zipping ard within an hour in my new rented car. $100 bucks a day for a very new car, Lancer~ The ah beng within me screamed for joy. Sadly joy was short-lived. After that had to top up petrol. and go down to tts gov hospital, etc etc.

After all that was required, i could finally hit the sack at 6am. Yeah man, no worries. Only to be woken up to my parents' interrogation.

Some parting shots.. (i'm concussing already)


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Of ham and onion sandwich...

Pack me a message of love
Sealed with dreams fulfilled
Nothing less, nothing more
Love of me, love of you


Of forgotten friend...

i'm so glad i saw you again.
i'm so touched when you called me by name
i thought i would never see
this day, this friend, would set me free.

Thank you.

Of faith, in God

A little imperfection taints my mortal soul
A little skin covers my hidden cold
A little touch upon Your beaded hem
A little glance upon my frozen hands

I'm still holding on.

Of Goals and trophy

I saved myself a dream
Of me walking the clouds
dancing, prancing, wherever i deem
Trusting these steps, without a doubt.

Without my fears.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

can you hear the whispers that call out from the midst of the storm?
the murmur mixed rumble that echoed from the depth of the hurricane.
yea, i heard them calling me by name, dragging me by hand.
yea, prompted from the depth. i was stirred, shaken, flung and bent.

so fly boy fly, along side the dilapidated roof
smile as the rain cuts through your sunken cheeks
mix a replusive cocktail of rain, blood and a drop of tear
to toast my maiden flight, without wings, without fear

one day when i would wake to find
grateful, that I have wings to fly

disclaimer: i'm not suicidal or going bonkas, just doing some wordplay.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

It is official, finally i've a legitimate reason to blog :)
I used to wonder.. am I wasting my time? By investing in where others don't encourage, or even bother. But after some sharing with my lecturer and peers, i was immensely enlightened by the art of blogging. Yes! An art form no less, and it is incredibily beneficial to the establishment of my career prospects ahead.

Bob, the copywriter.

Of course, blogging alone can only suffice to a certain extend. That's where advertising studies come into the picture to bridge the gap, connecting Bob to , the Copywriter.

That'a just 1 part of my dreams and planning for destination, destiny. Many are in the pipeline, but I just pick one out for elaboration. Of course, dreams are only dreams when untouched, worse off when incompleted. So, press on and perservere my dear bob~!

Ok, so that was my introduction. Time to move on to the main course.

Bob was out partying at Double O. Yes I know, Bob was out chionging away. Some clarifications here. It was a class outing to celebrate Gwen's, one of my classmate's birthday. I have kinda come to terms with partying at such places. I don't really think it's wrong to party, to let your hair down and groove to the music. ( i didnt really managed to groove, more of a twirling and a series of a side-stepping and unnatural jerks.) Just dont drink till u fall into a drunken stupor and behave in a boorish manner. You are your own big boy now, make your own decision, with wisdom no less. Other than that, enjoy.

In the midst of my groove attempts, i caught sight some familiar church faces in an environment I can't seem to associate together. Stunned expressions exchanged, followed by a hearty contact. It's obvious these guys are here to party, but apparently after a brief encounter in the loo later on, I learnt that their activity here is unknown to the church fraternity.

From those few minutes of sharing, I learnt a lot. The facade they wear in the church is only the surface, but apparently they felt that, who they actually are, is not "allowed". (Quotations intended to present their interpretation of their leader's word, and also the translation of the actual mandarin word used, "bu rang") Liken to an errant kid sneaking out while the parents snoozed.

As I've mentioned earlier, you are responsible for yourself. Know where you stand and explain to your leader. Let him/her know the intent. I mean, you are not there to drug and rape someone right? So let out, and I believe some form of mutual understanding can be reached. On top of that, I strongly reckon that little compromise is needed in this win-win situation.

Another issue I would like to raise is on reaching out. I'm an advocate for Christ, but I don't force it upon people. I mean, evangelists don't exist to hit figures but to impact lives. As for those who are impacted, dont come to church to be bitter and then backslide. What good is it then to add another anti-church on the streets? The church may let you down, but hey, where's the focus's supposed to be? Not on some random folks assigned to guide you, rather on the One that saved you~!

Alas, so many come and go. I have just learnt that my first leader have backslided. It is definitely stumbling to realise, especially when she was one of those founding pillars that contributed to the establishment of this community. What drove you on, good leader? What is it then, that drove you out?

So when people who have backslided told me they do so to take a break, it's like Huh?! I thought He has taken our yoke to give us rest?! Something's wrong here... Ministry folks, please, FOCUS. You serve because of His Love, not because of that cute girl that carries the offering buckets next to you.

Alrite, enuff ranting. Gotta move on to develop the other aspect of my career development. Graphic designing~

With these words i'll end...

What drives you on, should drive you up.

But, NOT the wall.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Blog therapy in process.

Tired and worn. But what can I say?

Been rushing my project till 4.30am this morning, followed by a rather intensive and extensive discussion with my lecturer with regards to the future of us designers. After that, i returned home for dinner and just when i thought i could get my well deserved rest, i was mistaken.

Someone called,
put me thru some rather distressing moments,
rendered me disturbed
and left sleepless.

Hmm.. Shit happens.

My heart hurts. Literally. Perhaps all that mental affliction generated a tangible level of electronic pulse to jolt my cardiac organ to reality.

Where art my fairytale world? Perhaps little red riding hood killed her granny, alice has some serious bout of hallucinations, and the three little pigs were experimenting with some unconventional system of air-conditioning? Alas, every dreamer has to be waken, else be issued a death certification.


Hey! don't close the lid, i'm still blogging!


Thursday, November 16, 2006

my travel log

I saw a patriot's pride
I saw a destitude's hand
I saw an open wound
with none to tend.

I saw a hardened heart
I saw a childhood lost
I saw smiling faces
behind those closed doors

I saw an orange aftertaste
I saw the women faces
I saw the daily papers
printed on even pages

Sunday, November 05, 2006

My long awaited holiday beckons!

Okay... maybe I did not spend tat much time anticipating it. But in any case, it's a break and escape from this urbanised fishing village! looking forward to the life the vietnamese led, the nature that surrounds their habitat and the little beautifuls that decorate their lives.

Don't miss me too much people.
Too broad an audience. Bet many of you will never know i ever step foot outta this shores.

Don't miss me too much Zarah.
Hmm... again.
That's a kinda Duh statement. She almost had those chains and strap-jackets upon me.

Alritey. Everyone, miss me then. :)

i tink i've been stuffing myself way too much these past few daes. Been getting weird indigestive feeling in my tummy of late. As if i'm going for some survival training tmr. It's holidays my dear Bob!

okay. enuff of self entertainment. i forgot my intended agenda why i wanna blog todae. Sheeeetty... okay. 4 plus don't look too awesome to hit the sack, but better late then never~

Oh, btw, Lisa Ono is amazing! Do listen to her songs! just got mine frm gramaphone in parkway. Yummie! it almost soothed me to sleep while driving. Hah!

Feeling really...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

blaring my brainwaves...

i've had a friend, a brother from the days of old. We were really close friends, brothers to a certain extend. When i first saw him, i told myself, i wanna be his friend. He was this blob of joy and laughter and friendly aura exudes from him.

A great friend i've had.

We went thru a series of life's stages and many of which strengthen our bond, but 1. i'll not bitch about what happened, but this unfortunate turn of event took away what i cherished a lot. This friendship we shared. it meant a lot to me. So damn much that i'll grieve over it. Till now when i try to patch things back, nothing's resolved. Many a times my efforts were wasted. The wall's thickening.. i feel like a fool chasing the wind.

And i'm still a chasing fool.

I'll not stop, it's me. When i was 9, i told a classmate that friends are precious and I'll not lose anyone of them. i'll never forget tat scene, that moment in time when i made a stand for my belief, until now.

stupid bob.


i had a great gathering sometime back wif my army kakis. pple whom i've toiled with in tekong. thou not many turned up, it was still a meaningful event. Was great catching up with these folks. kinda hope we'll all end up doing reservist together.


my friend recently broke up with her bf. the guy was all scholarly, wealthy and a head turner. Young and promising, but empty promises he was to her. I thought they would make it. alas.. bucks, books and looks does not ensure good character.


Sorry if i offend anyone, but i feel tat there are some who are moulded to excel in their studies only. mayb it's society, but hey, we've got a brain of our own. So start tinking for urself. What do you forsee yourself doing upon graduation? Are the books you go thru now going to help with your future job, if so, how? You wont be doing examinations for a living for goodness sake.

i've got someone tat boast about his study credentials, doing accountancy in nus, talks about doing business and constantly looks me up and ask me about my plans in life.

Sorry if i seem a little cynical, but somehow i got this feeling that he's trying to blow his ego bubble by riding upon any praise i offered or by comparing his acadamic feats with mine. Get a life kiddo, i cant be bother to entertain u with lego blocks. If u wanna impress me, u shdnt have downgraded in army, and yet still able to do sports upon ord.


i've been to quite a few bbqs, chalets n gatherings of late. some of which threatened my project submission. but i stuck to them still.

hah.. bob oh bob...


thanks rx for ur comment. appreciate it a lot. not bcoz of the words u wrote.. but more of the fact tat u do care to read n leave a comment.

Ya a dear friend of mine. yup. in all sincerity.

alritey. the speakers are melting.

nitey folks.


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Much needed, much sought after, much deprieved.

Somehow everyone wants a bit of me. My schedules are often packed. My parents gotta make appointment to spend time with me. My girlfriends wants to spend eternity with me already and my friends are liken to the stars of the skies and sands on the shore. Like what Peter parker once said, with great power comes great responsibilties, and so i have a friend's responsibility of attending someone's wedding, whom i tot has been reduced to mere aquaintance.

my 3 weeks of school holidaes have just begun, but i am already booked all the way thru until school reopens. The little free days inbetween i've left are for so many misc events that have bcome weekly rituals.

Somehow it has gotten to me. i took to retail therapy for relief. i self-prescribed van houlten chocolates(it was on sale) for medication, which i gladly finish a week's dosage in a few hrs. i browsed shopping malls alone. i even contemplated dining in at one of those semi-formal restuarants alone. Feast upon some delicacies that i would never permit myself to sample but would gladly bless someone with. What transgression. The sheer thought speaks of the heart's desire, a sin commited in my mind. Alas, my budgetting does not allow such personal indulgence. The eventual outward expression never manifested.


my work beckons, but my labour time shortens. Sad to say, little provision is made for the projects that would have direct/dire effect on me. i am courting certain death, if not, mental.

let not the day come when i need to make an appointment with myself, for myself.

someone once share something with me, who decides whether if i am able to design? my invigilators? English, maths, science? who decides if I am able to be a leader one day? my educational qualifications?

This someone is a classmate of mine.

A school dropout at sec 3. had no choice but to be sent to Aussie to resume his education. Got his A levels there, came back to pursue his diploma at a private education centre that was flocked with rich chinese brats, and lousy lecturers that played video tutorials for lectures.

He is, in my opinion, one of the best designers in my class. Currently working freelance. Starting his design firm by the end of this year. produces amazing project works.

And yet, by local context, he is a failure sieved out by our education system.


time for a shower..


Saturday, October 07, 2006

LTC David.

The CO tat I marched in the marching contingent during his COC to School 1 in Nov 2003, n finally.. now.. as a former subordinate, i've graced his COC out of this place. A defining moment and a memorable event forever etched in my mind. i'm not army siao.. just people oriented. i love it when i play a part in the finer moments of people's life. being there for my CO was perhaps one such event.

reminiscencing the bus route to SFT.. the RP at the gate.. the SFT snack shop.. the "fast"craft.. the path trodded.. the office.. the toilet.. the familiar faces.. i could almost see images carved upon those walls.. drawings that depicted my journey in camp. the many places i've been to.. the various tasks i shouldered. i realised tat the toilet was a place of refuge back then.. when i was so depressed n wore.. a trip to the toilet, at my usual corner urinal, gazing at the toilet ettiq art upon the wall, doing what i came to do... relieved me in a way more than one.

finally~ the warrents are lovely people once again. perhaps it was the bar that i once decked upon my shoulder. the icon of pride n much resent from others. i love the way vennu welcomed us.. punniya.. lee.. msgs n staffs.. all.. lovelified.. i could almost see the sincerity in warrent lee's eyes when he spoke to me... perhaps the Christ brought us a little closer than work would have? haha.. perhaps..

i was a warrent's recruit, and a officer's cadet. my heritage :)

then there were the mortified officers.. many rose in rank.. i'm glad.. these were amazing people that fought many good diplomatic battles. cpt damien, foo, lta ghim, yazid.. col ishak, ltc david n maj effendy.. my salute to you.

Finally.. a shot for keepsake. :)

former ATO and DyMPO (me)

we kenna abandoned ship by Kelvin n Pengfeng(with the wierd accent that CO uses) haha.

Coastal road, anyone? :)

feeling really..

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Shepherd, herders and sheep

we grew too much to know where we were
we climbed too fast to realise those who fell
we thought we are immortal, because of who we serve
we thought we are the mountains, but actually human

stop thinking numbers when people matter
quit asking me for souls when i'm drying up
your fame spreads, while your flock scatters
you gain a thousand, but lose a hundred less

So many sheep once grazed with me
Happy were we, having you, happy me
The pasture remains, but the flock's changed
Disappointment beckoned the strayed

herders, oh herders, be oblivious no more!
keep your eyes on the flock and not on the open gates!
many are hurt, disappointed and wounded
many are disillusioned, many more faded

I love the Shepherd, l love the pasture
I hope to show them to the lost, to the stray.
I hope the herders would wake up their idea
And stop chasing away the sheep they once nurtured

We are sheep, not yet shepherd dogs
We can baaah, not yet bark
Many are called, few are chosen
So stop the, freaking evolution!

i care for my friends, i can't bear to let them go thru disappointments that would leave a scar etched on them forever. Perhaps i might be wrong. Perhaps seeing members, leaders, SOT grads backslide was a little too stressful for me to bear. I know them, that's why it hurts. I'm grieved coz they mattered but were not cherished. They are gone, but life goes on as per normal.

Perhaps, they were just numbers and figures.

perhaps one day.. i can shake systems into shape, and i'll bring you back.

Perhaps... you were meant to stray...

perhaps... eyes have not seen, ears have not heard..

a disappointed/confused bob

Friday, September 15, 2006


it's already 4.30am.. i'm still up an awake blogging. :P Oh.. did i mention i gotta be out and about for research in a few hours time at national library?

Was out at Zouk last night. (Yes, i was at Zouk. wholesome folks, brace urself pls :P) Was quite an experience. There are a few mini platforms all around, and my classmates n I have ploked ourselves comfortably a few metres off 1 of these stages. Then lo and behold, a few shims graced that platform with moves oh-so-sensual that I cannot bring myself to type. Yes, the crowd got wild. woof whistles and shireks drowned in the thumping of the mambo beat. What would we do without such gutsy gals? i mean.. they do have balls yeah?

Suddenly, i dunno why.. out of the people mountain people sea gazing at himer, shim suddenly pointed at me. My classmates gasped, my jaws dropped and i could feel my knees buckling. I slid across the wall and became part of the wallpaper. Pls, i'm straight and I've no pleasure in groping what I already have, thank you.

After some jostling and squeezing, we proceeded to a less rowdy crowded area(or so i tot), Phuture (Spell check). R n B envelope the air and the dance moves are more restrictive. No more silly square root choppings and doing that thing pointings, just hands by ya side and gyrate away. Sad to say, the air was a little stuffy coz we all were like palm length apart fron everyone else. Oh well.. to top it off, there was this lian behind wiping dry her bodily perspiration from her back, onto my shirt. Hmmm..... strange. Oh well, space constraint. :P

Anyway while i was proclaiming i hardly chiong, i was like greeting a few familiar faces here and there. Shucks.. there goes my noob image. Bumped into Leslie, Junxi and Donavan, from my bmtc platoon. n i tot i saw a fellow hotel wing cadet with his arms full of gals.. ah. dun care.

Fun, but it kinda left my ear drums numbed ever since.. yeah.. but it's getting better. so no worries.

I'm so gonna run for terry fox run.. i'm losing shape n determination. oh dear me..

Oh i saw Shangwei at Safra recently wif his gf.. haha.. kinda like interrogated him about camp matters. Apparently my understudy n his understudy didnt quite leave a positive impression like how I did. Ah hah.. nice.. but in my opinion, the best DyMPO was still Samson. He shouldered so much for the camp. Kudos to him.

Alritey.. gotta get to my bed! 5am don't seem to be too encouraging for bed.. hmm.. it's ok i guess. Better sleep than never? haha

Love you all. I really do!


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Contentment. :)

Imagine this.

You have been out working the whole day and you are famished. Someone gives you a plate of tantalizing chicken rice. It's fragrant, graced with chicken drumstick and an egg. To top it off, you get a bowl of prawn dumpling soup and iced cold cola.

A moment of truth.

You consume it.

Mmmmmmm... :)

Within a few moments of this brief aquaintance, man and food formed a seamless union. The bond built brought great satisfaction to both the starving consumer and purpose driven consumables.

Contentment is established.

Hmm.. seems like after the jamming session n a bit of catching up on my frens' lives gave me a renewed mindset on life n it's purpose. I'm feeling really happy at tis moment. I saw what I used to overlook, things that were taken for granted. Such are the things that brings me so much joy. Perhaps someone is praying for me? Thank you~ Whoever you may be. :)

Oh dear.. my joy is short-lived. hehe.. gotta get back to school project.

But...... studies is awesome!


Another plate of chicken rice pls!


Thursday, August 31, 2006

In the midst of my art history intensive week. how amazing. I'm finally slogging thru lectures upon lectures that killed many of my comrades with the Zzz monster. It's quite interesting as the last i struggled with it was during those training shed daes listening to boring technical handling techniques.

So what's so amazing?

I'm actually enjoying the lessons. The wonders of looking at things from a new perspective. :)

Today we had our first ever official class excursion. Miss the term "class excursion" like mad. Felt like a kid packing my bag for the day's adventure. Our tour today brought us to the chinese heritage museum and some printing centre. Lovely places. learnt a lot about our roots and rich history..

Wonderful la..

Anyway quite a few of my classmates(gals) made mention tat i make a good boyfriend. hehehe.. i wonder why.. kinda floated briefly during those fleeting moments.. hehehe

School has been amazing. I bumped into so many of my former unit guys. Saw Gilbert frm HQ, Gabriel frm K coy, another spec frm H coy. Then there's bowen, rayner n guangfeng. i've not forgotten u Jason! :) just have not met in sch only.. :P Rouxin too~ makan 1 day k? :) i'll meet u up soon. :)

Okidoki i'll sign off here. gotta catch some sleep to combat the Zzz monster later!

I heart you Zarah Chua!


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Walls do crumble and fall.

At times we lean on them for support,
to shield us from the sun,
to hide away from the enemy's glare,
to inspire and to encourage when the going gets tougher than us.

Yes, these very walls we once depended upon, may disintegrate and would not be able to perform the roles and responsibilities they once played. They had faith of colossal extend, yet apparently failed to move mountains they once taught us to command.

Stumbled, I am.

But over time and tide I've come to realize that not everyone goes thru the same rites. What may seem to be an end is perhaps just the dawn of something greater than what I can imagine. I believe that greater things would manifest and in time to come, we would come to realization of the greater plan that surpasses all understanding.

Yes, I have faith to believe. Faith that was bore forth from these once faith inspirer.

So what can we do?

There is nothing wrong in serving, but do so with a willing and desiring heart. One that is led, not dragged. Be inspired and encourage, not commanded and forced. Ultimately, do it with a love that God gives for us to give.

I love, that's why i bless.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

WOw Wow!

I was truly truly touched by my class today!

Basically several of them helped me out with the last lap of my deadline rush. Yup~ I was really overwhelmed by their kind gestures. I almost melted away when you guys came and asked what could you do to help, so much so that when all of u assisted i could only stand back and lend eye power coz all the tools and equipments were fully utilized! So lemme take tis opportunity to remember everyone of you and your effort..

Edwin helped with the glitter ball (You got the ball rolling my dear friend!), Shah helped with the installation of final work, Winnie helped with left sofa support, Sze Jia helped with the right sofa support, (both Winnie and Sze Jia even had their own unfinished product at hand, and almost didnt meet the deadline themselves!) Antonio helped with the sheep's fur and installation, Hongwen helped with the ears, Wee Kiong helped with the installation and giving of advice.

Well, in a class of 26, having 8 (including myself) to work on my personal project, is like 1/4 to 1/3 of the class working on a group project!

Suddenly it came to mind of what Iris said last Monday. If these people are your friends they will help u. Indeed they have proven to be worthy, and beyond, of the title of "friends".

am really grateful to what God shows and the doors He open around me. Yeah man~ I am really well taken care of by people around me.

Anyway Jason u lesson end wad time on Mon n Tues. We see how we can work something out from you.

Best Regards

Monday, August 07, 2006

Ah.. my little haven.

Sneaked here for a breather. Away from the checklist of content creation of my design concept.

I am currently down with some back sprain. Yupsie, windsurfing hazard. Improper techniques and over exertion has resulted in it's resonating protest. Yes, i hear you loud and clear. So much so that I am rendered un-surfable for the next 2 weeks or so. Man.. there goes my tan and "slimmer" built. (Personal belief)

School has been pretty good. Rushing for projects made me feel alive. Did things i never thought possible. My fellow classmates are toiling away at this very moment with me. Hmm.. feels like the good ole days of outfield training.. Yeah~

I saw 2 dear friends from army in SIM recently. Jeff and Rayner. hahahah.. miss them sia. Our initial encounter resulted in a chaotic scene that sent my classmates reeling in shock. Playing a fool like some kids sia. They were there doing some orientation tour apparently. How lovely of them to walk pass the lift lobby. Well well, i look forward to more days of encounters and makans. Jason~ we r not alone in SIM liao~~ :P

Today was my church's 17th anniversary. I didnt managed to squeeze into the hall. So the quick thinking me went MacDonalds instead.

Think i go there slack n idle away rite? no~ i went online to follow the svc thru. Well.. almost... the wifi was a bit intermittent, strength 3 at best.

Anyway i returned to SIS after svc ended n lo n behold jan appeared with printer ink for me.. how lovely, i dont have to go hunting for her. The only thing was she didnt have my charger with her then.. so she linked up with my band vocalist to collect the charger frm him and then deliever to me. But by then i have already left the compund and was reaching kal mrt station. Just when i was about to resign to fate of being chargerless for yet another week. She appeared from behind. Wow! Thank God.. hehe

Okidoki~ time to shower n resume my fire fighting process..


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I think life rocks, literally. It has it's ups n downs. Sometimes things are more beautiful, somethings everything seems so gloomy. The beauty of it all is tat God strengthens us when we r weak, when we are battered and worn, when we wished tat it would end, but we endured, n we survived.

When we look back, hey, i've been there, done that. When things ahead show similar situations, we are better prep to assess them and take the necessary action. If all else fails, we know we will still pull thru at the end of the day.

So.. smile, coz this is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it.

Class rep thingy has passed. Yeah man.. seeing how my class rep suffers now... hmm i tink it's a God appointed move. Thanks Rouxin for ya word in season. oh and Edwin too, for reading my ranting n showing me tat u care to read my nonsense. haha~ Good bro. Zarah too, played a major role in coaxing me. hahahahha.

I was at some windsurfing course at East Coast. I "graduated". but somehow i'm not very convinced. Perhaps my fighting spirit despites all the many falls n flips prove that I deserve that certificate.

I love the sport. I love the freedom and open sea. Join me.

My band is going places. But i need to keep up with their pace. I don't wish to be the one to drag the band down. So press on mr bassman bob.

i've thought of setting up a community portal.. but.. i need breakthru. I need to bite my lips n pull thru. i need God..

My heart's kinda troubled. Perhaps the thought of leaving my parents after marriage(not so soon) seems rather heart wrenching. the values i cherish n everything i gave to stand by it.. suddenly seems so invalid. Don't just tell me. Convince me.

Bob oh bob

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Something's stuck on my back... just gotta let go~!

Yes. I've been plagued by this rambling tat never fails to lift (rocket) up a brow or two every now n then.

I didnt make it to class rep.

To make things worst. i created this turn of event myself.


n the other guy won by 1 vote. btw... i voted for him too..

Hey... i tot i didnt want to be the class rep???

Well.... as much as i wanna lie low n do nuthing... i'm feeling all wierd sitting back now... it's like.. eh LTA Li.. wad's up wif u on the Attn B bench?

I wanna do so much things for my class.. i wanna organise this n that.. i wanna rally the class to get together for cohesions n makan sessions~! I even tot of a cycling trip liao.. let's not talk about the class grad song altogether..

k la.. i'm actually not all that sad la.. it's just the lack of sleep n mounting project deadlines...

So here i am to destress n vent n rant n kick the virtual bin...

Ok.. let's take things in perspective. I know i got more than half the class's support. so even though i may not be the class rep, i still can rally them together for watever cohesion that would suit us fine.

Also right now i'm just so busy with my freelance work... i can barely help out as class rep. i already forsee a torturous nite ahead.. burn the bridges, abandon the ships, gonna brace myself for the battle against the Zzz monster. An age old nemesis since the dawn of homework n deadlines.

The bugle calls.
The soldiers rally to arms.
The flag hoisted.
The sword raised.

To war, i must.
Victory, else.. Death.( ok not so bad.. just overdue work)

Bob bob bob bob bob bob

Thursday, July 13, 2006


The feeling of school rocks. I'm having a very different approach to school now.

Hey~ I thought school was supposed to be a dreary n yucky? Why this paradox shift?

Well, credit goes to all that I have been through. After toiling through national service, then a short stint as a flash designer, a different light was shed upon this once abhored phase in life. School is akin to heaven as to what army is to hell. Friendly folks for my mates, approachable lecturers, snacks are provided in between lessons, relaxed schedules, etc etc...

Already I am thinking of writing a song for my class's video. I can feel I will miss this student life I am leading now. I am even thinking of events that we can do as a class. Out for makan or something. Maybe I should be the class rep? hahahah.. we'll see how.. let the people decide. :) But lying low would a break from the high profile me. :P

Oh and our Melbourne trip~ am pretty excited about it!

Alritey, back to SCHOOL work!


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dear Blog,

How have you been? Idling in the corner of my virtual environment again? Tsk tsk.. Make yourself more useful pls!

Blog leans over and whispers into my ears.

Oh... so u r trying to put the blame on me? What's tat about me being lazy and not making that conscientious effort to update is it? Eh.. dun play punk, go one corner and gimme 20~!

Blog's eyes widen. Shocked, and proceeds with his punishment next to the toilet entrance.

When you are done proceed with a set of 20 crunches, is that clear?

Blog struggles and nods vigoriously.

Hah..fine.. that was some self entertainment.

So here's some update on things.

Basically I have ceased working FT in my company. It's a great feeling to be freed up once again. Doing the things i enjoy. But with the freedom comes a responsibility to ensure that everyday is well spent and fruitful.

So... what have I been up to?
Listed randomly in no particular order*

Was out at pulau ubin for a ride. rekindled the mountain biker in me. Kun jio me and his guitar student to join his SOT classmates for a ride on Monday morning. It rocks. 3 of us being advanced riders, we took the off road track with ease. riding, hopping over undergrowth and sprawling roots. Of course, we did all these without the SOT riders*. When we linked up with them, we rode at a more comfy pace and ran simpler routes.

*Disclaimer: Nothing is said about the SOT riders being less proficient n unable to overcome those obstacles we cleared. Just that the $2 rented bikes hindered their true potential. :)
(i thought i saw that guy clearing a 5 foot wall in a single leap... hmm )

Swimming on a regular basis. Ok.. i'm making an effort to train up and see the flabs folding in and slowly vapourize. Hopefully I can keep to my training regime and reap forth the fruits of my hard work.

I bought quite a few stuffs with my paychecks over the past few months. That included a sony digital camera. Been lugging it around whenever i am out. Took a few pics. Loving some of the shots!

I chat up a supermodel.


Something cool happened today. I bumped into a brazilian model on my way home. hehehehe... yeah.. she's really young, 16, but already been travelling since she was 14. Currently with Elite, a premier modelling agency. She's tall, pretty, vocal, fluent in English, and quite a nice person to chat with. Basically what happened was she was asking for directions and it was along the way, so kinda accompanied her to her destination. So along the way, we chatted and I gotta know more about her and her background. and as we chatted, somehow or rather, i could sense the despondency in her tone and countenance.Alas the high n volatile lifestyle of a model. Travelling, being ogled at, living the high life, bitching, flirting.

Hah, i'm not some pscychic, she shared with me. Perhaps finally she has a chance to share her thoughts/find solace in a total stranger and never worry about this person stirring up some major brew of gossip among her peers.

Oh, and i took a shot with her. :) BUT i kinda spoilt the photo with my mugshot n shaky hands. Argh! Perhaps i can work on my photography and photoshop skills.

I have finally resumed my student life. Been to my campus, SIM-RMIT for a few orientations already. Hmm.. think i'm getting used to the place. Kinda have this impulse to take a class photo at the beginning of our school term and then at the end of our student life we can look back and perhaps reminiscence our younger days. We'll see how it goes next monday.

My classmates are pretty cool. Mostly having worked for period spanning from a few days to years prior to this course. Interesting people, and I'm learning to understand them better as the days go by.

Finally my band, Boonbag, has finally set up our inhouse jamming studio! Yeah! we bought drum set, mixers, amps, headphones etc etc... been getting myself busy with jamming and stuff like that. Yeah~ we are getting closer to our dream and vision :)

Recordings, performances and shows... Here we come to make an impact!

Am working on my current design house. It's progressing a bit too slow. Bob, please buck up.

Had a OCS section gathering recently. Like some farewell gathering cum soccer match for Alan. He's an amazing guy. Excellent officer material. Sad to see him go off. But then again.. Plt 3 will reunite once again... some day... :)

Take care Alan~ we'll miss you!


Something in life is not all that perfect. Sometimes i do get tired. Really tired. But...
I am trying to bring it to pass. Help me.

I'm not God, just a guy trying to be Christ-like.
To those that read my blog, i'm really fine. No worries man. i'm trained.

Oh, work beckons.

Bob the Builder wannabe

Saturday, June 03, 2006

i just re-lived the days of my OCS training.

was watching the video that was compiled by some kind souls to help me capture my training days. Wow.. i survived it. Now, i'm missing it. What irony. Then i was condemming the route i chose and now i'm like appreciating what has passed.

But of coz, training alone would be torturous, if not meaningless. My OCS mates gave meaning and purpose for everyday i survived. to suffer together is perhaps the greatest bonding sessions i ever had.

Then and now, people have moved on, lives have changed. I wonder how's everyone doing...

Casting careless thoughts to the wind
These men in green, those lives we lived
Stalking slowly my mind to think
These longing hearts, those dreams believed

So pack me up to flow as thee
A fleeting thought, a passing wind
Surely somehow i'll live to see
my careless thoughts, all redeemed


Friday, June 02, 2006

i'm back.

I never left actually, i just did not blog.

Basically i just got back from Msia for a short getaway over the weekend. It was pretty awesome. Ran away with my closest group of friends, the Supper Gang. We met up with one of our gangies who has kinda moved over to Msia to work as a hair salon boss (it was his dad who started it.) We linked up at JB city Sq, n then proceeded to our place of accomodation. Drop the bags, the gals and a sleepy boy, we went on to play overnight - after breakfast dota. Madness. The breakfast break was welcoming thou. Authentic Msia breakfast... tried a lot of pratas, mutton curry rice n murtabak. Superb. 6 guys tucking into every plate that land. Before we knew it, we were back to slaying one another.

Transport came in the late morning. Packing we semi-conscious guys into the back, we proceeded back to the salon for our hair adventure. There i got this lovely hue of brown for my fine crown. Got this vibrant color i love. Best thing was, the salon gal that did my hair was cute. Haha. Nope that was 2nd best. Best was having my gal ard for the whole trip. lovely companionship.

We kinda munch at the neighbouring restaurant for lunch. I had mutton curry n my dear had grilled fish. Yummy i would say. After that we had a ripped off pre-dinner. Rojak that didnt quite turn out rite and a plate of mee goreng that turned out to be maggie mee dry with a sunny side egg. Oh, language wasnt an issue btw. They spoke english and we had a point of reference from some other patrons for better clarity in communication. Alas, mee goreng comes in 1 form too many.

Basically the whole trip was fun. Lotsa excellent bonding with them and rebuilding of lost friendship. Best thing was having my gal as my support when things didnt quite turn out rite. Serious.... i never knew i love n need her so much... Reminded me of the good ole days in OCS when she would lend a listening ear to this cadet who would grumble till he hits the sack, leaving this lovely gal hanging on the phone. hehe... appreciate u for everything dear. This trip has strengthened our love and helped us develop better understanding of each other.

i still wanna talk abt my...
wat nots...

but i'm toooooo tired.. gotta grab wad ever remaining sleeping moments i can.

but then again...

Ok Summary.

Work = My creative department remaining strength of 3 has dwindled to 1, yours truly. Am gonna miss those lovely ladies...
Band = we are going places!! our songs are coming up, we got the full band again, we sourced for home jamming equipments, and i'm learning to use my bass effects better~!
Emerge = While i was complaining about losing my seat on the bus that would bring me home, i took the mrt. Guess wad? i met my dear frens Kun n Jan n we had a great time together. i even got to knoe kun's SOT classmate. Awesome fella. He's from PNG. Amazing guy.

Ok. any more details just hunt me down.

I just might let out.



Sunday, May 14, 2006

i'm back!

This is the day that the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it!

It sure do have some kinda therapeutic effect on me. Feels comforted that the Almighty one is in control of everything.

I'm like trying to spend more time with the people around me, esp my cell members. It's like i've been with many of them for more than a year, but i never really knew them on a personal basis until recently.

It's revelating, but at the same time disturbing.

Disturbing, because we were members for so long and yet I never really knew what were their main concerns in life. The things that bothered them the most, and the thing they hold close to their hearts. Life and it's issues it's not just about cell or svc attendance, but the lives they actually lived. I wanna show them that i care, that i'm not just that guitarist that sits next to the cell leader during meetings or the one who abandons cell for girlfriend. i wanna be a good bro to these people.

So there i was, plowing through the blogs you people typed and experiencing the very thoughts expressed online. Interesting..


My girlfriend is amazingly in love with me. So much so that I feel bad. Afraid i might not be able to reciprocate the love she gave. Because of my unbelievable schedules and goals.. more often than not, she gotta take a back seat. I hope to love her back the same. i hope to do what i'm doing now, and more. Dear God, please expand my capacity!



Friday, May 12, 2006

What a gathering!

One of the grandest and perhaps final HQ cohesion for me and my former colleagues at BMTC 1.

Time flies, soldiers ORD, life goes on...

Finally, the last of HQ cohesion I will ever attend. My former NSf colleagues and peers have already left or are in the midst of clearing their annual leaves. The regulars are pending posting out or are ceasing service within this few months. The very people that made national svc memorable, are packing my memories along with them.

Something peculiar though, the person who used to F#$%^& me with vocab i never knew, in front of all my peers, superiors, subordinates, recruits and even external contractors, to the extend that even the warrant officer corps expressed concern over this young 2LT; this very person actually came up and joked with me, wanting my name card and was all smiles. A warmth kinda seeped through my body, i smiled back, sincerely.

There are people who are made to serve the nation. Their strength lies in their innate abilities to manipulate people at will, by love or by force, to achieve the goals that's for the overall good of the army. Often seen as slave drivers by the subs, these are the very people we need to mobilise(note: not motivate) the inert men in green.

i kinda respected and hated him then.. But now, it kinda struck me that he was who he was because of his appointment, the devil in the people management hierarchy, the 2nd-in-Command. My PS was an ass when i was a recruit, my APC was a slave driver in OCS, my Sch 2IC, this multi-faceted soldier, was a well... monster, IMHO.

I am glad I've moved on, but i look forward to seeing these people again, someday perhaps, at some informal gathering when fear is not what that brings us together, but brotherly love.

Loving the men in green

Monday, May 01, 2006

Passing thoughts: Limit Break

Ther are times when a soldier can only fight so far. The raining shells and ballistics are no longer a cause for concern. Perhaps a stray bullet to the shin would give him a much needed rest. A triggered landmine might just jolt his senses together, and cast thoughts on the cause for this battle. Let him bite your bullet, so he can excuse himself legitimately from his call of duty and relinquish responsibilities he wonders why he shouldered.

fight on little soldier, the war awaits your grand entry and glorious end.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Dear Blog,

i miss my army days. I miss wearing the green and crossing the hills and valleys. I miss the idellic moment cooking combat rations with my comrades. I miss doning on my FBO, dusting the bar upon my shoulder, shagging out with my buddies on the mountain ridges. I miss chatting with my guys at my little corner outside mpo's office. Soldiers after soldiers would just take the opportunity to sit next to me to confide or gossip. ( i don't gossip, i just lend them a listening ear :P) I miss those special moments that made me proud of what I've achieved and what I do. I miss a lot of people who made my days a little sweeter, a little more memorable.

Shucks. the side effects of looking thru my army certificates are taking their toll. should have taken it in moderation. Alas.. what can i say... Soldiers never grow old and frail, they fight till they die.

Pride la.. tsk tsk.

My dear HQ folks are ording already... but i missed Ho's ORD function.. shucks. Work beckons. Never mind, my understudy's ORD shd b coming. Hope there's some event organised or something. :P

Life is great. I hope to make the most of it. I hope to remain friends with all that I know and love. I hope everyday stretches to 48hrs. i dont mind working a little longer, so long as I got more time for everything in life.

Birthday was great. It came and left, and made me official a yr older.

23 and growing. Younger i hope.

Come on, let's start sch and my campus tour~! ex classmates and army mates, wait up for your friendly Dy to drop by for lunch~! :)

Ageing gracefully :)

Friday, April 14, 2006

Dear Blog,

Finally I am back blogging a little.

Life has been pretty good. Living out the next phase of my life, the working life.

This is perhaps the longest and the very key phase that makes or breaks a person in today's society. Am pretty adpated to it so far, in fact I am loving it. It gives me financial freedom, taking control of my schedules and it is the platform for me to materialize my dreams.

Currently I am a web designer, full time, a freelance flash animation banner designer, a bassist, song writer for Boonbag. With work comes financial stability, an income to bring many things to past. It's good. Am also learning to save up. :) Future beckons.

Then there's the physical aspect, weighting a bit everyday to refine my body contours, trying to run, aiming for New Paper Big Walk first, then AHM and finally Stand Chart Run. Getting my Asics trainers and a fitness fanatic close fren, Melvin Wong, to inspire n aid me for my training. Btw he's team just won the recent Biathalon at Sentosa. Creditable, definitely. Been dropping by Sentosa every monce in a while to relax wif my gal too..

Then studies to follow suit in July, time of upgrading and to push my band to another level. Awesome.. Another part of me really wants to get back to Children Church. Really.. wanted to go back to help for PA, unfortunately something else crops up.. Sigh..

Relationship wif my gal going on to another level. Really grateful for it. Hopefully we'll last. Well, not just last, but to enjoy every moment of it.

Alritey, just a bit of sharing.



Sunday, March 19, 2006

My euphoric highs.

No they're not eastasy, ice or any form of prohibited drugs. But my passions.

Music is one of them. I can play my bass until i could feel my blood rushing up to my head.. my breaths becoming shorter.. as I run thru my favourite riffs. Or as I listen intendly to the pulse and rhythm of good alternative/emo rock bands, the bass and lead guitar running the lows and highs.. elevates me to another dimension that sets my mind free from the cares of the world, making me oblivion to my surroundings. Or when I play my acoustic guitar. Amazing. Not so much of my skills, rather it's the effect of the vibration of all the six strings together in harmony.

Another would be urban assaulting. No, it's not some kinda civil warfare, rather a form of cycling that requires a bit of jumping. I love to bunny hop. I love it when a bunch of advanced cyclists congregate together and paint the town red as we ride thru the pavements and roads alike.

Taking part in army exercises is cool too. Taking the rifle, running around with your peers. And constantly on the lookout for role-play aggressors. Awesome.

Oh well, those were the days gone by. ORDing is definitely a milestone in my life. Leaving behind much sufferings as well as many cherished moments. Shitting by the road wif my bmt buddy, climbing up the mountain ranges of taiwan in OCs, and playing a fool with my fella officer, ah loong in bmt. Ahh..... I have arrived, NSmen for good :)

Work is great, leaving me with much to look forward to and constantly seeking for more challenges ahead. Love it. All thanks to Uncle Das who trained me up for times such as this. Perhaps the only thing I appreciate him for. :P

ooh, i'm drifting off-track.

Ok.. basically that's it.

I love my family, my gal, my relatives and all my friends. Oh of coz God too :)

Love you all to bits.

Living for you all.


Sunday, February 26, 2006

What a day...

Started the day meeting up my poly friend for some work discussion, got on to work from 10 to 2. While i was working, the radio tuned to class 90fm kept me company, belting out oldies upon oldies. Then came the public announcement of road closures around town area due to the funeral of Mr. S. Rajaratnam.

This name has always been rather alien to name. Never really knew who he was or what he did. Perhaps he was just another Singaporean.

But I was wrong.

He's not just another Singaporean, he is a nation shaker, and maker. He helped mould Singapore into what it is today. He manifested what he envisioned, a country of racial and religious harmony. Something I'm really grateful for.

His passing brought light to the national pledge, something we all have been reciting over and over again, and yet never really grasp the essence of it.

So there i was, overwhelmed with immerse respect towards him, that I decided to bid him farewell on his final journey at the Esplanade. Kinda dragged my gal along with me coz we had an appointment prior to this impromtu decision. There we were, outside the entrance to the Esplanade, waiting for the casket to exit and proceed to the crematorium. Just as I thought everyone present would be solumn and griefed, but I was wrong, yet again. A bunch of ah bengs and ah lians were loitering around, making a lot of noise and effective turned nuisance to the public in general. Several people(me included) that we took turns to stare at them. Perhaps they felt the intensity and disgust that we harboured towards them that they proceeded to relocate. As they wandered around, they enroute a path next to mine. My gal was extremely pegx by them that she cast a stare at them. The guy(beng wannabe it seems) stared at her. But while he cast his glare upon her, a highly perturbed and irritated me was laser beaming him. YES! STUPID IGNORANT TWIT STARED AT MY GAL AND AT THE SAME TIME SHOWED NO RESPECT FOR THE FINAL MOMENTS OF A NATIONAL PATRIOT!

Oh.... pardon my outburst...

So there he was, glancing elsewhere upon visual contact with someone who towers a head over him.

Well, he was not the only fool ard, another bunch of hooligans were strutting along the road when one of them, started to pass a totally brainless message to his peers.. "Eh later take note of the casket's car licence plate number to buy 4D" (pls note, this is not replicated word for word as this typical beng spoke in a mixture of languages and was poorly structured. )

To this beng, pls note:

Pls dun act linguist and mimic Yoda's word structuring techniques. He's alien, are you? If you were in army and I am your officer, i'll make you sign all your weekends to the guard house and a stay in detention barrack for a short getaway. How's that for a wake up call?

Thank God this irritants were distant when the casket exited from Esplanade. At this point, it suddenly poured. IS THAT AMAZING OR WHAT!? but as the casket passed us, the rained moved on along with it so much so that we could see a wall of rain some metres away from us, moving along with the casket. a phenomenon no doubt, perhaps God is moved by his deeds? Maybe..

The casket moved on substantially and I felt that I was not going to have any last glimpse whatsoever, that i gave a salute. Yes, to someone who truly deserves it.

Goodbye Mr Rajaratnam, you will be remembered.

Anyway our next schedule on our itinerary says church seminar, something I was rather excited to attend, but due to some unforseen circumstances that this plan was aborted. Instead I was activated for a Charlie Mike to resolve a problem at hand that nearly got me flipping several times over. Yes, thank God for the patience that it was settled amicably, but we missed the seminar. Darn, so there we were strolling around, spending some time together that we went to check out some skates, a hobby resolution that was due last year. There K2 was having some big sale and i caught sight of an aggressive skate going for 50% off. Wow.. i tried it and fell in love immediately. Needless to say, i fell prey to it's lure and placed a deposit for it. Yes, i'm gonna be an aggressive skater, doing grinds here and there. Wow... so cool eh? Next thing i need is a pouch to bring to the beach and babes will trail my tracks to hunt me down.(Yeah rite)

Ended the day with an excellent cooking by my dear and it was a hearty meal that got me really satisfied and fulfilled. Ahh... lovely... Japanese curry rice anyone?

Nevermind i missed today's seminar, tomorrow's gonna be better!

Dear God! a Word from Heaven pls!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Finally.. i'm making that additional, extra, over-the-mountain of an effort to populate my blog.

Dear Blog, How are you?

It's been a while since i last wrote in. Maybe coz i'm no longer in army, therefore much of the sufferings i harboured then, no longer exist. Definitely it's something to be grateful for, but then again, what now to motivate my blogger's pen?

Blogging is good. Helps me to keep track of my language skills, such as articulation and diction of words, and also generates much thought processes. Something that is in dire need of help, given my working environment is degenerative to my vocab and communication skills.

But on the flip side, my mandarin and Cantonese is improving by leaps and bounds. Ah... for that personal touch....

Just some updates on past happenings...

Met up my cousin for a makan before his flight to Melbourne to complete his studies. Had Billy bombers for late lunch and did a lot of catching up. Man.. i'm gonna miss him. Bought him a bag as a send off gift. Glad he likes it a lot. He is a typical guai lan spec, but for a good cause. He may not like officers like i would want him to, but i support him in his cause, esp when officers there are bringing shame to the officer corps. Freak, they cheapen my black bars.

Helped organized a farewell makan for some of my OCS buddies and my best buddy, Weiyang. Held it at Marche. Lovely place, brotherly gang with a few attachments, ie, Issac's hot babe (Weiyang was experiencing some kind of withdrawal symptom when exposed to her) and Trey's late-coming queen. Glad to see everyone going on fine and getting on with their life, except for one regular. Oh well, press on my dear LTC-to-be ah da. :) supporting you all the way.

Went to send Yang off on the 13th Feb, really wanted to give him a mighty hug, alas, there were too many people encamping around his vincity that I could only gather whatever glances stealable from him. There I made friend with his childhood friend, his mom, his dad, and re-united with a band senior from my SAS days. Lovely.

14th Feb came. Ain't this just another day on the calendar? NOOOOOOOOO, highly mistaken one, it is the much *dreaded day for the united and isolated. Why??? Coz the attached guy gotta burst his wallet to purchase exorbitantly priced floras, uniquely stitched cotton balls and processed cocoas. As for the oh so lonely souls, it's the day to hibernate in some secluded corners and don't blame others for your state, but reflect upon yourself what shortcomings that you've been embracing like a totem that wards off gals and spirits alike. There must be a reason why other gals choose to suffer the same fate than to take on one that's worst off, being with you.

*Clause intended: dreaded
Only the genetically expressed masculine organism are exposed to this state of torment. The other-half reap what we sow.

Anyway i stayed up to prep some flowers for my office ladies. Surprised the whole office the next day and got death threats from neighbouring offices if I fail to replicate this effect on them. Too bad la. Blame it on your guys who are too nonchalant to do anything about that day la. If want, come join my office la.

Yes, i started the date with an almost volcanic eruption equvilant of an argument(ha, and I tot i could have averted the expenses ahead) YES. It was all my fault. For making that extra effort, running across SG, just to get some roses for my baby. As a result i was late, albeit the panting and perspiration oozing out of my pores. But the day was great, makaning at some dim sum restuarant. What an interesting Vday meal.

Ok so i am not going to NTU to study anymore. 4 yrs is simply nuts to be studying for soooo long. I wanna do a lot of stuffs so cant afford to spend those years babe watching and dragon boating away. My dreams, passions and companies await my actions.

Had a combined zone level cell group meeting last week. Was great catching up with ex members, and I really enjoyed myself there. Guess what? i was appointed to sing in the choir as well. Lovely. Had a chance to join dear Marcus, Rouxin and Melvin on stage. My beloveds. Then there was this incident when this sister was simply closing in on me so much that I had no place to stand but with one foot upstep and one foot downstep. Now imagine how i stood and jumped like tat for almost an hour. Shagged. But she's forgiven coz she's quite chio. Maybe she was just trying to get to know me indirectly eh? Opps.. my gal's gonna flip at this.

Been training up a lot of late. Coz of the visible fats accumulating at all the prominent locations. Darn. "You put on weight" seems to be the next most common words after "hi". Thank you for all that motivating statements, i'll change to make you say something more edifying.

Okidoki, i'm literally verbal vomitting here. Enuff said.

thanks Mr Blog for the outlet to express myself.

I'll catch up with you again soon.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I am getting prompted to write my blog~!

Oh well, guess I have been on a long blogless vacation eh? Perhaps I no longer wanna share my thoughts? Ney.. more of the reluctance to type after a long day's work. My office dun even allow me to surf the net. Yucky...

Some updates after sooooooo long. Actually I've done quite a fair bit during the month of Dec last year, band performances, gatherings, organised events... etc. But am too lazy to type it all out. So erm.. do prompt me if you really wanna know. Of course I will be most willing to share it. Verbally.

Anyway right now i am working as a junior web designer, at a huge company that specializes in beauty products and services. Last sat we had our staff dinner n dance event. Fortunate me has only been wif the company for only 2 weeks and I am part of the recipient group of this benefit. It was held at The Legend on Fort Canning. Seating was given on a random basis and i was fortunate enuff to be placed with some of the finest beauticians of my company (my gf better not read this :P) on the same table.

So lo and behold came the drag queen contest, and I being the only young and sporting guy on the table, got "volunteered" to represent the yellow table. It was quite an experience to have so many girls fussing over me in their desperate attempt to convert me to their sisterhood. Yes, my male ego got trashed somewhere when I was made to strut the feline stuff. YEW..... at least the boss, was understanding enough, blessed us all with $50 bucks each for our courageous efforts. On top of that, I won for myself a rice cooker which i gave to my gal's mom, and I got a lovely shirt that cost more than SGD$80 for my contribution to the stage production of some chinese folktale. Me who? Just a hooligan who beat up wu da lang and got bashed by wu song. So all in all I got about $200 worth of prizes n cash on that day, made new friends and got recognition by all the spa gals. Caught a few spying at me. haha.. too bad gals, I'm taken. :)

Not bad for a 2 week old staff still on probation eh?

Recently, I realized i am getting more image conscious as the time passes by. Now i am trying to train up to improve my built, buying new clothes to match my style, looking at branded products, thinking of doing facial... i even have a ear stud to give that metro feel~!

Man.. hope i am not getting too superficial here. In my heart i will alwaise embrace the simpler things in life, the joy that the world can never give, and the appreciation of what matters the most. The leaning on my mom on our way to work on board the bus, the wise cracks i exchange with my dad, the hugs my dear covers me with when we meet, the smiles exchanged along with kind gestures from strangers and the friendship that held me up thru the years. I appreciate all these more than the high life and material pursues.

Money is good, but let us not fall slaves to it. No matter how good money is, it will never bring me back my bro.

Are you driven by money or passion? Think about it.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Today's kinda bad. Weather only added to my turmoil.

Sometimes gals will never realise how much their guys are sacrificing for them. Yeah.. my dad n I just got into a heated arguement today, guess what? On me wanting to bike, taking the car too much, and doing the unnecessary. Unnecessary equates to bringing my gal back home then drive her home n then to U-turn to my home. Shucks, I'm probably never gonna pick up the car keys again anytime soon. Oh well.. then again I may never need it again. Guess I really broke his heart esp when he mentioned about my late bro..

Dad, i've never meant it. Coz I really do care for you.

Wanted to share this with my one and only.. but then, hey.. i've just let her in to some news earlier and she cant take it, wanting some time off.. how am i gonna share this with her esp if she's mentioned in the debate? Shit man.. that's some excellent fuel for flames of a woman's wrath.

Oh well... images of her filling up my mind, but to no avail. Coz it doesnt matter to her anymore. It's just a lope-sided phenomenon, that's never meant to happen.

Anyway I've had a prayer meeting with my band. Well, at least that was much better. Rather encouraged by the session. It's really a testimony of how much we need to rely on God when times are bad. Even prayed for the relationship to pull thru. So Bob.. hold on in Faith!

Well well.. time to hit the sack. Gotta work tmr.. dun wanna fall asleep again like the other time. Web Designer Bob, be focused.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

Never mind i'm a bit late, but still it's a good start. Let's do a bit of recap from last month...

30th Nov:
Performance for ISS international School.

3rd - 7 th Dec:
Holiday in Australia

9th Dec:
Manpower BBQ!

10th Dec:
Performance cum event management at *Scape Orchard

14th - 15th Dec:
"Braddell Reunite '05! 10 Years On..." Primary School Gathering

17th Dec:
Xmas Cell group~!

20th Dec:
Xmas Performance for a drug Rehab Centre

22nd Dec:
Commencement of Graphic Freelance project

29th Dec:
Saints Alumni Band Sentosa gathering

31st Dec:
Final performance at Ang Mo Kio POSB Branch Opening.
Thanks giving cell group
count Down

The above-mentioned are the major highlights of my days after ORD~! Yeah~ Oh coz the days in between are spent practising my bass, meeting girlfriend, working on my various projects, etc etc. Been extremely fruitful with the final month of Dec. Yeah~! ended 2005 well, and now looking at greater things in 2006~!


Some of my plans for 2006:

Lose weight/train up
Get to know God in a more real way
Build a stronger relationship with my gal
design more
Perform overseas with my band!
take part in baybeats / sonicfest
Slowly change my wardrobe/fashion
start my business planning

2006, gambette~!

I miss my army friends..On new year's eve i recieved a sms from one of my good friends in camp, ah Giam. Was pleasantly surprised coz i never expected to receive any sms from him after i've left. To me, that's the best NYE's sms greeting i have received~~! Yeah man.. of course my upperstudy's one was great too~ :)

Anyway to all you who have ORDed, quickly get a job~ dun slack around.. SAF no longer supports us already.

To those who have yet to turn Civilian, enjoy yourself in camp, enjoy the company you get from the people there,, As for the shit that comes tumbling down from above, try to make the best out of it; fertilize a plant for example. Esp those who have minimal growth for their crowning dis-glory.


Alritey, i'll try to include some shots in later posts. hehe... tataz..
