Tuesday, October 31, 2006

blaring my brainwaves...

i've had a friend, a brother from the days of old. We were really close friends, brothers to a certain extend. When i first saw him, i told myself, i wanna be his friend. He was this blob of joy and laughter and friendly aura exudes from him.

A great friend i've had.

We went thru a series of life's stages and many of which strengthen our bond, but 1. i'll not bitch about what happened, but this unfortunate turn of event took away what i cherished a lot. This friendship we shared. it meant a lot to me. So damn much that i'll grieve over it. Till now when i try to patch things back, nothing's resolved. Many a times my efforts were wasted. The wall's thickening.. i feel like a fool chasing the wind.

And i'm still a chasing fool.

I'll not stop, it's me. When i was 9, i told a classmate that friends are precious and I'll not lose anyone of them. i'll never forget tat scene, that moment in time when i made a stand for my belief, until now.

stupid bob.


i had a great gathering sometime back wif my army kakis. pple whom i've toiled with in tekong. thou not many turned up, it was still a meaningful event. Was great catching up with these folks. kinda hope we'll all end up doing reservist together.


my friend recently broke up with her bf. the guy was all scholarly, wealthy and a head turner. Young and promising, but empty promises he was to her. I thought they would make it. alas.. bucks, books and looks does not ensure good character.


Sorry if i offend anyone, but i feel tat there are some who are moulded to excel in their studies only. mayb it's society, but hey, we've got a brain of our own. So start tinking for urself. What do you forsee yourself doing upon graduation? Are the books you go thru now going to help with your future job, if so, how? You wont be doing examinations for a living for goodness sake.

i've got someone tat boast about his study credentials, doing accountancy in nus, talks about doing business and constantly looks me up and ask me about my plans in life.

Sorry if i seem a little cynical, but somehow i got this feeling that he's trying to blow his ego bubble by riding upon any praise i offered or by comparing his acadamic feats with mine. Get a life kiddo, i cant be bother to entertain u with lego blocks. If u wanna impress me, u shdnt have downgraded in army, and yet still able to do sports upon ord.


i've been to quite a few bbqs, chalets n gatherings of late. some of which threatened my project submission. but i stuck to them still.

hah.. bob oh bob...


thanks rx for ur comment. appreciate it a lot. not bcoz of the words u wrote.. but more of the fact tat u do care to read n leave a comment.

Ya a dear friend of mine. yup. in all sincerity.

alritey. the speakers are melting.

nitey folks.


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