Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dear Blog,

How have you been? Idling in the corner of my virtual environment again? Tsk tsk.. Make yourself more useful pls!

Blog leans over and whispers into my ears.

Oh... so u r trying to put the blame on me? What's tat about me being lazy and not making that conscientious effort to update is it? Eh.. dun play punk, go one corner and gimme 20~!

Blog's eyes widen. Shocked, and proceeds with his punishment next to the toilet entrance.

When you are done proceed with a set of 20 crunches, is that clear?

Blog struggles and nods vigoriously.

Hah..fine.. that was some self entertainment.

So here's some update on things.

Basically I have ceased working FT in my company. It's a great feeling to be freed up once again. Doing the things i enjoy. But with the freedom comes a responsibility to ensure that everyday is well spent and fruitful.

So... what have I been up to?
Listed randomly in no particular order*

Was out at pulau ubin for a ride. rekindled the mountain biker in me. Kun jio me and his guitar student to join his SOT classmates for a ride on Monday morning. It rocks. 3 of us being advanced riders, we took the off road track with ease. riding, hopping over undergrowth and sprawling roots. Of course, we did all these without the SOT riders*. When we linked up with them, we rode at a more comfy pace and ran simpler routes.

*Disclaimer: Nothing is said about the SOT riders being less proficient n unable to overcome those obstacles we cleared. Just that the $2 rented bikes hindered their true potential. :)
(i thought i saw that guy clearing a 5 foot wall in a single leap... hmm )

Swimming on a regular basis. Ok.. i'm making an effort to train up and see the flabs folding in and slowly vapourize. Hopefully I can keep to my training regime and reap forth the fruits of my hard work.

I bought quite a few stuffs with my paychecks over the past few months. That included a sony digital camera. Been lugging it around whenever i am out. Took a few pics. Loving some of the shots!

I chat up a supermodel.


Something cool happened today. I bumped into a brazilian model on my way home. hehehehe... yeah.. she's really young, 16, but already been travelling since she was 14. Currently with Elite, a premier modelling agency. She's tall, pretty, vocal, fluent in English, and quite a nice person to chat with. Basically what happened was she was asking for directions and it was along the way, so kinda accompanied her to her destination. So along the way, we chatted and I gotta know more about her and her background. and as we chatted, somehow or rather, i could sense the despondency in her tone and countenance.Alas the high n volatile lifestyle of a model. Travelling, being ogled at, living the high life, bitching, flirting.

Hah, i'm not some pscychic, she shared with me. Perhaps finally she has a chance to share her thoughts/find solace in a total stranger and never worry about this person stirring up some major brew of gossip among her peers.

Oh, and i took a shot with her. :) BUT i kinda spoilt the photo with my mugshot n shaky hands. Argh! Perhaps i can work on my photography and photoshop skills.

I have finally resumed my student life. Been to my campus, SIM-RMIT for a few orientations already. Hmm.. think i'm getting used to the place. Kinda have this impulse to take a class photo at the beginning of our school term and then at the end of our student life we can look back and perhaps reminiscence our younger days. We'll see how it goes next monday.

My classmates are pretty cool. Mostly having worked for period spanning from a few days to years prior to this course. Interesting people, and I'm learning to understand them better as the days go by.

Finally my band, Boonbag, has finally set up our inhouse jamming studio! Yeah! we bought drum set, mixers, amps, headphones etc etc... been getting myself busy with jamming and stuff like that. Yeah~ we are getting closer to our dream and vision :)

Recordings, performances and shows... Here we come to make an impact!

Am working on my current design house. It's progressing a bit too slow. Bob, please buck up.

Had a OCS section gathering recently. Like some farewell gathering cum soccer match for Alan. He's an amazing guy. Excellent officer material. Sad to see him go off. But then again.. Plt 3 will reunite once again... some day... :)

Take care Alan~ we'll miss you!


Something in life is not all that perfect. Sometimes i do get tired. Really tired. But...
I am trying to bring it to pass. Help me.

I'm not God, just a guy trying to be Christ-like.
To those that read my blog, i'm really fine. No worries man. i'm trained.

Oh, work beckons.

Bob the Builder wannabe


Anonymous said...

was here =)

weijian said...

Oh no~! the vicious domino effect has taken place! My blog has been exposed! :P