Thursday, July 13, 2006


The feeling of school rocks. I'm having a very different approach to school now.

Hey~ I thought school was supposed to be a dreary n yucky? Why this paradox shift?

Well, credit goes to all that I have been through. After toiling through national service, then a short stint as a flash designer, a different light was shed upon this once abhored phase in life. School is akin to heaven as to what army is to hell. Friendly folks for my mates, approachable lecturers, snacks are provided in between lessons, relaxed schedules, etc etc...

Already I am thinking of writing a song for my class's video. I can feel I will miss this student life I am leading now. I am even thinking of events that we can do as a class. Out for makan or something. Maybe I should be the class rep? hahahah.. we'll see how.. let the people decide. :) But lying low would a break from the high profile me. :P

Oh and our Melbourne trip~ am pretty excited about it!

Alritey, back to SCHOOL work!



Anonymous said...

Right~ itz all abt OUR SCH.. OUR TRIP.. OUR this and that.. the ME in you has ceased.. ur heartbeat is beating with e sch.. hump!

Impetuous Moi said...

eh u start sch liao huh? RMIT?

weijian said...

Yup.. rmit. come find me le.. where r u? makan together? :)