Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Dear Blog,

i miss my army days. I miss wearing the green and crossing the hills and valleys. I miss the idellic moment cooking combat rations with my comrades. I miss doning on my FBO, dusting the bar upon my shoulder, shagging out with my buddies on the mountain ridges. I miss chatting with my guys at my little corner outside mpo's office. Soldiers after soldiers would just take the opportunity to sit next to me to confide or gossip. ( i don't gossip, i just lend them a listening ear :P) I miss those special moments that made me proud of what I've achieved and what I do. I miss a lot of people who made my days a little sweeter, a little more memorable.

Shucks. the side effects of looking thru my army certificates are taking their toll. should have taken it in moderation. Alas.. what can i say... Soldiers never grow old and frail, they fight till they die.

Pride la.. tsk tsk.

My dear HQ folks are ording already... but i missed Ho's ORD function.. shucks. Work beckons. Never mind, my understudy's ORD shd b coming. Hope there's some event organised or something. :P

Life is great. I hope to make the most of it. I hope to remain friends with all that I know and love. I hope everyday stretches to 48hrs. i dont mind working a little longer, so long as I got more time for everything in life.

Birthday was great. It came and left, and made me official a yr older.

23 and growing. Younger i hope.

Come on, let's start sch and my campus tour~! ex classmates and army mates, wait up for your friendly Dy to drop by for lunch~! :)

Ageing gracefully :)

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