Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Shepherd, herders and sheep

we grew too much to know where we were
we climbed too fast to realise those who fell
we thought we are immortal, because of who we serve
we thought we are the mountains, but actually human

stop thinking numbers when people matter
quit asking me for souls when i'm drying up
your fame spreads, while your flock scatters
you gain a thousand, but lose a hundred less

So many sheep once grazed with me
Happy were we, having you, happy me
The pasture remains, but the flock's changed
Disappointment beckoned the strayed

herders, oh herders, be oblivious no more!
keep your eyes on the flock and not on the open gates!
many are hurt, disappointed and wounded
many are disillusioned, many more faded

I love the Shepherd, l love the pasture
I hope to show them to the lost, to the stray.
I hope the herders would wake up their idea
And stop chasing away the sheep they once nurtured

We are sheep, not yet shepherd dogs
We can baaah, not yet bark
Many are called, few are chosen
So stop the, freaking evolution!

i care for my friends, i can't bear to let them go thru disappointments that would leave a scar etched on them forever. Perhaps i might be wrong. Perhaps seeing members, leaders, SOT grads backslide was a little too stressful for me to bear. I know them, that's why it hurts. I'm grieved coz they mattered but were not cherished. They are gone, but life goes on as per normal.

Perhaps, they were just numbers and figures.

perhaps one day.. i can shake systems into shape, and i'll bring you back.

Perhaps... you were meant to stray...

perhaps... eyes have not seen, ears have not heard..

a disappointed/confused bob

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