Sunday, March 19, 2006

My euphoric highs.

No they're not eastasy, ice or any form of prohibited drugs. But my passions.

Music is one of them. I can play my bass until i could feel my blood rushing up to my head.. my breaths becoming shorter.. as I run thru my favourite riffs. Or as I listen intendly to the pulse and rhythm of good alternative/emo rock bands, the bass and lead guitar running the lows and highs.. elevates me to another dimension that sets my mind free from the cares of the world, making me oblivion to my surroundings. Or when I play my acoustic guitar. Amazing. Not so much of my skills, rather it's the effect of the vibration of all the six strings together in harmony.

Another would be urban assaulting. No, it's not some kinda civil warfare, rather a form of cycling that requires a bit of jumping. I love to bunny hop. I love it when a bunch of advanced cyclists congregate together and paint the town red as we ride thru the pavements and roads alike.

Taking part in army exercises is cool too. Taking the rifle, running around with your peers. And constantly on the lookout for role-play aggressors. Awesome.

Oh well, those were the days gone by. ORDing is definitely a milestone in my life. Leaving behind much sufferings as well as many cherished moments. Shitting by the road wif my bmt buddy, climbing up the mountain ranges of taiwan in OCs, and playing a fool with my fella officer, ah loong in bmt. Ahh..... I have arrived, NSmen for good :)

Work is great, leaving me with much to look forward to and constantly seeking for more challenges ahead. Love it. All thanks to Uncle Das who trained me up for times such as this. Perhaps the only thing I appreciate him for. :P

ooh, i'm drifting off-track.

Ok.. basically that's it.

I love my family, my gal, my relatives and all my friends. Oh of coz God too :)

Love you all to bits.

Living for you all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kaoz... wat about us? Hey... next meeting - Apr 06. Ho's ORD.
