Sunday, May 14, 2006

i'm back!

This is the day that the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it!

It sure do have some kinda therapeutic effect on me. Feels comforted that the Almighty one is in control of everything.

I'm like trying to spend more time with the people around me, esp my cell members. It's like i've been with many of them for more than a year, but i never really knew them on a personal basis until recently.

It's revelating, but at the same time disturbing.

Disturbing, because we were members for so long and yet I never really knew what were their main concerns in life. The things that bothered them the most, and the thing they hold close to their hearts. Life and it's issues it's not just about cell or svc attendance, but the lives they actually lived. I wanna show them that i care, that i'm not just that guitarist that sits next to the cell leader during meetings or the one who abandons cell for girlfriend. i wanna be a good bro to these people.

So there i was, plowing through the blogs you people typed and experiencing the very thoughts expressed online. Interesting..


My girlfriend is amazingly in love with me. So much so that I feel bad. Afraid i might not be able to reciprocate the love she gave. Because of my unbelievable schedules and goals.. more often than not, she gotta take a back seat. I hope to love her back the same. i hope to do what i'm doing now, and more. Dear God, please expand my capacity!



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