Monday, May 24, 2004

I'm surprise~! by the amount of viewership tis place has.. Seems like quite a few of my frens have chanced upon tis lil sauntuary of somewhat gives me this sense of intrusion.. but then again..touched in a sense, coz people care to read.

due to the overwhelming reader's response to the fainting incident, here's a lil behind the scene of what really happened tat caused me to concuss..

basically i've been training in the scorching sun with minimal shade for 2 days. then my body wasn't in very good shape already.. it was a pre-diarrhoea time, poor appetite coupled with intensive training kinda made my health worst. Then I just keep to the training schedule, didnt want to miss too much of the lessons. yupyup..

So when i finally got admitted, the IV needle kinda activated the fainting pocess. That's when i realized the cause is due to over-exhaustion and dehydration.

So to those of you who have been poking me in the sides n taunting me, i'm not weak hor.. :P

As for those genuinely concern, I'm doing fine liaoz.. yupyup

anyway today's the dae, when soldiers grow wings and fly.. i'll not be around until the 15th of june.. yupz.. so you guys juz enjoy yourselves n don't miss me too much hor~

Soldiering on

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