Sunday, May 02, 2004

Life is a journey, don't travel blindly...

These words been my personal slogan of sort. Basically there's 2 parts to it. Life itself being a process/movement to a destination and the other is employing wisdom while i'm at the journey.

In my current context i got into some kind of a situation, which got me rather frustrated. The main problem was the lack of communication, thus the negative emotions being displayed. It got so bad that i almost wanted to shut myself from the rest of the world. Yupz... But I thank God for the people he placed in my life, people who really showed that they care. People like Calvin n Rouxin... haha.. of course n the one who caused it.. :P See lah.. mis-communication... or rather the lack of comms...

okidoki.. everything's fine now... i'm hoping for the best, Trusting God, n fighting on :)

Coz I'm a soldier :P

and a human too :)

Thanks for joining me in tis mini rollercoaster ride tat lasted more than a dae...

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