Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Here's a post dued last weekend...

Day: Tuesday
Time: 11;30am
Location: Medical centre

There i was.. sitting in the lab waiting to be IVed. The medic, a little feminine by expressions, was humming away some oldies. My friend, another sicken soldier, was there lying bside me as another medic prepares him for some kinda of electrical treatment. He smiled at me as my medic prepares to insert the needle into my vein. Before i know it, the needle was in and the pain that came along was somewhat within my threshold... i thought, all's gonna be fine soon. How wrong can i get...

Imagine my vison as a tv screen, the edges begun to fade away, slowly but surely, the darkness crept towards the centre of my view. Felt like someone was dimming the lights. My breathing became heavier, the medic stopped his humming, my friend started to shout out my name... before i knew it, i've lost control of my body and slumped onto the table next to me. Yes, I've lost conciousness and fainted.. the first time round... I recovered with about 4 medics around me and they decided to evacuate this weaken mortal to the sickbay. While on my way there.. bearly walking... i begun to slip into unconciousness again and was in a semi-concious state when i finally hit the bed. There i recounted of what went through my mind while i was in that terrible state. Thought of the people i love and felt compelled to live on... then it was there.. during my darkest moment, i cried to God, "Lord, I want to live on" Yup coz i dont know what may follow if i lose conciousness altogether... i've got reasons to live on.. dreams to achieve.. life cannot end just like that....

And so i pulled through...


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