Monday, May 24, 2004

I'm surprise~! by the amount of viewership tis place has.. Seems like quite a few of my frens have chanced upon tis lil sauntuary of somewhat gives me this sense of intrusion.. but then again..touched in a sense, coz people care to read.

due to the overwhelming reader's response to the fainting incident, here's a lil behind the scene of what really happened tat caused me to concuss..

basically i've been training in the scorching sun with minimal shade for 2 days. then my body wasn't in very good shape already.. it was a pre-diarrhoea time, poor appetite coupled with intensive training kinda made my health worst. Then I just keep to the training schedule, didnt want to miss too much of the lessons. yupyup..

So when i finally got admitted, the IV needle kinda activated the fainting pocess. That's when i realized the cause is due to over-exhaustion and dehydration.

So to those of you who have been poking me in the sides n taunting me, i'm not weak hor.. :P

As for those genuinely concern, I'm doing fine liaoz.. yupyup

anyway today's the dae, when soldiers grow wings and fly.. i'll not be around until the 15th of june.. yupz.. so you guys juz enjoy yourselves n don't miss me too much hor~

Soldiering on

Saturday, May 22, 2004

hmm.. i've tried to sleep in.. but can't really.. despite the fact i slept at 5am this morning.. i think my biological clock is set to waking up before the breaking of dawn... tis is bad for me body.. :P

Feels great to be sitting around.. feeling really relaxed.. n tinking of what to do next... something i used to take for granted during my pre-poly n poly years. Amazed at how mindsets are changed by the army..

okiez.. i better do something more productive.. else i'm gonna stab myself silly when i begin my mad rush juz before my flight..
yupyup.. u heard it rite.. i'm flying off to taiwan already... yeah~ for my first overseas training.. cool eh? will get to see loads of things and interact with loadsa people. yeah~!

but i'll miss home n the people around.. yupz.. u guys... oh well.. 3 weeks aint too long eh?

soldiering on~!

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Here's a post dued last weekend...

Day: Tuesday
Time: 11;30am
Location: Medical centre

There i was.. sitting in the lab waiting to be IVed. The medic, a little feminine by expressions, was humming away some oldies. My friend, another sicken soldier, was there lying bside me as another medic prepares him for some kinda of electrical treatment. He smiled at me as my medic prepares to insert the needle into my vein. Before i know it, the needle was in and the pain that came along was somewhat within my threshold... i thought, all's gonna be fine soon. How wrong can i get...

Imagine my vison as a tv screen, the edges begun to fade away, slowly but surely, the darkness crept towards the centre of my view. Felt like someone was dimming the lights. My breathing became heavier, the medic stopped his humming, my friend started to shout out my name... before i knew it, i've lost control of my body and slumped onto the table next to me. Yes, I've lost conciousness and fainted.. the first time round... I recovered with about 4 medics around me and they decided to evacuate this weaken mortal to the sickbay. While on my way there.. bearly walking... i begun to slip into unconciousness again and was in a semi-concious state when i finally hit the bed. There i recounted of what went through my mind while i was in that terrible state. Thought of the people i love and felt compelled to live on... then it was there.. during my darkest moment, i cried to God, "Lord, I want to live on" Yup coz i dont know what may follow if i lose conciousness altogether... i've got reasons to live on.. dreams to achieve.. life cannot end just like that....

And so i pulled through...


Sunday, May 09, 2004

"I wish..."

these words are so easy to say.. yet it's like a cloud that does not hold any form or substance. A fantasy of sort, an illusion that paints a horizon that does not exist.

in my days in ocs, i've learnt that having the desire is but the thought, but what makes the distinction is when a physical action, a forward step is generated out of this mental work. I actually learnt this fact in church before, but what makes it differ from that of ocs is that a cadet's step is one on a steep slope.

hardened in a sense, yet i still have my soft dreams. i yearn for the days of my youth when houses were made of books, when whimpering works wonders and when care bears ferried me in their clouds.

i wished...

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Life is a journey, don't travel blindly...

These words been my personal slogan of sort. Basically there's 2 parts to it. Life itself being a process/movement to a destination and the other is employing wisdom while i'm at the journey.

In my current context i got into some kind of a situation, which got me rather frustrated. The main problem was the lack of communication, thus the negative emotions being displayed. It got so bad that i almost wanted to shut myself from the rest of the world. Yupz... But I thank God for the people he placed in my life, people who really showed that they care. People like Calvin n Rouxin... haha.. of course n the one who caused it.. :P See lah.. mis-communication... or rather the lack of comms...

okidoki.. everything's fine now... i'm hoping for the best, Trusting God, n fighting on :)

Coz I'm a soldier :P

and a human too :)

Thanks for joining me in tis mini rollercoaster ride tat lasted more than a dae...
mORe thaN woRds
nICe soNg~

Saying 'I Love you' is not the words
I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you not to say
But if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do
To make it real then you wouldn't have to say
That you love me 'cuz I'd already know

What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you

More than words
Now that I've tried to talk to you
And make you understand all you have to do
is close your eyes and just reach out your hands

And touch me hold me close
Don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say
That you love me 'cause I already know

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Please pardon my thoughts just for this once...

What's wrong..

When things are so superficial...
When thoughts never translate to words..

I don't want to care about what's going on with the rest of the world..
I don't want to know what they say..

Stop trying to hide the truth from me..
Stop being someone you are not...

The tears flows to wash the hurt
The tears dries to harden the heart
I'll keep on walking..
I'll keep pushing on..

Just that i'm not the same anymore...