Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas, my love-hate affair

I spent a year waiting for this day. For the street lightups, for the tv programmes, for the church service, for the gift exchanges, for the many mini celebrations and for the things that i hold onto so dearly. 

It is closing, i hate to see it go, and i'm dreading the first of the next 365 days wait before Christmas comes again. 

Merry Christmas everyone, be happy, be thankful for everything you have. Coz i am.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

i know.. you know..

"i can see sadness in your eyes.."

and you don't know how much that meant to me. to know that you know... and that you care..

i love you Zarah.

I hope i make you feel the same way too.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Flashback Bob

Okay, i'm back after such a long hiatus. So many things have taken place over these 2 months, man.. i don't even know how to begin~!

Erm, maybe i'll try a timeline approach:

31 Aug: i signed off my last post
1 Sept: Hand Op

Hand operations are never meant to be taken lightly. As it was my first visit to the operating theater, i had a lot of butterflies to squash, and also some myth that needs certain clarification:

The Gas. Nope, not the doc's fart. The one that they call the laughing gas.

Legends has it that when when you put on the mask, after counting to 10, you will fall into a mysterious state of unconsciousness. Yup. It had a rather spooked sensation when the nurse place it over my mouth and take deep breaths. But i guess my anticipation kinda screwed up the stipulated effect. I took SO many gasps of air in fear that I would be conscious when the doc sinks the blade into my hand. Eventually i broke the unconfortable silence.

"Doc, why am i still awake?"

i could almost hear a certain tinge of sarcasm when he told me soon. Oh, did i mention, i thought i saw a sledge hammer somewhere. i guess that's to be used when i've taken 100 breaths and yet still able to keep repeating the same question over a zillion times.

but i was never conscious enough to reach that centennial figure. phew.

3 long hours past in a flash.

I woke up to the drone of some weird machine next to me.. it was all so surreal. my hand has a new metallic implant and I'm about to embark on the next phase of my life. While i was in this state of bewilderment, the nurse came over and brought me milo n some biscuit, then she broke a rather amusing news in chinese to me. "did you know you kicked the doc while you were unconcious?"

WOW! Coolness la!

I must have had a rather physical dream man.

Of coz soon my beloved appeared as promised to stand by me. Awww.

Sept 21 - 24: Company trip to moscow.

Definitely an eye opener. :)

Oct 4th, 11th: Kun ying Wedding~!

My best friend's wedding~!! I gave of my dad's car and my brotherhood services. The entourage thingy was a test of our brotherhood. hahahahah. Really. Like I have said once, and I'll say it again, brotherhood forever~! We even went all the way to batu pahat for his msia side wedding. Really la.. enjoyed seeing all of us together again, like the good ole days. Hopefully we will all be so close even when we are all old and greying. nothing beats uncles' rock n roll. :)



Oct 13 - 24th: Reservist (The Chronicles of Ah Boy)

going to reservist with a broken hand and an "excuse ict" medical slip from my specialist aint exactly the most happening thing. it was quite a dilemma as i struggled between 2 options. To downgrade permanently and potentially never have to serve again. OR to go thru this ict with my guys and forgo the downgrading opportunity.

It wasn't long before i knew what i wanted. I saw those familiar faces, their smiles and hearty greetings that i thrived on, in my training and active days. Just like the good ole days, donning the green, sweating out together, and sharing mindless jokes in the moonlight sky. The look in their eyes said it all. no, nothing gay here. Just the knowledge that I have a bunch of friends here in this camp, and that I want to go through the remaining few years together.

And no, not as an admin soldier, definitely.

So while my handicapped hand refused me combat or physical work, i still went thru the motion and basically did what they did to the best of my single handed ability, or just be around. idelic or not.

I guess i must have contributed substantially despite my non-combativeness, so much so that i got nominated as the plt's best officer~!! Woohoo!! That really left me in a shock. Seriously. I even blurted out at my pc if he was sure about choosing someone who missed a lot of physically stuffs. His affirmation said it all.

Thank God for the favour. hahahah :) Really.

No prizes though, just regonition. And i'm really glad. But definitely, i am surrounded by very deserving individuals who are excellent officers and contributed in their various areas of expertise.


Then there was the game during happy hour, in which i was sabo-ed to join. Though i was arrowed in, but i enjoyed it thoroughly, coz all of my team mates are my former cohort mates! these faces i saw for almost all my ns days, are here with me in reservist, in the same game. Without a doubt, our camaraderie led us to a flawless victory. It was so interesting as to how we would strip everything, sans the undies n shorts, to form the longest line in the shortest time. When Firdaus laid out his cigerettes one by one, i knew i can only find such folly in the company of close friends.

Eventually we won, and got ourselves a thumbdrive each. :)

We were so foolish, but so happy. :)

let end off with something i wrote on the day when we out-pro-ed.

So there it was
two weeks of training past me by
like the rain,
the rushing wind,
then the rainbow in the sky

Still remember
Every moment in the countryside
the shining stars,
and fireflies,
made us children in the silent night

So it shall be
When we go on our seperate ways
your hearty smiles
and warm embrace
Will be the greatest joy of my army days

Oct 19: Zarah's Birthday!!

Yup, the pride and joy of my life. The one who made me a fool for her. The one whose photo i took to camp and showed off to all my platoon mates, the one i'm gonna marry.

Zarah Chua~! Wait for me!! :)



Sunday, August 31, 2008

D-day, H-hour

bob [b-orb] adverb, noun, verb
~ term for a variety of emotional states :
excited / confused / hopeful / a bit fearful / confident / loved

After tomorrow, someone new will come into my life.

My Physiotherapist.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

i'm fine... soon

as some may have known, i recently hurt my hand in a fist fight with my kitchen wall. Yes, adrenalin made me assume the wall is filled with beanies, thus my latest research findings; adrenalin is actually brain juice pumped to every part of the body, sans the brain itself.

Anyway the fierce battle left me with a distorted hand and a pair of hysterical parents. It was a surreal moment as I reasoned within myself seconds after impact. I thought, did my knuckle shift back? No, not possible. Unless, i dislocated it in the weirdest fashion possible. And i really believed so. Coz given the pain at that moment, nay, how serious could it be?

I was so wrong.

We went to the A&E at SGH. Initial examination had everyone believing it was a bruise swelling that gave me a pain scaled 5 out of 10. Did a routine X-ray and nurse gave me a queue number to wait along with the rest of the patients. Nothing strange, until i got a phone call shortly after i got my queue number.

"Mr Li, can you please come to room 12 now?"

Eh? Why the special treatment. Something's not right.. And as i was being led to view the x-ray, doc lamented to me...

" Nian qing ren, why so chong dong?"

And lo and behold. My x ray result.

( vulgar text here ).

My hand's screwed. Big time.

I couldn't believe beneath the swell was the broken ends of my bone. It's a pretty clean break i must say. So effectively, I have increased my body's bone count by 1. It's so uncool.

I was whisked off immediately to see the hand specialist. A big friendly man. Nice fella who did an analyst of the x-ray and like some CSI show, explained how it became so ugly. Basically it's a typical boxer's fracture. When we drive our fist forward, the initial contact point is the middle knuckle. As we impact, the wrist naturally bends the fist to transfer the momentum downwards from the middle, to the ring knuckle and finally, the pinkie's knuckle. At this junction, there isn't any more knuckles that I can transfer the flow of energy, so the last knuckle absorbs all the force. And it's a lot of force by non boxer's standard. Therefore the inevitable fracture.

Like what my doc Tay said, " Wah, you pumped the wall so hard?"

Strong ah, bob?

Then i found out why we needed such a big man for a hand specialist. As he prepared the cast for my broken hand, he told me it's gonna hurt a bit.

And.. i believed him. Coz, he's the doc.



Wah.. i could feel him pressing the broken ends down to meet again. His huge hands provided ample strength to forcibly hold my hand together again, and he packed in a lot of pain too.

So that was it. The cast was set till last week when the doc changed it to a plastic splint for support and increased level of convenience. Currently i am waiting for my ops next monday, and hopefully no complications watsoever, I can resume my life with my new metalic implant.


It has been an amazing life's lesson that I have never prepared for.

I learnt a lot. I saw a lot of emotion. I saw how vulnerable is the human brain. I saw mankind's weaknesses. I saw those who cared, those who tried to care and those who never did. Some encourage, some simply disgust me big time. Then i realised how much my heart has been wrought by my circumstances. Yes I have changed as a result of this incident. But i guess it's just a routine I needed to go through to be me.

Overnight I became a burden. I couldnt do the dishes, sweep and mop the floor. I relied a lot on people around me. I came closer to understanding how it feels like to be a handicapped. It is just so tough. Many may try to empathize, but who really knows the emotional strain we go through? Who really understand our thoughts? It is more than just a disablement of a portion of the body, but a lost of some of our abilities that we have taken for granted all our lives.

So wounded that i felt wasted. I fought so much emotional battles just to smile again. Don't assume I am weak. Try standing in my shoes as you remove the splint to wash your hand; the deformed hand with a cavity in your palm and an unnatural bump on the reverse side beckons out to you. As you scrub it, a sickening feeling runs through your body as your last finger sways precariously because it is no longer supported by the palm structure. Every wiped is coupled with an unnerving sensation that runs from the finger to the elbow. As you turn your hand around to wash the underside, half of your palm flops along with gravity. Try holding the soap and you realize you lost the use of ur last 2 fingers.

Then there is this host of people I need to coax and reassure. I lied so that they wont feel so sad. I encouraged them by day and cried by night. I have put up such a fort that no one knew the wounded me inside. Not even myself.

I have lost a lot, But i am not giving up. I have cried all i needed, so now it's time to move on. At least my hand's a lot more mobile now ever since the swelling gone down. At least i can still type.

Thank you to all who stood by me and encouraged me in your big and little ways. Much appreciated. Special thanks to my granny, my fav cousin, girlfriend, church friends, Sim friends who bothered to ask ard for my condition, and of coz my parents, for standing by me despite being such a disappointment.

I will be better. I promise. Because you all have given me a reason to.


Monday, August 18, 2008

no tear, no fear.

world oh world, where is the beautiful soul i so believed in? why is your countenance turning darker by the careless flow of time? is there no love?

i shall not crumble, never will i fall. i will fight on, even when all has forsaken. i'm down, not out.

Oh God, please help.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Boonbag photoshoop

Yes! Finally we had our first ever professionally taken photoshoot.

Okay i lied. Again.

It's actually for Kun's wedding photo / video. Nevertheless, it was great fun, despite the erratic weather.

And do you know what is the coolest thing of doing your own MTV? You can play wrong notes, get in and out of tempo at will, headbang like Michael Jackson (hah) and at the end of the day when everything is mixed together, MAgic! Action-beh-dey like dunno what and we get studio quality output. Talk about the adobe revolution~!

As for the sound on site, we didnt even need to bring our amps along. Just plug one end to our instruments, and the other end to the drummer's stool~! truly, we bring new meaning to "musical chair". No wonder Waiyin looked a bit out of sort with all those cables running from his position.

Everything went pretty well. Yupz. Can't wait to see the jumping shots~!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

blog for my dear brain

i'm here again. in a place i almost forgot. My rambles are no longer heard, as much of it is concealed beneath this scalp of mine, suppressed and never really expressed, except in little notions driven in all directions but the obvious.

work has been choking up my weekly schedules. I watch my life slip thru my fingers as i slowly lose control over what was once mine. i feel like i'm constantly giving, be it of my time, finance or effort, i'm diverting all these personal resources to anyone but myself. Although many a times i find myself at the losing end, still i derive joy from such charitable acts. Perverted, but in a good way.

National Day would have taken little significance if it weren't for the passing of my alma mater's ex-principal. I had volunteered to play in my alumni band for his funeral service that morning. Yes, after years of trombone abstinence , i picked up my instrument in good faith and contributed whatever talent(or the lack of it) I have, in remembrance of a great leader of the St. Andrew's family. Truth of the matter, i was never under him during my secondary school days. When I joined st andrews i was already under the then acting principal Mrs Krempl, who eventually saw me all the way thru my saintly days. So why did I actually bother to drag myself out of bed at 6 am with barely 4 hours rest and ignored my scheduler to scorch under the sun for a man i never really knew?

Simply, it was my love of the band members, appreciation of his contributions and the pride of my school.

If it werent for the likes of Shenloong and benny, I would have long deserted that hellhole like 3/4 of my cohort who did so. We practiced so many weekdays' afternoons away to live up to the good name of sasmb, endured countless punishments in accordance to the whims and fancies of our seniors. Still it was because of this comradeship we shared, compelled me to extend a helping hand when my fellow section mate, Arthur, requested for our help.

Mr Harry Tan was the man who supported the band through its infancy and all the way to one that shares the stage with the very best in Singapore and perhaps, the world. How can I not return this favor in his final rites? No Mr Harry Tan, no band, no trombonist me.

Finally, I love my school. I take pride in being called a saint. Although there is this kinda love-hate relationship I have with St Andrews, I still love this place and i hope to send my kids (boys of coz) back there to experience the st andrews way of life.

Anyway i had a great time catching up with my friends, playing my much beloved trombone, and I also saw several of my former teachers and school mates. Guess it's pretty heartwarming when generations of SA boys came together in one accord to remember this great saint of our time. All that fatigue and blazing heat is worth every bit. Definitely.

my love of the school, made me a fool. A happy one indeed.

RIP Mr Harry Tan

With this, I would like to end with the last stanza of my school's hymn:

One family unbroken We join with one acclaim, One heart, one voice uplifting To glorify Thy name.

What's a gathering without a parting shot?

Up and On!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

stop and glare

ok, i know i shdnt b blogging now, but oh well, heck the projects, i'm facing a potential mental nuclear meltdown from all the thoughts.

i tink as we age, we develop different expectations and value systems. and sometimes these differences conflicts with those around, even ones we count amongst the inner circle of trust.

i must confess, i have changed too. i dont have that luxurious abundance of time as i used to. my life revolves around a digital scheduler that keeps me in check with all that i'm pursuing and commited to. but in the process, a lot of impromptu plans by those i love are inevitably shut out. it's quite a spoiler to be one of those who replied more no/s than yes/s. it's my fear, that one day my actions will contribute to the cessation of this circle.

don't give up on me, i'm still trying.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

boonbag, we are a ministry before music. i can afford to lose the band, but not its members.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

anyway on a brighter note:

my flat will be ready in 2011 Oct! Yes, i'm so excited for it, and so is my beloved wife to be, Zarah. :)

my company will be sending me to moscow in sept for work / recreation. although it's just a few days but i tink it's awesome still :)

had a very fruitful photoshoot session with my dear at haji lane last weekend. got several shots that i love a lot. definitely some of these shots will b showcased in our new house. :)

i helped to cover a church event last fri. was really fun snapping those shots :)

man.. i really love photography. not pro yet. but hopefully soon. :P

okay, back to work.


Sunday, June 08, 2008

of cloudy skies and silver linings

sometimes when bad things happened one after another, it makes one wonder about the reality of this person that we believe in. We'll just wonder why there is no intervention of any sort, even if it means dropping a psp from the sky and smashing my window, i'll be more than happy.

I had my fair share of shit yesterday. So much that i almost fell out with my girlfriend coz i was totally grouchy, stressed, highly irritable. Everything just seemed to go wrong. coz i'm the mc for my boss's wedding today (sat), and i was totally unprepared. clothes not ironed, sequence of events unsure, dont know my speech. got several coordinations to tie down, n i still had cell meeting at the evening. So by the time when it's about time tat i got home to prep for the next day, i got another surprise. i actually left the cds tat i need for sound check early the following morning in my colleague's car. tried calling him several times to no avail as he had left his hp in his car. So after much deliberation, i resorted to driving down to the groom's house which is like one end of sg to pick up the spare cd. and by the time when i reached his place after several wrong turns, it was like almost 2am. totally sucky. And when i was so ill prepped, my dad threw a last min bomb that he needed me to send him to work at 6.45 in the morning, i was totally zonked out.


yes, i was pissed. even when ironing the clothes in the wee hours of the night / morning, i discovered mould patches on my shirt. already i was transfigurating into a panda but still i had to clean my shirt as i iron it.

A sleep deprived, semi-conscious coordinator / emcee is not a very good start. but still the wedding has to go on. So despite my pathetic condition, i carried out my tasks to the best of my abilities. Yup, i survived the morning / afternoon session.

Everything basically went thru pretty well all the way till dinner and boy did i heave a mighty sigh of relief. Coz i'm just required to seat back n relax during dinner. No more responsibilities.

During the proceedings of the wedding dinner, there is this segment that the couple starts offering thanks to their loved ones. At such moment, they will thank everyone, and on top of that list out a few names in particular to thank them. Firstly they thanked God, next they thanked their parents, after that they thanked their relatives in general, followed by their brothers n sisters who helped with the whole event. Then at this point of time, the groom made a special mention of someone who went through so much to make the wedding a success. No, it's not those brothers or sisters who are supposed to be the key players in his wedding, not his legions of cousins and close friends, but unexpectedly, me. it's quite an experience especially when i'm not really that close to him and he kinda got the whole dining area to scan around for me. that was when i realised that all i went thru was not in vain. The extra mile covered meant so much to him that he would actually sieve me out from his bunch of brothers, cousins and close friends and appreciate me for what I have done. Touched. Not only by his words, but also by the way God works.

Truly, no eyes has seen, nor ears have heard, of what God has planned for us.

So as we left the place with the groom n his lovely wife thanking all of us as we leave the place. I gave a salute to the groom. Out of respect, and in a way, my form of reciprocating his kind words. Also another reason is because we had a rather officerly kinda working relationship for the whole wedding process. Dont really know how to put it in words, rather cheesy too, but hey, he deserves it.

I'm really feeling good about the whole event.

Have a everlasting and blissful marriage my dear friends.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

east mountain rises again

Hooray! My Xray result has declared my healthy state. THank you all for ur care, concern and prayers. I have yet survived to fight another day.

Of coz my not-so-near-death experience is not going to put me out of action. Well.. not anytime soon. Coz there's just so many things that I want to do. Even if it risk breaking a few bones here n there. i wont stop trying till i'm down, i wont quit till i'm out, i wont surrender till it's over. Like my SSM once said, he wants to die in a war and not on his deathbed. I guess I want to die knowing i've done all that I can, all that i dared and perhaps more.

*flips the pages*

i've kinda got bitten by the emcee bug. My company's recent gala dinner that i emcee-ed must have been pretty good coz my boss asked me to emcee for her wedding. And lo and behold, i've got another emcee appointment in Oct for Kun's wedding~!

Hahaha. i like their faith.

*flips again*

my flat agent told us that we can expect to see the flat in 3 years time!!!Oh My!!! So exciting. i hope i'll have saved up enough for all the pretty pretty things in our love barrack (nest feels too cheesy for me). i forecast, 3 weekends of house warming parties. i hope no one will swing the wii controller outside the window. 34 storeys can potentially turn even a nose booger into killer litter material. (alrite, a really big one) i hope i have really nice and friendly neighbours. I am so gonna buy fruits for them to make peace on the first day. :)

alritey. time to get back to work. dreaming rocks man.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Angels touched me.

The clock held its pace, people held their peace. A moment of tranquility, almost surreal, frozen, in its time.

I didn't blink, coz i didn't dare.

In an instance, a horrendous screeching noise of grinding steel, tarmac and flesh shattered that time zone and screamed into my ear drums and jolted me to my senses. No, I wasn't the bystander, I just contributed my flesh to the symphony.

Like a heavenly bugle call, angels shed their mortal veil and manifested all around me. There were those locals who came to my aid and helped me to the side of the road and parked my bike safely on the side. Then followed by my colleagues who administered first aid, and according to those who ran off looking for the medical supplies, the locals were like shouting to them instinctively to guide them to the nearest pharmacy. Touching. I must have been the talk of the town for those fleeting moments.

Then angels came in the form of the other tourists who chatted with me, offering encouragement and advice. Then there were the attentive receptionists who helped me with the changing of the dressing of my wound. But there was this person who helped me changed my dressing, left a deep impression in my mind. My boss.

Sometimes we don't really expect our superior to extend that level of assistance because it feels humiliating to them. Then at that moment, I was reminded of how Jesus washed the feet of His disciples as she washed my wound with the saline solution. She didn't have to do it because I could manage it myself, but she insisted.

I used to think she's really proud, maybe arrogant, bitchy to a certain extend, but when she extended that level of help to her subordinate, all that preconceived mindset just vanished.

Then there were the multitudes who just came up to me just to find out how am I doing and offered advices ranging from traditional healing methods, to riding tips and even riding stories garnered during their heydays, n many more.

Somehow this accident I had, gave all these people a chance to show a good side of themselves. It also became an excellent conversation topic with all my colleagues. Perhaps, it's not such a bad thing after all. I mean by virtual of the fact that I still joined the team building games the following day and even led my team through the tug of war challenge to victory, i guess some of them might be( assumption ) encouraged.

Their angelic side didn't end in Koh Samui. When i returned to Singapore, my colleagues were like smsing me on my condition while I was away to see the doc and take my xray. Also when I got back to office, apart from the constant get well wishes, one of the kind aunties from my parent company actually brought some solution from her home for me to wash my wound with it. So sweet!

Yup, I have been really touched. Feels good to be fussed over. It's moving to see people coming forward and doing things out of their comfort zone for me. To know that I meant something to my colleagues leaves a sweet after-taste to the accident. Really appreciate everyone's love, care and concern.

Marcus even called me up and prayed for me over the phone. Solid la bro. Brotherhood! Much appreciated.

But all in all, my girlfriend has always been that ever present support through the whole episode. The only one who sees beyond my smiley countenance, hears my whine and complains. Thank you my dear!

Yes, I do believe, every cloud is silver-lined.


Zarah and I are getting closer to our dream home!! so exciting :) Gonna pay the 5% downpayment next week. :) I'm so gonna get a 42 inch plasma tv for the living room~!!!! Just thinking of it gets me all excited. Oh, did i mention it's gonna be another ~~~ 4 yrs time? :P


Did i mentioned my birthday is like over???

Although I've been typing for the past hour on this blog, i MUST have this entry. Because this touched me so much and simply meant a whole lot to me.

I didnt have much plans or hope for my birthday actually. Coz I had the combined birthday with ben on thurs already, and on the actual day I'll just celebrate it with a simple dinner for 2 at fish n co at the glass house.

Or so i thought.

When I arrived at fish n co, my gf simply led me up to the 2nd level. Nothing too wow about that, but what took me by surprise was the presence of the supper gang! I mean.. it's like ages when supper gang did something like this to surprise a member on their birthday! I was literally speechless, close to tears, and totally blown away. I cant thank everyone enough but I still must say it (even though it's like almost a month after right now), thank you guys! i really love all of you!

And so, here's a tribute to those who etched my 25th birthday celebration onto my heart.

thank you guys!


Wednesday, April 09, 2008


i tink tis is a sad world. every now and then someone will be there to lament how they have been ill-treated by their circumstances and are heavily burdened. nope, society wont help, the self-righteous seemed hindered by some unseen forces to help. yup. so i try to help. i realised that i'm like a dying breed of people. wholesome by nature, jaded by mankind. i listen to all the sob stories, i sympathize and help where i can while the rest just analyse and advise. wt%. i'm like the only clown walking the walk. so thus began the jadeite process.

recently my dad "confronted" me about some contributions that i make to some organizations. i tot he's gonna recite his 10 yrs series lecture of this rodent infested world, but no. he just told me, God sees it.

that's a refreshing view from someone like my dad. he can be quite a skeptic, doesnt believe in handouts, must fend for oneself, etc etc. a hardy man. nevertheless, a good man. so with those words of encouragement, he gave me a reason to cont these charitable works.

life. hum bug.

i'm slowly starting to break track and find new reasons and purposes. i may not be right, but at least i can lift my head high.

dont tell me, show me.

(some gay fren gave me this name :P)

ps: no, i'm not turning gay if u r wondering. i love the army.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

to the greens and back

It was all a breeze.

Okay at least i try to pretend that we were lazing in the bunk everyday and have a Nuahz of a time. Sadly, no. I saw so much vegetation that my preconceived impression of reservist was totally revamped and the motion of which felt like active unit again.

But despite all the sufferings, I am really glad with what I have went through. I have an awesome bunch of guys under me, my superior likes me, and I got a whole of of friends going through this together. Yup, people whom i counted on to keep me sane through those army daze. The best way to describe the experience; is going through ocs again but without the excessive tekan. Lovely.

10 years suddenly dont seem to be such a long time. Perhaps one day I may just volunteer for a 2nd cycle when my first is over. Then again we'll see how things go.

Yup, and so it was a breeze of my buddies' sweat mixed with "Off" sprays and mosquito coils.


PS: there's so much I want to type but the clock beckons me to bed. oh well :P

Friday, March 21, 2008

People Relation n some others

People relation is a virtue in life that we cannot deny. Intangible as it may be, the effect of it casta strong impression or repercussion, for those who fail to identify the fragility of it. It is more than just a monologue, a one way passing of information, but a series of thoughtful AND heartful action and reaction from parties involved to achieve a common understanding and goal.

Come to think of it, PR is a skillset highly sought after in the corporate world with organizations willing to fork out good money for those imbued with those talents. If not how do they clinch those big deals, work with their partners/contractors, and achieve camaraderie and teamwork amongst their staff?

PR to me is very important. It is really akin to friendship. I guess it stems forth from the day in Pri 3 when i told my classmate at the back of the classroom that every friend counts. It's more than just achieving some corporate agenda, but really, making friends and keeping them.

But of course, the heart is willing but the flesh is really stupid. There are times when i did things that screwed up close friendships big time. I cant turn back time, and I'm too prideful to go on my knees to beg for forgiveness. For such, i learnt to let go, and let God. I'm still learning and I know I still got a long way to go. Yeap, still pressing on.

There are some people whom I have grown up with over the years and i really love these folks. But as we go on in life, our lives' agendas come into effect. When activities that do not go inline with what we would like for the group kicks in, we start to drift apart. So what do we do when that happens? That's when expectation management comes in.

Frankly speaking, I'm not counting much to come from the gang when it comes to my birthday. I dont know why. Although the amount i contribute annually for birthdays is more than what I get, I still continue doing so. I must admit i was bitter and still is to a certain extend about it, but really, this is one of the few things i can do to keep the gang together.

People are really not perfect. We screw up a lot of things in life. But we have abilities like PR and expectation management to help us mitigate through this life's journey.

I still believe that everyone has this desire to keep the gang together. Just like those days, youthful and foolish, foolishly happy.

My coke, milk and apple juice cocktail. Shared with those i loved and still love dearly.

Brotherhood (and sisterhood for some) forever

As some would have known, i am in the midst of my reservist. I wont deny the sianness of booking in and being confined for the week. But definitely there is a great joy in being able to come together with so many from my previous units. All these familiar faces and common background breaks the ice like sledge-hammers to ice-cubes. Am in love with these unit and I really hope that I can stay in it with these guys for all my ict years. I long to join my friends so much that i nearly fell out with my boss to come for this ict, and with the next ict being held during the busiest time of the year for my company, i am really troubled by it.

Oh well, one more week to go, gotta make the best of it. Hopefully it's not my last with these guys.

Fighting on!


Monday, March 17, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Please move more to your left. Right. :)

different standards, different scale. Getting the balance is no longer just about attaining equilibrium, but to be relevant to the situation.

my colleagues often tell me, i'm the typical good christian boy. Maybe it's bcoz of the values that I hold, the desire to want to be the light, and to be a blessing to all around me. I know at times i'm far from perfect, doing things i shouldnt do. but hey, cut me some slack, i'm not God.
Then there is the other end of the scale. Someone recently shared with me that I am not doing enough. To an extend that I was made out to be one who is irresponsible and without a future. Kinda hurt inside. Perhaps that's what many who left had felt during their outgoing days.

i'm sorry i fall so short of your expectations, but let me commit to those who matter to me.
Alritey, chill guys. Here's something for those who made me feel shitty.

no really, that's a protruding wire...

Totally in love with photography!


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Ok, this post is not exactly an oh-i'm-so-hyped-up-to-blog kinda entry, neither it's well prepared with amazing photos to boot. Yup, just compelled myself to type this in before everything gets lost in those mystical nodes juggling about in my head.

I had an awesome make-up cell last thurs. The leader was my first cell group's member, and several of her members were my former cell members as well as aquaintance met along the way. The main awesome factor was what took place before n after cell. Basically the place is the home of my former vocalist and long time friend, so I have been there like a gazillion times, so much that the ban mien stall there is my all time fave suppering spot. So just like any other day, i drove down from my place to his. Nothing special. But when I was about to exit cte to reach toa payoh, for that moment I was so sure i needed to climb onto pie to hit toa payoh. But just when jumped onto the slip road, i was horrified by the mistake, and to top it off, it was all jammed even on the slip road. horror horror... Got really ticked off by myself n couldnt understand how I could have ever made that mistake. Event my friend when he called me, was shocked by the sudden deterioriation of my navigational skills. Totally pissed man, was like cursing every driver who were perpetually hogging my already crawl-paced lane.

After that i relied on gut instinct to exit at some kallang way n turned ard until i hit genting lane n finally back to macpherson that side. (if u dont understand the road names, it's ok, coz i dont know too. i'm just name dropping to make it look cheam. But that amplifies my state of horlan-ness yeah?)

So here's the cool part. When i eventually reached his block, i encountered a korean teen couple entering the elevator at the same time. Apparently they had shown the address of their destination to a middle aged man at the foot of that block and he guided them into the leave and helped them pressed the 10th floor. Nothing too wow actually, until i felt prompted to ask them if they were going to my fren's house, which was on the 17th floor. N they said, yes! I was like wow! if you didnt meet me and relied on ur that scrappy piece of paper would you have ever reach that place????

When they entered my friend's house and into the warm embrace of the members, the gloominess all faded away. That was when i knew God works in ways beyond our understanding.

After that when going home, i realised they were put up somewhere near my gf's place and I was on my way to meet her. So, relying on that scrappy piece of paper again, we drove to their host's place, we were lost. It was after much deliberation that my friend who was with me decided to call up the number on the paper, and for once, something was right, the person on the other line guided us to their house. So in appreciation, i've got a bowl of korean noodles~! hahaha.. too lazy to take a picture of it, but i'm sure it tastes great!


On the following day, Boonbag had a performance for my company's magazine anniversary party. The music was great and several of my colleagues praised us for our outstanding performance. Ok la, not really that amazing, but not bad la. At least we made some contacts n opened up doors for future performances~! So tentatively, we've got a wedding dinner and a DnD to perform mid this year if all goes well. N it's all paid man~~ Thank God~!

Looking back, I'm glad we held on to our passion and friendship n just kept on playing despite the slow progress and several stages of stagnation. We had a dream, we supported one another to hang on, and we did it. Finally the gigs are coming in, the payment are increasing. 5 years of effort, is finally paying off. Well done guys. :)


Okay last item. My bass is actually an uber cool bass! I didnt know coz i got it at pretty low price. The seller was like telling me if i dont take it, there's another buyer waiting to get it. I thought he was smoking me, but to me for that price, it's good enuff for me to take home n trash about.

So due to my prolonged abuse, it finally gave way n die. I took it down for repair at Davis. And nothing much was said when I brought it in. But upon collection, another sales guy was like in awe of it. Apparently my bass is some limited ed, quality bass that was brought to fame in the 1980s, during the glam rock era~! A few famous bands even used it for their big gigs. And now then it dawned upon me that my made in USA bass is actually more sought after those made in other parts of the world~!

Yup, i've repented n given it a brand new bag, changed the knobs, the volume knob as well as the jack for the pick up.

BC Rich Warlord, Let's rock the world~!


PS: RX, i'm finally reading ur blog la~~~ haha

Monday, February 11, 2008

i wonder..

Sometimes life seems a little mundane. While we walk down this 5-foot way so much, have we ever wondered what lies behind in the back lane? Not the usual shop fronts and rustic signboards for sure.
Life has been rather routined. Not that i'm being tormented whatsoever, rather i want to be able to break free from the norms to find out for myself what i really want. I may bash a route around the knoll and to end up at the same endpoint, but at least i'll be happier, never mind the excessed fatigue.
Recently i've taken to the route less trodden. I was at chinatown on new year's eve. Well, it's not exactly all that wow. But i my purpose was not really to rush for the last min buyings, rather i was there to squeeze with the crowd. It was all hot, sweaty, sticky n squeezy. Tempers flared, i got blasted at by a highly agitated woman and i even got my left foot soaked ankle deep in a styrofoam box of ice water of the coconut seller in my attempt to hold ground to exp the whole procession. I even offered words of encouragement to a middle aged chinese lady who was obviously in great discomfort. Perhaps it was my cheerful countenance that prompted the lady to tap into my joy despite our extremely physical ordeal. I even had a guy's butt pressing at my groin area when a bunch of people were pushing desperately in front of him to get some fresh air.
Disturbing, but i got over it fast. :P

Anyway i took some pretty interesting shots and felt really satisfied. Even met some friends and took some parting shots together. Nevermind the fact that there was no more buses home and i chose to walk home and not take cab. Firstly is to save money and secondly to burn the excess carbs accumulated during reunion dinners. (i had 2 btw, once at my granny's, the other at my gf's place)

sometimes when we spend so much of our time with others, it's therapeutic to take time out to be oneself and do things alone. In fact it made me feel like i owned my life for once.

Life is full of decisions, why not make one for yourself? You might become happier.

i just got back from a st andrew's sch alumni band gathering. The turn out was really encouraging. But my greatest joy was to be able to spend some quality time catching with these people who ARE the reason that kept me going in the military band. Really, not the music, not the fame, not the instrument, rather it was the love of these people who kept me going despite being one of the selected few (or only) to get the 4 letter word of certain sexual connotation from my band conductor. No it's not love.
It has been more than 10 years when i first knew them, it was great to see them all again. Thank you guys for the gathering :)

SASMB 99' graduates, this one is for you, for us.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Thank you for the rollercoaster 2007

I think there is no better word to express what I feel to the year passed, 2007. It's just simply of gratitude.

So much has happened. Not just to myself, but to many of my beloved ones. Like every rollercoaster ride, there are up times as well as down times. There were times when i made wrong decisions that I would regret for a long long time, as well trimphant times that I take pride in. I guess everything happens for a reason, and each of them contributes to who I am today, and will mould me into who I will be for the new year ahead.

Some of the highlights of 2007:

My creative job.

I got a pretty cool job. Doing quite a fair bit of creative works, exploring the various creative disciplines and getting paid pretty well. On top of that, work starts like 9.30, ends like 5.30 and i get about 2hrs lunch. Did i say i get to travel? Yupz, really thank God for this appointment. Considering my starting pay is a tad higher than peers of similar work exp and I get to dabble in all of my interests, namely, flash, photography, web and graphic designing. Really putting my heart n soul into it man.

Oh, i got a pretty neat pay raise recently, considering it's only my 5th month. Coolness! :)

Multimedia director by 2010!

I'm closer to my new home.

Yupz. You heard it right. I applied for a flat with Zarah, and by God's grace i got a very good ballot number, 033. Somemore the location of it is near my current home, walking distance to the new Telok Blangah mrt station, very accessible vivocity n sentosa. On top of it, i might be getting a sea view unit or a high rise city scape view unit!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! I'm so excited. :)

My cool cell group

2007 was a year that i left my previous cell grp of 2 long yrs, to one that is more of my age group. Although the members are not as united and stuffs, but i see great potential. i believe things will work out. I've got great guitarists to learn from, and an excellent leader who's really passionate about the things she does.

Boonbag transformation.

We greatly disheartened with the leaving of our vocalist Marcus due to certain creative differences in the middle of the year. But we picked ourselves up, playing instrumental for a period of time, before getting our new vocalist, Roy. I believe it's a blessing in disguise, as Roy is not only a very talented vocalist, but he's pretty nifty bassist, imparting techniques that I overlooked. Together with him, we had our first every performance in 2007, graced by one of our ministers. To those who were there, indeed it was a breakthrough for Boonbag. Our sound has matured and gone on to another level. We are believing for a better year in 2008.

i found zac.

To many, Zarah is my girlfriend of about.. 4 yrs plus. But more than that, she was my pillar and strength when i went thru some of the most trying times of my life. Thru the years, the relationship kinda went thru some tough times, but it was then, i found her again. The one i chased and gave up so much to be with. The one that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with. it's like love rekindled. Like the days when i was chasing her again. Haha~ Say liao also shy. :)

i love you, Zarah.

Wearing the greens again.

Yes, it's classified under highlights. I'm a sucker for all those pro army propaganda. Haha. I'm actually more keen on meeting up my old friends. Yup. Life's gonna be more interesting. Come march i'll be away for 2 weeks. Just like the good ole days. Gentlemen, fieldpacks up!


Those are some of the highlights that took place recently. Am really grateful for all that's happening and I believe 2008 is gonna be the best year yet.

thank you dear Lord. i dont know how to say it best, but at least it's from the bottom of my heart.

a grateful bob