Monday, February 11, 2008

i wonder..

Sometimes life seems a little mundane. While we walk down this 5-foot way so much, have we ever wondered what lies behind in the back lane? Not the usual shop fronts and rustic signboards for sure.
Life has been rather routined. Not that i'm being tormented whatsoever, rather i want to be able to break free from the norms to find out for myself what i really want. I may bash a route around the knoll and to end up at the same endpoint, but at least i'll be happier, never mind the excessed fatigue.
Recently i've taken to the route less trodden. I was at chinatown on new year's eve. Well, it's not exactly all that wow. But i my purpose was not really to rush for the last min buyings, rather i was there to squeeze with the crowd. It was all hot, sweaty, sticky n squeezy. Tempers flared, i got blasted at by a highly agitated woman and i even got my left foot soaked ankle deep in a styrofoam box of ice water of the coconut seller in my attempt to hold ground to exp the whole procession. I even offered words of encouragement to a middle aged chinese lady who was obviously in great discomfort. Perhaps it was my cheerful countenance that prompted the lady to tap into my joy despite our extremely physical ordeal. I even had a guy's butt pressing at my groin area when a bunch of people were pushing desperately in front of him to get some fresh air.
Disturbing, but i got over it fast. :P

Anyway i took some pretty interesting shots and felt really satisfied. Even met some friends and took some parting shots together. Nevermind the fact that there was no more buses home and i chose to walk home and not take cab. Firstly is to save money and secondly to burn the excess carbs accumulated during reunion dinners. (i had 2 btw, once at my granny's, the other at my gf's place)

sometimes when we spend so much of our time with others, it's therapeutic to take time out to be oneself and do things alone. In fact it made me feel like i owned my life for once.

Life is full of decisions, why not make one for yourself? You might become happier.

i just got back from a st andrew's sch alumni band gathering. The turn out was really encouraging. But my greatest joy was to be able to spend some quality time catching with these people who ARE the reason that kept me going in the military band. Really, not the music, not the fame, not the instrument, rather it was the love of these people who kept me going despite being one of the selected few (or only) to get the 4 letter word of certain sexual connotation from my band conductor. No it's not love.
It has been more than 10 years when i first knew them, it was great to see them all again. Thank you guys for the gathering :)

SASMB 99' graduates, this one is for you, for us.

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