Wednesday, August 13, 2008

blog for my dear brain

i'm here again. in a place i almost forgot. My rambles are no longer heard, as much of it is concealed beneath this scalp of mine, suppressed and never really expressed, except in little notions driven in all directions but the obvious.

work has been choking up my weekly schedules. I watch my life slip thru my fingers as i slowly lose control over what was once mine. i feel like i'm constantly giving, be it of my time, finance or effort, i'm diverting all these personal resources to anyone but myself. Although many a times i find myself at the losing end, still i derive joy from such charitable acts. Perverted, but in a good way.

National Day would have taken little significance if it weren't for the passing of my alma mater's ex-principal. I had volunteered to play in my alumni band for his funeral service that morning. Yes, after years of trombone abstinence , i picked up my instrument in good faith and contributed whatever talent(or the lack of it) I have, in remembrance of a great leader of the St. Andrew's family. Truth of the matter, i was never under him during my secondary school days. When I joined st andrews i was already under the then acting principal Mrs Krempl, who eventually saw me all the way thru my saintly days. So why did I actually bother to drag myself out of bed at 6 am with barely 4 hours rest and ignored my scheduler to scorch under the sun for a man i never really knew?

Simply, it was my love of the band members, appreciation of his contributions and the pride of my school.

If it werent for the likes of Shenloong and benny, I would have long deserted that hellhole like 3/4 of my cohort who did so. We practiced so many weekdays' afternoons away to live up to the good name of sasmb, endured countless punishments in accordance to the whims and fancies of our seniors. Still it was because of this comradeship we shared, compelled me to extend a helping hand when my fellow section mate, Arthur, requested for our help.

Mr Harry Tan was the man who supported the band through its infancy and all the way to one that shares the stage with the very best in Singapore and perhaps, the world. How can I not return this favor in his final rites? No Mr Harry Tan, no band, no trombonist me.

Finally, I love my school. I take pride in being called a saint. Although there is this kinda love-hate relationship I have with St Andrews, I still love this place and i hope to send my kids (boys of coz) back there to experience the st andrews way of life.

Anyway i had a great time catching up with my friends, playing my much beloved trombone, and I also saw several of my former teachers and school mates. Guess it's pretty heartwarming when generations of SA boys came together in one accord to remember this great saint of our time. All that fatigue and blazing heat is worth every bit. Definitely.

my love of the school, made me a fool. A happy one indeed.

RIP Mr Harry Tan

With this, I would like to end with the last stanza of my school's hymn:

One family unbroken We join with one acclaim, One heart, one voice uplifting To glorify Thy name.

What's a gathering without a parting shot?

Up and On!

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