Tuesday, October 23, 2007

i'm running in the rain~

Just compelled myself to jog just now. Yeah, for the sake of my hidden and almost forgotten abs.

Haven really jogged in a long while coz of work n other commitments, then i just realised, stand chart is coming and my figure is leaving, so i have better get my act together. So when i finally dragged myself out of my house, the cool breeze and moist air welcome me with open arms. Didnt really give it much tot though, just wanted to get my butt off the computer chairs. Therefore, i jogged.

When i was jogging halfway, the weather took a turn for the worst. Rain drops started pelting down my face and the breeze turned chilly gusts. Was contemplating seeking shelter, but then i was telling myself, there's no cat 1 in war. Also I have always wanted to run in the rain. Like some childhood dream. So i compiled couple more silly reasons like officer tis n that, i successfully psycho-ed myself to complete my run in the rain. Oh what pride..

Somehow, as I jogged, i was sub-consciously praying, asking God to hold back the rain. Like dont overwhelm me until it's all a blur and soaked. N so it was, the heavier rain did not come until i hit my block. Wow wow. thank God :)

Yes, i have jogged and completed my usual route in under half an hour. yeah! :)



ZaC said...

So nice.. I wish I love to jog.

Too bad,, I love to eat.

ally said...

Hmm.. They say ignorance is a bliss but someone wise once said 'I don't deal with ignorance'. HOW COULD I HAVE NOT KNOWN YOU HAD A BLOG?

Woe the selfish human nature of mine and forgive me? Haha, enough for dramatics, woahhhh running in the rain, didja running shoes smell after that?

Sounds fun though, I've always wanted to play in he rain...


weijian said...

Hey Alicia~!! i tot u stopped blogging already~ i'm still missing my kermit the frog song. come on, dont be selfish, share ur blog with me! :)

ally said...

Haha.. Kinda got inspired by something to start again.. lol... isn't my blog the same add? err.. its http://voix-pittoresque.blogspot.com

heh... i don't have the kermit song anymore la.. lol..
