Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Edwin just sent me a most ultimate mtv of the season. a extremely cheesy cowboyish milkman sing-a-long, insanely sung by the one who never bother to articulate his words and regurgitate everything in a constant slur, mr jay. Most mis-matched. But still i was highly fascinated by it as I was in complete denial tat the singer who drifted on mt akina also does part time milk delivery.

Ah hah! the origin of soy bean milk, when takumi crashes while doing his rounds

Anyway... although i've 2 posts of parables, i actually have the actual copy stored as drafts. Really, reading them is kinda therapuetic, keeps me in check of my mental state n emotional quo. Also one thing about blogs is tat, it expresses the mood of that moment. But it does not accurately reflect the writers mood, at the time when the reader interprets it. Coz the readers may read it an hour later, a day later, or even a month later. which would have been invalid for a long time by then. So, in view of mankind's lack of ability to execute rational judgement, i refuse to display those words as they may be the source of unnessary conflict.

So erm, some updates on my life n activities of late. last sunday I attended church, after tat i rushed off to do wedding photography. was really fun. Took some rather nice shots. hopefully i can send them over to my freind soon. After editing of coz. :P

ok, my brain is knocking out already. i'll prolly type again tomorrow.

Take care
Love Bob

1 comment:

E.T. said...

i go pub only order milk
why don drink beer?
cause beer is not good for health