Thursday, August 31, 2006

In the midst of my art history intensive week. how amazing. I'm finally slogging thru lectures upon lectures that killed many of my comrades with the Zzz monster. It's quite interesting as the last i struggled with it was during those training shed daes listening to boring technical handling techniques.

So what's so amazing?

I'm actually enjoying the lessons. The wonders of looking at things from a new perspective. :)

Today we had our first ever official class excursion. Miss the term "class excursion" like mad. Felt like a kid packing my bag for the day's adventure. Our tour today brought us to the chinese heritage museum and some printing centre. Lovely places. learnt a lot about our roots and rich history..

Wonderful la..

Anyway quite a few of my classmates(gals) made mention tat i make a good boyfriend. hehehe.. i wonder why.. kinda floated briefly during those fleeting moments.. hehehe

School has been amazing. I bumped into so many of my former unit guys. Saw Gilbert frm HQ, Gabriel frm K coy, another spec frm H coy. Then there's bowen, rayner n guangfeng. i've not forgotten u Jason! :) just have not met in sch only.. :P Rouxin too~ makan 1 day k? :) i'll meet u up soon. :)

Okidoki i'll sign off here. gotta catch some sleep to combat the Zzz monster later!

I heart you Zarah Chua!


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Walls do crumble and fall.

At times we lean on them for support,
to shield us from the sun,
to hide away from the enemy's glare,
to inspire and to encourage when the going gets tougher than us.

Yes, these very walls we once depended upon, may disintegrate and would not be able to perform the roles and responsibilities they once played. They had faith of colossal extend, yet apparently failed to move mountains they once taught us to command.

Stumbled, I am.

But over time and tide I've come to realize that not everyone goes thru the same rites. What may seem to be an end is perhaps just the dawn of something greater than what I can imagine. I believe that greater things would manifest and in time to come, we would come to realization of the greater plan that surpasses all understanding.

Yes, I have faith to believe. Faith that was bore forth from these once faith inspirer.

So what can we do?

There is nothing wrong in serving, but do so with a willing and desiring heart. One that is led, not dragged. Be inspired and encourage, not commanded and forced. Ultimately, do it with a love that God gives for us to give.

I love, that's why i bless.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

WOw Wow!

I was truly truly touched by my class today!

Basically several of them helped me out with the last lap of my deadline rush. Yup~ I was really overwhelmed by their kind gestures. I almost melted away when you guys came and asked what could you do to help, so much so that when all of u assisted i could only stand back and lend eye power coz all the tools and equipments were fully utilized! So lemme take tis opportunity to remember everyone of you and your effort..

Edwin helped with the glitter ball (You got the ball rolling my dear friend!), Shah helped with the installation of final work, Winnie helped with left sofa support, Sze Jia helped with the right sofa support, (both Winnie and Sze Jia even had their own unfinished product at hand, and almost didnt meet the deadline themselves!) Antonio helped with the sheep's fur and installation, Hongwen helped with the ears, Wee Kiong helped with the installation and giving of advice.

Well, in a class of 26, having 8 (including myself) to work on my personal project, is like 1/4 to 1/3 of the class working on a group project!

Suddenly it came to mind of what Iris said last Monday. If these people are your friends they will help u. Indeed they have proven to be worthy, and beyond, of the title of "friends".

am really grateful to what God shows and the doors He open around me. Yeah man~ I am really well taken care of by people around me.

Anyway Jason u lesson end wad time on Mon n Tues. We see how we can work something out from you.

Best Regards

Monday, August 07, 2006

Ah.. my little haven.

Sneaked here for a breather. Away from the checklist of content creation of my design concept.

I am currently down with some back sprain. Yupsie, windsurfing hazard. Improper techniques and over exertion has resulted in it's resonating protest. Yes, i hear you loud and clear. So much so that I am rendered un-surfable for the next 2 weeks or so. Man.. there goes my tan and "slimmer" built. (Personal belief)

School has been pretty good. Rushing for projects made me feel alive. Did things i never thought possible. My fellow classmates are toiling away at this very moment with me. Hmm.. feels like the good ole days of outfield training.. Yeah~

I saw 2 dear friends from army in SIM recently. Jeff and Rayner. hahahah.. miss them sia. Our initial encounter resulted in a chaotic scene that sent my classmates reeling in shock. Playing a fool like some kids sia. They were there doing some orientation tour apparently. How lovely of them to walk pass the lift lobby. Well well, i look forward to more days of encounters and makans. Jason~ we r not alone in SIM liao~~ :P

Today was my church's 17th anniversary. I didnt managed to squeeze into the hall. So the quick thinking me went MacDonalds instead.

Think i go there slack n idle away rite? no~ i went online to follow the svc thru. Well.. almost... the wifi was a bit intermittent, strength 3 at best.

Anyway i returned to SIS after svc ended n lo n behold jan appeared with printer ink for me.. how lovely, i dont have to go hunting for her. The only thing was she didnt have my charger with her then.. so she linked up with my band vocalist to collect the charger frm him and then deliever to me. But by then i have already left the compund and was reaching kal mrt station. Just when i was about to resign to fate of being chargerless for yet another week. She appeared from behind. Wow! Thank God.. hehe

Okidoki~ time to shower n resume my fire fighting process..
