Wednesday, April 09, 2008


i tink tis is a sad world. every now and then someone will be there to lament how they have been ill-treated by their circumstances and are heavily burdened. nope, society wont help, the self-righteous seemed hindered by some unseen forces to help. yup. so i try to help. i realised that i'm like a dying breed of people. wholesome by nature, jaded by mankind. i listen to all the sob stories, i sympathize and help where i can while the rest just analyse and advise. wt%. i'm like the only clown walking the walk. so thus began the jadeite process.

recently my dad "confronted" me about some contributions that i make to some organizations. i tot he's gonna recite his 10 yrs series lecture of this rodent infested world, but no. he just told me, God sees it.

that's a refreshing view from someone like my dad. he can be quite a skeptic, doesnt believe in handouts, must fend for oneself, etc etc. a hardy man. nevertheless, a good man. so with those words of encouragement, he gave me a reason to cont these charitable works.

life. hum bug.

i'm slowly starting to break track and find new reasons and purposes. i may not be right, but at least i can lift my head high.

dont tell me, show me.

(some gay fren gave me this name :P)

ps: no, i'm not turning gay if u r wondering. i love the army.


ZaC said...

and Bobbylandtrixs too.

jroy18 said...

err.. 'love the army' does not guarantee you to be straight..


anyway, on a serious note.. whatever the circumstances you have to go through or get to go through there's always the band.. let's make it into music for crying out loud.. hahaha..

Kunming said...

hey! I call my darling bobbylina leh... haha a spin off from bubblylina

Anonymous said...

bobballena i miss you!!!!!