Tuesday, May 15, 2007

i am highly perturbed by the zingazanged icon layout for my blog creation process. why is my text box so squashed? why is my icon bar so.. so... tall?! why can't i bold my text like how i used to? clicking on the icon only expose some grotesque phrase like "Error on page" EEwww!

Sigh, technologies.. never humane.

(if you see bold text above means my web lessons in poly were not in vain :P)

Anyway i felt a certain complusion to blog, despite the technological setbacks presented by our very own blogspot goooey (gui). Perhaps i saw too much to keep it all welled within me, the thoughts are breaking out, screaming to manifest into binary codes which would eventually morph into text in a digital dungeon.

Oh yes.. these thoughts ambushed my mind, silenced the procrastinator within and dominated my fingers. Their agenda, to showcase to the world, the finest moments of evolution, where thoughts become text. May I present to you... bob's blog bonzana. (sorry, can't tink of any other "b" word)

it has been a trying time for me, especially in the area of finance. Perhaps those defining moments like a $200 plus hp bill, $180 locksmith fee (of which i paid $100), car rental ($143 and counting)... coupled with the fact that i lost my mobile last nite didnt quite make me any happier. BUT despite the exorbitant lost, what that really set me back was the emotions associated with what was expanded.

The locksmith money came from my ang baos accumulated over time, money that came from my much beloved grandparents and parents. Esp those that came from my grandparents, the money they gave is a symbol of their love for me.. especially so, since they are unemployed due to old age. i felt so bad having to open up their token of love to pay for my mistake.

Then the handphone which i lost contained so many sweet messages n photos of my gf. Not to forget the painstakingly compiled phone directory. SHUCKS.......... I really hope my hp and keypouch can be found intact. Oh God.. :(

Today was quite a life defining moment for me. Coz i drove my dad down to locate his ex colleague who was dying of cancer. Doc gave him like a month left to live, which is quite sad for a man in his mid 40s. When i was there, i could see the resignation in his eyes, the downcast spirit
he bore. I sincerely hope that our presence did make his final living moments a little happier. At least, he knows that people still care.

In his glory days, he left the company after being bitten by the entreprenuer bug. Business ballooned and he drove a merc and lived in a bungalow. Sars came, took away all that he had, and now, he is left to die all alone in a hospice. perhaps, it's time we relooked at our life's agenda.. making big money at the expense of health may not be such a good proposition yeah?

Then another life defining moment was a scene i chanced upon on my way home. what seemed like a suicide attempt foiled by the many CD forces and medical support. The sucidal person was an elderly lady who looked highly distraught. Perhaps life was too bitter to continue living, that ending it seemed like the only option out.

Like what Peter (Spiderman) said, life is full of choices. Let's choose to be happier despite the setbacks. Learn to see the good in every situation and everyone. Things will turn out to be better somehow.

My graduation show is drawing near, unfortunately committee was falling apart. It has reached the place of no return and my lecturer had to re shuffle the team and reappoint the leaders. Too many red indian chiefs sabotaged the show, therefore chaos resulted and stagnation in our progress. They told me, equality among everyone, fairness in appt, no leader is needed. I told them, it wont work, you'll need a leader among yourselves. See.. don't listen to bob.. tsk tsk..

but then i'm also rather bo chap towards it already. It kinda looks hopeless when the management sucks and some of the members are simply balls carrier. Ok, maybe not all.. just one.. FREAKING getting on my nerve.

bob oh bob, work on your port folio pls..

bob's blogspot's blog's stopped for now.

learning diligence and anti-laziness


Anonymous said...

You know what? Okie, you know. I've always enjoy reading your blog.

And you know what?
HE works in ways that we'll never understand.
So mysterious that we'll probably hate.
Not with understanding or reasoning.

Somehow HE'll bring smiles to what had causes you frowns.

HE will!
Believing with you!

Anonymous said...

eh, be pragmatic lah.
You are graduating soon, so screw them! haha!