Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Tale or Two

Today marks the end of an automotive story in my life with the collection of Sunny. This accident opened the book and subsequent drives illustrated the remaining sleeves. Perhaps I would like to take some time to recount, and perhaps depict the private thoughts of some of the involved individuals for the closing page.

men in blue:


Watching these scenes unfolding makes me sick. Circumstances made the victims embrace the scheming ones with their sickle in full sight and yet, refused to acknowledge. Love them you fools! Know that they tripped you to lend a helping hand, tricked you to trust in them.

Take their hands
and their kindred prospers
Make a stand!
and they will suffer

and so will you.

inconsiderate driver:

Another week, another round. Tap the brakes, slam the speed, and watch them pile. Show them care, show them love, and watch them cling to you. Strike them when the time is right, with a namecard on their hands, the deciding moment for all to know.

Some may die, but heck, it's just another week. Perhaps the next would be better.


I thought we are all victims. I thought we could share our grieves and shoulders. But yours are covered with spikes n poison to trap for my trusting heart. How then can I lay, less I be pierced? How then can I trust, if your insurance is after mine?

butt kisser:

My brakes my brakes, where art thee? I stepped where you were not, like a stun I pulled, to stop my car with my foot. MY FOOT!

Alas this stun left me limping like a fool, a wife with a broken head, a frozen kid between tears and fears, a mad friend with an accusing tongue. Oh, and a deep inpression on the Sunny's butt.


Aiyah, should have bought the license plate number for 4D, heng heng come out consolation le!

Looking back, I do realise a few things. Perhaps the most defining would be the difference between manual and auto transmission.

Driving manual transmission is liken to a DSLR camera, as auto transmission is to a Point-and-Shoot camera. Many attest to their linear-geared cars as being the ideal form of transmission. I beg to differ.

These drivers are like your everyday camera users who do not have much of a concept of how aperture, shutter speed and iso co-exist. You just need something that serve a very basic function, to take pictures for information collection. So your auto car is just that, packaged like a point and shoot camera and nothing more. Why? because you do not know what else to do if there is anything more complex.

Manual drivers on the other hand are like SLR camera users. We know what we want, the nitty bitty gritty details. We know how to achieve that depth of field to capture the key feature, to manipulate the exposure to give the desired mood. Likewise we drivers know to use 1st gear to pick up quickly and then climb appropriately to 5th gear to cruise at minimum input for maximum output, at the smoothest transition. Running 80km/h with the engine growling at something like 3rd gear is a joke. Told by my rented auto car by the way.

Renting that car justifies my claim, simply bcoz i have experienced both transmission. The comparision threw stark contrast between the two. Other than the greater ease in jams for auto cars, you guys are just kids in an amusement park driving your bumper cars.

So... quit telling me auto rocks, when it's actually you... erm.. act like a vacuum cleaner.

PS: pls pardon my apparently blunt words, coz I have classmates chanting auto trans like some saviour. Nerve grinding no less. So.. haha.. sorry if anyone is offended. Bob is still lovely afterall.


1 comment:

ZaC said...

Huh huh~ But but.. I like auto car.. so easy to drive..

I'm a sucker.. I like bumper car..

Boo Hoo HOO!