Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The return of Bob

I'm back once again. Or rather, i had restrained my fingers to blog. School projects proved too much of a hindrance to virtual speech.

Anyway, here's some updates and thoughts:

"Designers are not cheap labour."

Edwin encouraged me to blog about it. I hesitated for a moment, then i figured, it's great to voice out here, some kinda therapeutic effect it cast on me.

So what's up with this statement?

Well, there has been a spate of incidents when people approach us designers (my designer friends too), for freelance projects at a highly budgeted fee.

Gentlemen i suspect there's some misunderstanding around here. You are intending to engage me with your public toilet entrance fee?

What you are paying for is..

an intellectual and conceptual approach to design and it's function as a communication tool; to impact the audience conscious and sub-conscious mind and to influence their decision-making algorithm.

You are not paying me to tickle your toes rite?

Of course, if you are having problem interpretting my statement then i figure you have not understood my role as your designer. I'm here to help you solve a marketing/branding problem with an approach of an effective communication designer/advertiser. Well, I may not be as proficient as I should be, but definitely good enough to have taken on commercial projects from Philips, Singtel and many others.

Then again, me being the good-mannered no rejection policy-holder, i can always recommend you an alternative that would suit your budget. Get a primary school kid to splash a collage of colours on an A4 paper. If he's your relative, then easy, buy him a candy to coax him. Else if he's someone elses son, treat his dad to a all expense paid trip to the public toilet nearby. Who knows, he might relent somehow..

Ok, laugh people. Let's not all get tense up and offended (especially if you thought your loose change could trade for some artistic works)

haha. hehe.

Ok, i really laughed while typing it, hope it did for u readers too :)


I got a close friend, a very awesome and encouraging person, Rouxin, who gotta fly overseas for some kinda exchange programme or Industrial attachment. So on the 20th Jan which I remembered to be her departure date, i was frantically trying to contact her. Her hp was like not responding. msn not online, i even resorted to calling several mutual friends just find her whereabouts.


Then i realised it's 20th Feb.

Silly me.


Relationships are never easy. People been telling me how compatible we are together. But something they gotta realise is the effort we put into bringing it to past. Life is no longer about 2 individual but 1 combined entity. Schedules gotta be planned around 2 timetables, budgetting gotta consider a 100% markup for every meal, movie ticket and just about anything. It's not easy but hey, i'm loving her everyday, somehow feels like it's more that when i first met her.

Then there will be people asking the marriage questions. I'm like ok, it's great, but let's not be pressured into marriage just because others or society deemed us marriable. It's not a hey, let's get married tomorrow kinda issue. There's a whole lot of considerations and planning just to make it happen. There is the financial aspect; how much have we saved up for the wedding ceremony, the expenses for house, car, family etc etc. Then there is the emotional and mental aspect; are you getting married because others tell you to? Are you mentally ready to take on this responsibilty of marrying this person? Are you at that milestone in life when you feel you are ready for marriage?

There are people who have approached us saying, "when getting married.. why wait so long.. i'm planning to get married next year" these kinda stuffs. And then they broke up a few months after. Guys, talk is cheap.. but your cheap talk do throw unnecessary strains on our relationship, casting undue insecurity on both parties. I know it's a bit long, but hey, at least when the day comes, we'll both be fully prepared for the next phase of our lives. Even if we do not get married (touch wood), it's definitely better than a divorce.


My class rep is a nice lady. Quite a frank person, tactless to a certain extend, but definitely well-meaning. Unfortunately not many have come to appreciate her people-relation skills. To make it worst, she cannot really work with her male counterpart, who, in my opinion is a very effective manager, albeit a tad bit too busy to bother with class activities. So what happened was that she was trying to rally the class for some interaction and feedback session for our graduation ceremony when no one responded. Me being a bit extra, decided to help my poor class rep by going to the front to kick start the class. Lo and behold, class activity revived. So much so that i overheard my class rep making mention that I am more effective than her. erm.. well.. i'll take that as a compliment then. :) army has taught me well.


Alritey, time to mug like how I should.

will be back to blog.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a random entry
lol =)

and you can come see me off if you'd like. =D

hee hee
