Saturday, October 07, 2006

LTC David.

The CO tat I marched in the marching contingent during his COC to School 1 in Nov 2003, n finally.. now.. as a former subordinate, i've graced his COC out of this place. A defining moment and a memorable event forever etched in my mind. i'm not army siao.. just people oriented. i love it when i play a part in the finer moments of people's life. being there for my CO was perhaps one such event.

reminiscencing the bus route to SFT.. the RP at the gate.. the SFT snack shop.. the "fast"craft.. the path trodded.. the office.. the toilet.. the familiar faces.. i could almost see images carved upon those walls.. drawings that depicted my journey in camp. the many places i've been to.. the various tasks i shouldered. i realised tat the toilet was a place of refuge back then.. when i was so depressed n wore.. a trip to the toilet, at my usual corner urinal, gazing at the toilet ettiq art upon the wall, doing what i came to do... relieved me in a way more than one.

finally~ the warrents are lovely people once again. perhaps it was the bar that i once decked upon my shoulder. the icon of pride n much resent from others. i love the way vennu welcomed us.. punniya.. lee.. msgs n staffs.. all.. lovelified.. i could almost see the sincerity in warrent lee's eyes when he spoke to me... perhaps the Christ brought us a little closer than work would have? haha.. perhaps..

i was a warrent's recruit, and a officer's cadet. my heritage :)

then there were the mortified officers.. many rose in rank.. i'm glad.. these were amazing people that fought many good diplomatic battles. cpt damien, foo, lta ghim, yazid.. col ishak, ltc david n maj effendy.. my salute to you.

Finally.. a shot for keepsake. :)

former ATO and DyMPO (me)

we kenna abandoned ship by Kelvin n Pengfeng(with the wierd accent that CO uses) haha.

Coastal road, anyone? :)

feeling really..


Anonymous said...

hey when was the change of command? I was back in camp today and the CO is a different guy already.


weijian said...

Change of command was on fri le.. i tot you guys would b there, but only nick n i went. but anyway tekong changed a lot sia.. good la.. better welfare for commanders now. :)

Anonymous said...

Coz nobody told us about it.
THe new CO looks weird...
BTW, think got Dennis and Freddy ORD soon. We will gather soon.

OH YA! WILL you PLs KindLy repLy mY sMs wHen u reCeivE oNe?!?! ALamaK!
