Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Today's kinda bad. Weather only added to my turmoil.

Sometimes gals will never realise how much their guys are sacrificing for them. Yeah.. my dad n I just got into a heated arguement today, guess what? On me wanting to bike, taking the car too much, and doing the unnecessary. Unnecessary equates to bringing my gal back home then drive her home n then to U-turn to my home. Shucks, I'm probably never gonna pick up the car keys again anytime soon. Oh well.. then again I may never need it again. Guess I really broke his heart esp when he mentioned about my late bro..

Dad, i've never meant it. Coz I really do care for you.

Wanted to share this with my one and only.. but then, hey.. i've just let her in to some news earlier and she cant take it, wanting some time off.. how am i gonna share this with her esp if she's mentioned in the debate? Shit man.. that's some excellent fuel for flames of a woman's wrath.

Oh well... images of her filling up my mind, but to no avail. Coz it doesnt matter to her anymore. It's just a lope-sided phenomenon, that's never meant to happen.

Anyway I've had a prayer meeting with my band. Well, at least that was much better. Rather encouraged by the session. It's really a testimony of how much we need to rely on God when times are bad. Even prayed for the relationship to pull thru. So Bob.. hold on in Faith!

Well well.. time to hit the sack. Gotta work tmr.. dun wanna fall asleep again like the other time. Web Designer Bob, be focused.



Impetuous Moi said...

Dun sian lar... hoho! Come come... read moi blog. Haha!
eh so how? NTU open house liao leh.
Moi will register nxt week. If can go in moi will drop SIM.

Impetuous Moi said...

eh Dy..
moi starting sch in Feb. UniSIM!!
Decided to drop the NTU thingy... figured out that even if moi get in, moi also CMI lar... so better dun waste 6mths.

Anonymous said...

Update pls!

Yours sincerely,