Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I've been appointed as a CO.

Civilian Officially. :)

There's so much i wanna start but do not know where to begin. Let's expedite on it in it's sequence of occurance.


I had always harboured a cartload of shudders and dreads whenever it comes to interaction with my Log Officer. Pre-conceived mindsets of PSOs as cannibals (Dys as consumables) set me off in the wrong footing and subsequent clashes with him burnt all possible leaves for our relationship to turn over. Many a time he would confront me with computer matters as it is an ambiguious area, whose it's nature being a "sai kang *(shit hole) " left behind by my upper-upperstudy. Thus I'm pretty much faced with a wall that grew taller with every passing month. All records seem lost or mysteriously consumed by some extra-terrrestrial being who drop by our office every nite to feast on classified docs.

Finally interaction seemed imminent. My clearance form demanded for his signature. OH man.. i hesitated and contemplated getting his Dy (Issac) signature. What's a Dy for man? To help folks like me to keep a distance from my fear. Kinda inclined towards tat but alas, my fellow ORDing officers dragged me along to hunt for LogO.

There we were, standing before his table. LogO quickly settled some of his matters before attending to us. My gut instinct proved right, he begun with a lot of sharing (log o's style) before speaking to the individual with his own personal comments. There i stood in trepidation(fear), expecting a pail of shit to clear before I could gain his signature, but I was so wrong.

He praised me for me effort, for the kind of worker I have been. He encouraged me and made me feel appreciated. Admitted to his incesant nagging, I was at a lost, stunned but definitely touched. He finally ended with, "I hope we can remain as friends and come out for coffee some day."

Everyone laughed. Chun onn n Dzar still witnessed this moment.. felt so paiseh.. then one of them said, "he's blushing"

Shucks man.. felt like crying. Think i'm shy meh?

something that everyone don't know. Only my gal. The reason why I kept helping logO is because of the Bible that he places on the table. I kept telling myself that he is my "brother" that's why I wanna help him so much. Also DyLog is another of common faith, therefore I was so determine to help them.

Oh my Log experience....

I love all of you! From the guys at Log branch to the guys at FS branch. From A coy to Z coy... There's so much I wanted to say and thank... but dumb me had an appt so early~! shitty la... left like that.. kinda hate myself for that. Jason was rite la. Shd stay. :P

Missing you..


My MPO is my man. He's the very reason why the DyMPO's appt exists, to assist him.

Bet no one actually knew.. I've almost caused him to lose his job. But he's pretty cool about it, and he really impacted me in this sense. He was still so calm when he told me he could lose his job over this small matter. his patience and cool-headedness is unbelievable. Anyway I happy that he finally got posted to a unit that's so much nearer to his home and place is pretty much stable.

Finally after so many months, i felt liberated enough to speak to him like an uncle to me. I finally felt less constraint and opened up to him even more. how i wished we had this kind of relationship right from the start. IT would be awesome. I'm gonna miss you and the whole MP branch. All of you... esp jeff for staying back late with me when i needed help... for those coffee you've help me to make, for the biscuit treats.. for the outings to Zacom... for the canteen breaks you helped me get.. i miss jason for walking with me to court marsh. I miss listening to him.. i miss bai... i miss his sharing of thoughts.. i miss ah lao... i miss seeing him on the chair next to me with his... "sian ah" i miss the long journey home with pengfeng.. the crap i've shared with him... i miss Chief's nagging... though a little potent.. but she's my chief... my best advisor... i miss haslan.. everything also can...i miss rayner for his computer advise.. i miss shang for being my closest neighbour.. i miss Michelle from airforce.. hahahahahhaha... ney.. not as much as you guys...

Still can remember the shots Mark took of MPO at East Coast. Seems like time really flew.. Then he was so drunk that started talking some kinda nonscense that we all laughed.

MPO Sir, Kudos to you.


I miss my training branch guys. One and everyone of them.. i miss their hositality... i miss the times spent together.. Edmund, ah liang my couz, wing, jason, cai, cewei, fred, and the who.. i forgot your name... with freddy one.. :P i miss TOPA.. i also forgot your name.. i miss the guitar that staff would let us use occasionally...

Staff Jahsh is awesome. He helped me through so many shit.. shared with me his army and rock music experience like some lao jiao... hahahaha love that guy man...Nic is really helpful. All that conduct of events together... wow... AHM anyone? Actually he has done most of the training himself.. hahahhaah thank you so much for all the prep for it...


I miss msg Artisan, for his shouldering of a shit for me and then kenna F-ed by some unreasonable superior. I REALLY appreicate it a lot. That was like so many months ago but still you made it good for me...

I miss All you coyline people.. so many of you.. For your friendship and companionship thru those so many events. Though I'm like so hidden away in my office, but still you all accepted me as your fellow comrade in arms.. I miss going down to apache coy, c coy, k coy, g coy to spend those idilic moments... i miss the bball game with training branch... i miss doing calafare when playing soccer with the coylines.. i miss the SOC ground next to k coy.. i miss all of you entertained me in my childishness... playing silly games... i miss eric for the hide and seek.. i miss all my clerks.. my men that i take pride in... i miss giam, alvin, luqman, arun, shuan, musa... i miss the specs from everywhere... although i dunno most of your names.. i thank you all for your friendship... i miss my CSMs... esp Jahsh , msg Koay, Faizul, Ong... these friendly people.. i miss all my PCs... you are not just all about SDO candidates to me.. you are my friends... irregardless of which cohort we belong to... you guys rock my world... i also miss the warrent officers.. being from a warrent coy when i was a rec, i've got this deep and immerse respect for the warrent corp... esp Razali and Vennu.. You guys show me that warrent officers are people with hearts to love and to guide and to lead.. esp Vennu for your orange juice u offered me when i kenna big time from our infamous u know who... i was almost breaking down.. but you held me up there and then.. i miss i miss the OCs, i miss so many of you guys... i miss my ex PC, Lta Damien.. i miss Lta Sam,i miss the OOs... their exp is unbelievable...

Can you believe it, i'm only like halfway thru.... in short.. i miss a lot of you guys.. even doc pillai, the medics, so many people~! wad have i been doing???? socialising n not working????????

i going nuts with this miss u speech.. :P


okie.. i've better be going off now for my band performance... i'm LTA(ns) Li as well as Bassist Bob.. a mini mini start to bigger n bigger shows down the road...

i'm here.


Monday, November 21, 2005

OrD personnel...

i just went back camp for my ORD function cum promotion cert presentation. Lovely time i've had there. Interacted with several of my campmates, closely attached to many of them, i had many mini gatherings of sort. Before we knew it, it's the cert and plaque presentation time.

Names upon names were called, the recipients went onstage coupled with cheers from their respective supporters.

Then i pondered.

Shucks man.. beeni n HQ so long, dun even have a company of my own. My OC is every's 2IC and he's not the most ideal person you would turn to for anything.. who's gonna clap for me?

Then i saw the other folks from HQ, hey.. it aint so bad.. maybe i've got my fair share of supporters.

the name list went on and on.. the emcee rattled off constantly, but with no mention of my name. Hmm.. Just as curious as i was, many of my peers asked me.. "Eh, never call your name yet ah?" Maybe i'm not promoted? Not going to get any appreciation for my ORD?

Finally the emcee said, "last but not least, LTA Li Weijian!"

The crowd roared.

Some of the other company OCs gave overhead applauses.. The other folks were chanting Dy, Dy, Dy.. stunned... suddenly i felt like a superstar winning the Best Actor award.. wow.. the people love me eh?

On stage, my CO said, "You think we are not going to call your name rite?" hahha.. how true..

How time flies..

I'm gonna miss you guys~

ORD in progress.. 8 days an counting..


Friday, November 11, 2005

Ah... i smell civilization in the making.

Am pretty busy with my own stuffs these few daes. Designing, drawing, playing my bass, tutoring my gal, exercising, meeting up friends, kaypohing at *scape, etc etc. Kinda nice i muz admit. Relaxing, doing what i always wanted.. then reality struck.

"Your gold mine has collapsed."

Yes, i just drew my last allowance from the lovely SAF. After contributing more than 2 yrs of my life to it's service. Kinda sad though, but then again.. i slogged from morning till nite, only to draw a measery $1020 a month. Life must go on, i cant keep working like a cow and earning like a mouse. Change is imminent, progress is complusory. I MUST move on.

Been working on my portfolio these days and also just submited my resume online. It's quite exciting to receive so many phone calls asking if i'm interested in this job, in that job.. but hey, i cant start just yet my dear HR recruiters.. i have yet to ORD... after that i'll be flying n then preparing a major gathering for my pri sch frens!

Work.. can wait.. for now.

Also been bumping into old frens these days. Crashed into former Tekong colleagues, my poly classmate and poly juniors.. It's great to know that there is life outside of the army. People are still getting employed and SG male dun have to rely on the army for their economic survival. Lovely, the epitome of civilization.

Alrite i gotta hit the sack. Care bear's cloud ride is gonna get clamped by Zhou Gong, poor furry friend of mine is waiting for me to join him in lalaland.



Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My army days are numbered. The day I once yearned for suddenly seems a little undesirable. My subconcious nature is interceding with God, to slow the tides to a crawl, so that I can appreciate more of what I once shunned, unfortunately such intervention proves futile.

My heart is running the mile again, just like the good ol days before departing from one institute to another. Those wasted tears for uncherished years, seems a little oxymoronic. Life is indeed a paradox. Oh how I wish I can manipulate it to my advantage, command and control at my fancy.

Just like what Chris Martin of Coldplay sings in their evergreen single, "the Scientist"

Nobody said it was easy, Oh It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy, No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start

My former days were tough, but it's indeed a shame for me to just leave this place. Perhaps, it would be better if i'm brought back to the beginning of it all..

Soldier Bob.

PS: Guess what? This blog contains entries from the time i started serving the nation till i turn operational. Wow! A timeline of some sort. My memories digitized, saved and archived for future reference. Love you Mr Blog!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

i twitched the settings
fine tuned the codes
i connect the switches
powered up my soul

i polished my body
pridefully adorned
liked unto an armor
victorious from battles

then i realised
I lacked a heart
i dunno how it feels
to sense your heart

so strip me of the pride
strapped to the belt
send me to the furnace
so that i can learn to melt

a heart like yours..