Tuesday, October 25, 2005

i love my carrot stewed :)

Birthdays after birthdays.. they never seem to end eh? hehheeh.. but it's good, coz they're reminders that these wonderful people were added to the earth's population and have impacted my life in a great way..

Today's my gal's mom's birthday, the 19th is my dear's birthday, 13th is my dad's birthday.. these people are people i love and have contributed to my being and development over the year/s.

i was going thru some of my old stuffs, and i'm pretty surprised at how God has made woman to be. They are very detailed beings. They notice the little things in life, things that we guys often brush aside as irrelevant or not practical. Upon reflection, only then did i realise to what extend or impact they signify..

So to all guys out there, please take some time out. Observe the gals ard you. You'll never know what those mini favours, little notes, passing remarks meant; unless you stop to appreciate. Who knows, a bigger plot unfolds...

To steal your heart.

Just like how mine was stolen..

Loving my gal to bits in my carrot stew!


Thursday, October 13, 2005


I just found something I wrote 2 years ago in a Yahoo group of mine.. kinda like it.. so here goes~!


Staring down what i adorned
I kissed my youth goodbye
Casting away the robes long worn
Of laughters rang and many sighs

Caress the threads that remained
over my arms in silken flow
depart they must, as ordained
restraining none my hands to hold

Thrusted with fine linen to dress
Innocence sneaked a lingering grin
swiftly wore these Sunday bests
To step on my stage, for a new life begins

Weijian 19/4/03
The testimonials say it all...

I'm not trying to be complacent here. riding upon the praises of others that I make a superb boyfriend. Rather I'm making a reflection of the things I've done and contributed to making this relationship evergreen.

There has to be commitment from all, to ensure that their relationship grows. But as we give, we must also know when to let down and to hold back so that we can build ourselves up again as we prepare ourselves for the next round of commitment. I'm not talking about cooling off time or what, rather it's the focusing of our attention on things that would further develop ourselves as a person, and in the long run, contribute better to the relationship.

I wanna be the spiritual leader that my gal can lean on for support and advice, I wanna be that designer that can support for my family's needs and wants, I wanna be that bassist that my gal can gush and swoon over n over, I wanna train up and keep fit so that I'll look good wif my gal, I wanna be so much and more.. But alas, time does not come in abundance for such ordained activities.

all these are only possible if I set time aside to achieve them. So my dear gal, when i'm not there, when I seem a lil resistant. Pls dun interpret it as I'm trying to shun away from you. Rather i need to develop myself to be a better person you and for all around me.. I dont wanna be remembered as a person who only gives his all to his gal and then is left with nothing achieved at the end of the day. Then we gotta think, will the gal still want him? Will he still have that self-esteem he once had?

I've seen guys(and gals) going into relationships, giving their all, and then going different ways but having achieve nought. what's left for the guy or gal who loses out? Nothing.

So as we grow in our relationship, let us too grow in our personal development. It would build a better self-image for us and also makes me feel more deserving of you. :)

I need to know my worth as I walk with you.


Monday, October 03, 2005

I wonder...

What does it take to the the perfect boyfriend?

Someone who is totally dedicated to the decreed whimes and fancies of Her Highness? Forsaking much, to follow the girl whom Cupid pierced, our hearts with one shot? When there are so many on the balance, how then does one decide what to let go and hold not?

Many a times, I would be tormented with difficult decisions to make. Decisions that would somehow wreck the day of someone.. I want to accede to all, but alas, I am but human.. omni-present; I'm not..

today my gal got superbly pissed off with me, coz i made an empty promise to her. I wanted to meet her today, don't wanna disappoint her, that's why I gave her my word. But now, I'm like torn.. woke up really late, can't meet her. Contemplating to find her after her school, but it would deny my dad the chance to have dinner with me. Already he commented that I didnt like home, always on the run.. that hurts..

What about after dinner? My band wanna jam. It's been a long long while since we jammed.. even if i dont jam and then meet her, it'll be so late by the time i reached home and I gotta go back camp tomorrow morning..

To make things worst, I'm flawed. I don't really talk about things-gone-wrong. This in itself, has presented as an obstacle for every conversations; arguements included.

After much verbal tussle, calling on airstrikes, n rounds of armour-piercing missiles, we finally ended it with an atomic bomb of... Love.


Love covers all.. That's the amazing part of it..

That's rite.. still loving my dear as much.. but this time round, cherishing her a lil more than before.
