Thursday, August 04, 2005

There are 3 dimensions are in constant interaction, namely; Past, Present and Future.

This is my interpretation of their co-relationship.

Future: Planning phase
Present: Execution phase
Past: After action review

It is very much like any industrial/commercial workflow. The organisation would gather a team of people to identify the problem and then brainstorm for a solution. Experience sharing and trial testing are extremely useful if it's an initial attempt at that concept.

The execution of the well-thought out plan. The trials and testings are based upon simulated environment. but life's uncertainty is a definite constant, therefore contingency plans and reaction force on the ground are what I would call part of the conceived plan.

When all's over, the team re-orgs for a debrief. Lessons learnt and pointers picked up are the key highlights of this phase. The informations are consolidated and then implemented and considered for the next project.

Now, that's the end of the intro.

I'm not some business solution speaker. Those that i've mentioned are based upon what I have learnt over the years.

Rather i'm ever so intrigued by the turning of tides.. the passing of time and it's fleeting moments long gone. It doesnt even mater if it's gone for a short while. Once time has passed, it's gone forever.

When i was young, I'm always that lil boy you see down the streets. Whining when things dont go my way, crying when i'm at my wits ends and smiling at anything that might bring some prospect to my childish desires.

Young I was.. and young i tot i'll always be. Time just crept by, slowly but sure. Yes, I was mildly aware of it's movement. But i never did bother to give it a hoot or 2, coz it's progress was negligible. And so I was deceived until recently....

I had a primary sch reunion.. The people looked kinda the same. Maybe coz we meet every year or so. Therefore we are constantly undated of everyone's evolution over time. The an unfamiliar face took seat next to me. Puzzled, i just brushed him off as a 2nd-tier fren of one of my friends, of whom i wasnt very interested in. Until someone posed the qn to me... "ni zhi dao ta shi shui ma?"(You know who is he a not?) Curiosity arose, i replied cautiously.. who?


Immediately my brain went into full steam ahead. The clanging of gears, grinding of chain rings and hypertreading of information. I raced back in time and found this kid whom i saw crying over Science PSLE, playing basketball, and looking every scrawny and small.


Yes. The classic example of the full blown effect of accumulated lost time. a good 10 years have passed. A living speciment.. speechless for a brief moment... before i unleashed waves after waves of questions. Unable to contain my excitement.. i simply blabber off as much as i could. Rendering him as speechless as I was when i first had the revelation.

Yes.. time has played a prank on me.. i turned around to reprimand time.. but time was never found the same again. Time took on a different facade everytime i seek it. Still remembering how I begged God to record down my Comissioning Parade prior to our entry. The cheers, the band, the pride... so much i have given just for that day.. and now that day is almost a year ago..

I wished for time to stand still.. So that i can appreciate what I have now.. to fully enjoy it seems so hard.. yet time ever not forgiving.. just stepped on and on...

Oh well.. time.. take some time to sit by my side.. let me grasp your hand.. and stare into your eyes.. to see the mysteries you hide..

Oh well...

I'll be oldified before i realise... perhaps I could catch the comms parade video recording God has prepared for me..



1 comment:

ZaC said...

Deep...introduction...u wanna sell ur speech to microsoft??