Friday, August 19, 2005

I'm not a particular fan of Superstar.. never really followed the show.. but i just happened to get a peek at my home telly, and saw the hottie Junyang, losing to the visually impaired.

The fans erupted.

The sister beseeched us not to focus on what he lacks, but what he has been gifted with.

I tot Junyang would win.. but boy was i shocked.. and mildly surprised.

Am glad that the partially blind guy won..


I want the world to know that the lesser of people are able to make their mark in this world.. i wanna know that the world is not all about looks, material stuffs, image, fame and glamour..

I was not really attractive.. introvert.. very much imperfected... but God is good. I changed a lot eversince i came to Christ.. outwardly.. and inwardly.. i am where i am becoz of God. But as much as I've changed, i will never forget my past.. and i know what the less desirable people feels.. Their insecurity.. their lack of self-esteem and worth..

Everyone thinks i rather the blind win is coz my ex felt he is very handsome.. but hey.. that's the past.. n it's so childish to harbour any hurt towards him.. n i really dun mind what has happened..

Oh well.. hope my gal aint angry reading this.. yes.. this is one thing i'm not secure with..



1 comment:

ZaC said...

*roll her eyes back*