Friday, January 23, 2004


Today's, or rather yesterdae was the first dae of the lunar new year! it was great n i spent it visiting my relatives right till thru dinner.. but the night outing somehow got outta hand.. it was meant to b a small gathering.. but in the end it became like a get together session for another group of folks.. boy do i sure felt weird... glad that in the end we all didnt watch the movie.. hahaz.. anyway zac looked sweet... tink it muz haven been the lighting or makeup or clothes.. :P n kun was so nice to send me back.. then we had one of our dreams fulfilled... to sit around in bfd! nice outdoor pub manz! live band n all.. hahahz... great place... finally achieved my aim of fellowshipping with a small group... :)

HAo bahz.. that's about it...

cheerio n God Bless

Sunday, January 18, 2004

So glad to be able survive my first week of ST1. Yucky.. dready... n yet i gone thru it~ While i was in camp, i tot of my mom.. kinda got teary.. n that's when i realize that i missed her dearly... missed my family.. missed my grandparents, frens and all who r close to my heart.

earlier i heard that an old fren of mine went for alumni practice. Kinda got me wondering.. stunned.. had wanted to go.. but wad would i say or do if i bump into her? it's been a long long while since that "hi" bridged us...

I've got a solid bunch of guys in my platoon n i'm really glad to be able to share the training together with them. They motivate me a lot. yupyup.. great guys.. wad others said about wayang guys in ocs is an impression of the pessimist... break out of that mindset n you will get to experience wad it means to excel together. :)

Serve with pride and honour~

Bobbly bob

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Relak relak... hahaz.. something i really want... finally.. end of my TST.. wohoo.. got to book out on friday.. cool~

was tortured beyond words
only tears expressed my grieve then
yet none other would sympathize
coz they too were sorrowed

suffered a lot... but glad it's over... it came with a price.. n the price gave me pride.. n gave God the glory :)

Thought 2:
I was peering outta my window when i saw people. All lost in their little world.. where circumstances surrounds them.. their own problems, their own issues...

sleepy.. i'll continue it again :P


Sunday, January 04, 2004

Wow.. it's my first official book out for my 3 weeks confinment in ocs! hahaz.. but thank God i was able to book out not juz once but twice during tat 3 weeks.. coz of public holidaes.

Thought 1:
REsolved the issue with my fren n everything is back to normal :)

Thought 2:
I was reading through the testimonials my frens wrote for me. Some are short, some long, some a little funny, some very touching... but basically it made me realized how I've impacted others with my actions. Am really glad to b able to make such a positive impact on the lives of these dearies, n i really hope to be able to make such positive impacts on the rest of my frens.

Thought 3:
Really wanna thank God for being there for me during this period in ocs. Training in here is rather tough, regimented and not exactly all that fun. i did my night compass walk and i kinda went off course. for 3 attempts i failed n i was tempted to cheat my way out. But i told myself to trust in Him n i really thank God that there was no retest for the night session. THen there were other incidents when my bunk key spoilt, my computer mouse spoilt, my torch went missing, etc etc. But God still saw me through and i know that he will see me thru it all. :)

Thought 4:
Recalled i emailed my ex a few weeks ago. Never got a reply, don't know how she feels towards me. Please do not be mistaken, I am not looking for a patch, rather for a lost frenship. She was a great pal b4 we got attached. We went thru some tumbling n crumbling times n never really spoke eversince we broke up. Makes me wonder y doesnt she want to talk to me after so long? was it coz i was a horrendous bf? most prob... hmm. a learning point in life.