Saturday, October 27, 2012

2 years on..

How time flew by. It was about 2 years ago that I last blogged, but then again, that was written in exasperation of how blogspot killed my theme and removed my wondrous soundtrack of jason mraz looping in the background. So 3 years to be accurate. 3 fabulous years of blog silence.

So what got me back? Really it was this blog post by twitpic's CTO Steve on writing. Writing encapsulate memories. Stories we want to remember so dearly. Tales we wished we had then recorded for our children, our children's children. Then someday, I want to tell the ones I love of how they touched me and made me who I am today, right down to my deathbed.

So what happened in the last 3 years? 2009 was the year I went to moscow for the first time (perhaps the last) with my creative agency. Then 2010, I left that place to where I thought I should be. The financial world, realized in the form of job in DBS in the head marketing team. Fabulous team they have. Everyone is so talented, motivated and greatly driven for great heights. They were like titans, colleagues of a different league. I learnt so much from them. Couldn't be more thankful for the enriching experience and wonderful friendship forged. Of coz, within a few weeks of joining the bank, i made the biggest decision of my life. To marry my wife. We had a lovely wedding. Matrimony held at acm, where my army and sec sch buddies (officers) banded together to be my sword bearers. Yes a military wedding no less, coordinated by the highly respected regimental sergeant major of my life, Raymond. After that we had the dinner at marriot hotel. I love my emcees of both days, the brothers, the people who helped made it all possible, family, relatives and dear friends. And above all, Zarah for choosing me, and standing by me through thick and thin, to help me fulfill my dreams.

By end 2011 I felt that I had enough of the corporate financial world. I was contemplating on the meaning of life. Is chasing the bill all I ever wanted? Using the best years of my life to acquire wealth at the expense of my health, my time, my family and my dreams? Do I want to spend my dying years regretting and pondering on the what-ifs? So I tendered to pursue my creative dream. In between we had our honeymoon in NYC. Oh the glamourous life we dream of.

So at the beginning of 2012, i started my day job shooting jewelry and managing websites. Other than some differences, the experience has been a really pleasant one. On top of that, i partnered 2 other fellas to start a talent management / modeling company. And I started a photography and design studio, the very reason why I left the corporate for. To pursue creativity and photography. So far so good, I look forward to more opportunities to share praise reports. :)

I look forward to what 2013 has in store. And I strongly believe it will be my best year yet.

That's all for now, I will be back to recover my blogging ghost.

love you all

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