Sunday, June 08, 2008

of cloudy skies and silver linings

sometimes when bad things happened one after another, it makes one wonder about the reality of this person that we believe in. We'll just wonder why there is no intervention of any sort, even if it means dropping a psp from the sky and smashing my window, i'll be more than happy.

I had my fair share of shit yesterday. So much that i almost fell out with my girlfriend coz i was totally grouchy, stressed, highly irritable. Everything just seemed to go wrong. coz i'm the mc for my boss's wedding today (sat), and i was totally unprepared. clothes not ironed, sequence of events unsure, dont know my speech. got several coordinations to tie down, n i still had cell meeting at the evening. So by the time when it's about time tat i got home to prep for the next day, i got another surprise. i actually left the cds tat i need for sound check early the following morning in my colleague's car. tried calling him several times to no avail as he had left his hp in his car. So after much deliberation, i resorted to driving down to the groom's house which is like one end of sg to pick up the spare cd. and by the time when i reached his place after several wrong turns, it was like almost 2am. totally sucky. And when i was so ill prepped, my dad threw a last min bomb that he needed me to send him to work at 6.45 in the morning, i was totally zonked out.


yes, i was pissed. even when ironing the clothes in the wee hours of the night / morning, i discovered mould patches on my shirt. already i was transfigurating into a panda but still i had to clean my shirt as i iron it.

A sleep deprived, semi-conscious coordinator / emcee is not a very good start. but still the wedding has to go on. So despite my pathetic condition, i carried out my tasks to the best of my abilities. Yup, i survived the morning / afternoon session.

Everything basically went thru pretty well all the way till dinner and boy did i heave a mighty sigh of relief. Coz i'm just required to seat back n relax during dinner. No more responsibilities.

During the proceedings of the wedding dinner, there is this segment that the couple starts offering thanks to their loved ones. At such moment, they will thank everyone, and on top of that list out a few names in particular to thank them. Firstly they thanked God, next they thanked their parents, after that they thanked their relatives in general, followed by their brothers n sisters who helped with the whole event. Then at this point of time, the groom made a special mention of someone who went through so much to make the wedding a success. No, it's not those brothers or sisters who are supposed to be the key players in his wedding, not his legions of cousins and close friends, but unexpectedly, me. it's quite an experience especially when i'm not really that close to him and he kinda got the whole dining area to scan around for me. that was when i realised that all i went thru was not in vain. The extra mile covered meant so much to him that he would actually sieve me out from his bunch of brothers, cousins and close friends and appreciate me for what I have done. Touched. Not only by his words, but also by the way God works.

Truly, no eyes has seen, nor ears have heard, of what God has planned for us.

So as we left the place with the groom n his lovely wife thanking all of us as we leave the place. I gave a salute to the groom. Out of respect, and in a way, my form of reciprocating his kind words. Also another reason is because we had a rather officerly kinda working relationship for the whole wedding process. Dont really know how to put it in words, rather cheesy too, but hey, he deserves it.

I'm really feeling good about the whole event.

Have a everlasting and blissful marriage my dear friends.



ZaC said...

"Sir! Permission to carry on? Sir!"

Narnia~ Slap you ah! Don't Sir Sir me! Bow down!

ally said...
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ally said...

Hey you, check this out kiez? :)

its kinda egoistic but cool

Hah. Couldn't find alicia yet..

;P -alicia

weijian said...

hahhaha~ sure do feel special :) so.. u intending to buy how many containerful of it? I'm sure u'll get a pretty good discount with that kinda quantity. :)