Thursday, May 22, 2008

east mountain rises again

Hooray! My Xray result has declared my healthy state. THank you all for ur care, concern and prayers. I have yet survived to fight another day.

Of coz my not-so-near-death experience is not going to put me out of action. Well.. not anytime soon. Coz there's just so many things that I want to do. Even if it risk breaking a few bones here n there. i wont stop trying till i'm down, i wont quit till i'm out, i wont surrender till it's over. Like my SSM once said, he wants to die in a war and not on his deathbed. I guess I want to die knowing i've done all that I can, all that i dared and perhaps more.

*flips the pages*

i've kinda got bitten by the emcee bug. My company's recent gala dinner that i emcee-ed must have been pretty good coz my boss asked me to emcee for her wedding. And lo and behold, i've got another emcee appointment in Oct for Kun's wedding~!

Hahaha. i like their faith.

*flips again*

my flat agent told us that we can expect to see the flat in 3 years time!!!Oh My!!! So exciting. i hope i'll have saved up enough for all the pretty pretty things in our love barrack (nest feels too cheesy for me). i forecast, 3 weekends of house warming parties. i hope no one will swing the wii controller outside the window. 34 storeys can potentially turn even a nose booger into killer litter material. (alrite, a really big one) i hope i have really nice and friendly neighbours. I am so gonna buy fruits for them to make peace on the first day. :)

alritey. time to get back to work. dreaming rocks man.


1 comment:

ZaC said...

U said 'nest' anyway.

Block 80C, Telok Blangah St 31, #34-127, Singapore 103080


Can't wait!!!

Walk in gallery..indie block party..moet continues to rattle on..