Wednesday, April 09, 2008


i tink tis is a sad world. every now and then someone will be there to lament how they have been ill-treated by their circumstances and are heavily burdened. nope, society wont help, the self-righteous seemed hindered by some unseen forces to help. yup. so i try to help. i realised that i'm like a dying breed of people. wholesome by nature, jaded by mankind. i listen to all the sob stories, i sympathize and help where i can while the rest just analyse and advise. wt%. i'm like the only clown walking the walk. so thus began the jadeite process.

recently my dad "confronted" me about some contributions that i make to some organizations. i tot he's gonna recite his 10 yrs series lecture of this rodent infested world, but no. he just told me, God sees it.

that's a refreshing view from someone like my dad. he can be quite a skeptic, doesnt believe in handouts, must fend for oneself, etc etc. a hardy man. nevertheless, a good man. so with those words of encouragement, he gave me a reason to cont these charitable works.

life. hum bug.

i'm slowly starting to break track and find new reasons and purposes. i may not be right, but at least i can lift my head high.

dont tell me, show me.

(some gay fren gave me this name :P)

ps: no, i'm not turning gay if u r wondering. i love the army.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

to the greens and back

It was all a breeze.

Okay at least i try to pretend that we were lazing in the bunk everyday and have a Nuahz of a time. Sadly, no. I saw so much vegetation that my preconceived impression of reservist was totally revamped and the motion of which felt like active unit again.

But despite all the sufferings, I am really glad with what I have went through. I have an awesome bunch of guys under me, my superior likes me, and I got a whole of of friends going through this together. Yup, people whom i counted on to keep me sane through those army daze. The best way to describe the experience; is going through ocs again but without the excessive tekan. Lovely.

10 years suddenly dont seem to be such a long time. Perhaps one day I may just volunteer for a 2nd cycle when my first is over. Then again we'll see how things go.

Yup, and so it was a breeze of my buddies' sweat mixed with "Off" sprays and mosquito coils.


PS: there's so much I want to type but the clock beckons me to bed. oh well :P