Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Ok, this post is not exactly an oh-i'm-so-hyped-up-to-blog kinda entry, neither it's well prepared with amazing photos to boot. Yup, just compelled myself to type this in before everything gets lost in those mystical nodes juggling about in my head.

I had an awesome make-up cell last thurs. The leader was my first cell group's member, and several of her members were my former cell members as well as aquaintance met along the way. The main awesome factor was what took place before n after cell. Basically the place is the home of my former vocalist and long time friend, so I have been there like a gazillion times, so much that the ban mien stall there is my all time fave suppering spot. So just like any other day, i drove down from my place to his. Nothing special. But when I was about to exit cte to reach toa payoh, for that moment I was so sure i needed to climb onto pie to hit toa payoh. But just when jumped onto the slip road, i was horrified by the mistake, and to top it off, it was all jammed even on the slip road. horror horror... Got really ticked off by myself n couldnt understand how I could have ever made that mistake. Event my friend when he called me, was shocked by the sudden deterioriation of my navigational skills. Totally pissed man, was like cursing every driver who were perpetually hogging my already crawl-paced lane.

After that i relied on gut instinct to exit at some kallang way n turned ard until i hit genting lane n finally back to macpherson that side. (if u dont understand the road names, it's ok, coz i dont know too. i'm just name dropping to make it look cheam. But that amplifies my state of horlan-ness yeah?)

So here's the cool part. When i eventually reached his block, i encountered a korean teen couple entering the elevator at the same time. Apparently they had shown the address of their destination to a middle aged man at the foot of that block and he guided them into the leave and helped them pressed the 10th floor. Nothing too wow actually, until i felt prompted to ask them if they were going to my fren's house, which was on the 17th floor. N they said, yes! I was like wow! if you didnt meet me and relied on ur that scrappy piece of paper would you have ever reach that place????

When they entered my friend's house and into the warm embrace of the members, the gloominess all faded away. That was when i knew God works in ways beyond our understanding.

After that when going home, i realised they were put up somewhere near my gf's place and I was on my way to meet her. So, relying on that scrappy piece of paper again, we drove to their host's place, we were lost. It was after much deliberation that my friend who was with me decided to call up the number on the paper, and for once, something was right, the person on the other line guided us to their house. So in appreciation, i've got a bowl of korean noodles~! hahaha.. too lazy to take a picture of it, but i'm sure it tastes great!


On the following day, Boonbag had a performance for my company's magazine anniversary party. The music was great and several of my colleagues praised us for our outstanding performance. Ok la, not really that amazing, but not bad la. At least we made some contacts n opened up doors for future performances~! So tentatively, we've got a wedding dinner and a DnD to perform mid this year if all goes well. N it's all paid man~~ Thank God~!

Looking back, I'm glad we held on to our passion and friendship n just kept on playing despite the slow progress and several stages of stagnation. We had a dream, we supported one another to hang on, and we did it. Finally the gigs are coming in, the payment are increasing. 5 years of effort, is finally paying off. Well done guys. :)


Okay last item. My bass is actually an uber cool bass! I didnt know coz i got it at pretty low price. The seller was like telling me if i dont take it, there's another buyer waiting to get it. I thought he was smoking me, but to me for that price, it's good enuff for me to take home n trash about.

So due to my prolonged abuse, it finally gave way n die. I took it down for repair at Davis. And nothing much was said when I brought it in. But upon collection, another sales guy was like in awe of it. Apparently my bass is some limited ed, quality bass that was brought to fame in the 1980s, during the glam rock era~! A few famous bands even used it for their big gigs. And now then it dawned upon me that my made in USA bass is actually more sought after those made in other parts of the world~!

Yup, i've repented n given it a brand new bag, changed the knobs, the volume knob as well as the jack for the pick up.

BC Rich Warlord, Let's rock the world~!


PS: RX, i'm finally reading ur blog la~~~ haha

Monday, February 11, 2008

i wonder..

Sometimes life seems a little mundane. While we walk down this 5-foot way so much, have we ever wondered what lies behind in the back lane? Not the usual shop fronts and rustic signboards for sure.
Life has been rather routined. Not that i'm being tormented whatsoever, rather i want to be able to break free from the norms to find out for myself what i really want. I may bash a route around the knoll and to end up at the same endpoint, but at least i'll be happier, never mind the excessed fatigue.
Recently i've taken to the route less trodden. I was at chinatown on new year's eve. Well, it's not exactly all that wow. But i my purpose was not really to rush for the last min buyings, rather i was there to squeeze with the crowd. It was all hot, sweaty, sticky n squeezy. Tempers flared, i got blasted at by a highly agitated woman and i even got my left foot soaked ankle deep in a styrofoam box of ice water of the coconut seller in my attempt to hold ground to exp the whole procession. I even offered words of encouragement to a middle aged chinese lady who was obviously in great discomfort. Perhaps it was my cheerful countenance that prompted the lady to tap into my joy despite our extremely physical ordeal. I even had a guy's butt pressing at my groin area when a bunch of people were pushing desperately in front of him to get some fresh air.
Disturbing, but i got over it fast. :P

Anyway i took some pretty interesting shots and felt really satisfied. Even met some friends and took some parting shots together. Nevermind the fact that there was no more buses home and i chose to walk home and not take cab. Firstly is to save money and secondly to burn the excess carbs accumulated during reunion dinners. (i had 2 btw, once at my granny's, the other at my gf's place)

sometimes when we spend so much of our time with others, it's therapeutic to take time out to be oneself and do things alone. In fact it made me feel like i owned my life for once.

Life is full of decisions, why not make one for yourself? You might become happier.

i just got back from a st andrew's sch alumni band gathering. The turn out was really encouraging. But my greatest joy was to be able to spend some quality time catching with these people who ARE the reason that kept me going in the military band. Really, not the music, not the fame, not the instrument, rather it was the love of these people who kept me going despite being one of the selected few (or only) to get the 4 letter word of certain sexual connotation from my band conductor. No it's not love.
It has been more than 10 years when i first knew them, it was great to see them all again. Thank you guys for the gathering :)

SASMB 99' graduates, this one is for you, for us.