Tuesday, October 23, 2007

i'm running in the rain~

Just compelled myself to jog just now. Yeah, for the sake of my hidden and almost forgotten abs.

Haven really jogged in a long while coz of work n other commitments, then i just realised, stand chart is coming and my figure is leaving, so i have better get my act together. So when i finally dragged myself out of my house, the cool breeze and moist air welcome me with open arms. Didnt really give it much tot though, just wanted to get my butt off the computer chairs. Therefore, i jogged.

When i was jogging halfway, the weather took a turn for the worst. Rain drops started pelting down my face and the breeze turned chilly gusts. Was contemplating seeking shelter, but then i was telling myself, there's no cat 1 in war. Also I have always wanted to run in the rain. Like some childhood dream. So i compiled couple more silly reasons like officer tis n that, i successfully psycho-ed myself to complete my run in the rain. Oh what pride..

Somehow, as I jogged, i was sub-consciously praying, asking God to hold back the rain. Like dont overwhelm me until it's all a blur and soaked. N so it was, the heavier rain did not come until i hit my block. Wow wow. thank God :)

Yes, i have jogged and completed my usual route in under half an hour. yeah! :)


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sane again

Finally after such a long time, i'm having time for myself again. :)

The pda has been one of the world's greatest creation. I have found myself to be increasingly dependent on it. Somehow my life is constantly revolving around this little gadget. I have recently zhng-ed it with the addition of a 4-in-1 stylus pen (n pencil, n highlighter n ballpoint). Also i did some house cleaning on it, and made room for name cards! coolness :)

Then again, this invention has brought about a certain drawback. Coz now my schedule is more transparent and organised (sounds not bob), it has been easier to schedule appointments and stuffs. So much so that my time is no longer mine, but leased out to everyone who wants a slice of my life. (By typing this blog, i've given blogger.com a substantial portion of my free time. yikes~! ) Gone are the days when i can brush off bookings by mumbling some random appointment with martians in an exotic location. Coz everything is clearly listed out in my pda~! Maybe i should schedule an appointment with myself... hmm...

According to my pda, i'm booked from this evening, thru to next wed. Thurs is the only free time i have before i'm taken up again for that coming weekend.


just suddenly feel like adding more to my blog.

A bit on what i've been getting myself into..

currently i'm into lots of xhtml n css, not really tat pro in it yet, but been practising on my coy website n been reading up a lot. Lemme recommend tis book by Head First. It is really brain-friendly. Covered over 300 pages in 2 weeks. mayb coz the words r nicely spaced. :) Then for graphic matters i'm doing a lot of photo manipulation n touch ups, and finally for my photography i have done a few informal photo shoot with my girlfriend and also have covered one of my best friend's ROM. Mr n Mrs Tay Kunming! Woo~! My first married close friends. I wonder who's next in line. hehe. Also been reading up wedding photography sites to get a feel from those pros. Actually i've been writing a song, but felt it's too emo to continue. Really nice n rocker feel.. maybe i shd change the lyrics before i present it to the band.

This is my career forecast:
web designer - senior web designer - interactive/multimedia director - creative director!

Man, i love to dream! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Edwin just sent me a most ultimate mtv of the season. a extremely cheesy cowboyish milkman sing-a-long, insanely sung by the one who never bother to articulate his words and regurgitate everything in a constant slur, mr jay. Most mis-matched. But still i was highly fascinated by it as I was in complete denial tat the singer who drifted on mt akina also does part time milk delivery.

Ah hah! the origin of soy bean milk, when takumi crashes while doing his rounds

Anyway... although i've 2 posts of parables, i actually have the actual copy stored as drafts. Really, reading them is kinda therapuetic, keeps me in check of my mental state n emotional quo. Also one thing about blogs is tat, it expresses the mood of that moment. But it does not accurately reflect the writers mood, at the time when the reader interprets it. Coz the readers may read it an hour later, a day later, or even a month later. which would have been invalid for a long time by then. So, in view of mankind's lack of ability to execute rational judgement, i refuse to display those words as they may be the source of unnessary conflict.

So erm, some updates on my life n activities of late. last sunday I attended church, after tat i rushed off to do wedding photography. was really fun. Took some rather nice shots. hopefully i can send them over to my freind soon. After editing of coz. :P

ok, my brain is knocking out already. i'll prolly type again tomorrow.

Take care
Love Bob

Thursday, October 11, 2007

unspoken words

haha... viewers' discretion is advised. my words are not meant for the average reader.

Looks like we're at another episode of "Unspoken Words"


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Words unspoken

I have spent abt an hour typing my blog, but eventually I decided to trash it and not show. Because society is a delicate balance. A balancing act played by all around. We are all actors in our own rights. I have my role and my script, so let me play my part.

