Monday, July 30, 2007

bob's back

amazing. i've survived more than a month without blogging. i wonder if anyone still drops by here for updates.

in any case, the blog has to live on, my sanctuary, my place to holler and vent. So let these fingers translate thoughts into text, revealing a little more than just revelations of my daily acts.

read on, with a pinch of salt please.


Was pondering what caused the ceasation of my virtual diary. then it dawned upon me that it was inevitably exposed by my classmates. i wondered what was the draw to reading someone's blog? was it an opportunity to unearth unspoken words, mix it in a jar of vinegar, then feed it to those who previously were aliens to my words, that eventually became embroiled in your little mash of gossipy fodder.

oh well, it's over.

the disappointments i meant. let's move on dear friends. :)


Then there was the unnerving but enjoyable graduation process. spent several hours in front of the computer working my ass off just to get my portfolio up and running. Then after that there was the online portfolio which i compelled myself to create for the benefit of my job hunting experience. (oh yeah, it paid off, pretty well too. considering my starting pay is higher than some of my peers, and it has a great working environment as well as potential for growth. )

hopefully my time here will be well spent and that my dream of being the senior web designer by next year can be achieved. will update here when the website is up. Yes, they dont even have a website. it'll b painstaking created from scratch.

i see mountain for me to overcome, i meant mountain range.


i drove up msia again despite several protests from some of my friends, citing high crime rates n certain issues about their traffic marshals. But i still went ahead nevertheless. It was more of a pligrimage for me, some kind of a ritual that the driver within wants to perform. also, it's an opportunity for me to meet up my relatives in ipoh. It was most meaningful and memorable.

here's an extract of my msia blog which i wrote on my pda.

"Msia travel blog 15072007 0008hr

today my parents n i drove up to msia with a few things on our agenda. To visit my uncle n his family in Ipoh, pay respect to my dad's late colleague, drive up for sightseeing in penang n of course for a family get together.

Today we have met my uncle n his family. It is nice to see these familiar faces again. Truely pple age, but still their significance in my life still stand firmly. We had the famous bean sprout chicken with hor fan for dinner, n after tat my uncle took me out for a spin ard ipoh.
it was then when it all came back.

We were visiting quite a few places ard ipoh until we returned to the old house they used to stay. oh what nostelgia. The feeling of anxiety overwhelmed my mind as i waited in anticipation of the place where so many memories had its roots in. We drove thru a myraid of road networks to reach the house, n with every turn, waves of memories struck me with recollection of the many events and situation that shaped my childhood. I remember the front porch with a steel swing. The many plants that lined the fence, the rustic interiors, the curtain that covered the room entrances, the murky laundry area, the wooden netted cabinet tat kept the porcelain wares, the white dotted mongrel my great grandma kept, the white n brown cat from the neighbourhd tat comes by everyday at the back, the joy rides with my younger uncle on his scooter, n of course, my jovial great grandma.

Sadly it's was all in e past.

Now, the house's abandoned, the swing stands in isolation in the empty porch. The dog was given away, the cat never came back, my younger uncle disappeared without a trace n my great grandma has passed away.

Oh how my heart cringed when the house came into view. All that i saw in my memory crushed by the stark reality of what that stood before me. A building striped of everything i treasure. A dream lost, no less. Sadly, that's life. I lost much so that i can build new ones with e future generations.

At least tat's how i console myself"


i went for my first reservist. so happy to see so many familiar faces. My ocs instructor was there, my fellow cohort mates were a plenty, my upper study and upperx2 study was there too. not to forget the abandance of tekong officers. hahaha.. was like some kind of gathering when everyone is like reminising the good ole days. so much to talk, so much to bring to remembrance. looking forward to my in camp with these wonderful folks.


okidoki tat's all for now. i've got a backlog of photos in my com tat has yet to reach the lovely subjects within. hahahah. my bad. wait up all you wonderful people. i'll get them to you soon :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let's just say that a blog reveals you abt someone's inner thoughts w/o u even knowing that the person has the capacity to think that way. it's the stalker mentality. Jan