Friday, April 20, 2007

happy birthday, bob

i thought, if i dont make the effort to blog now, i'll probably never blog at all. And if i don't blog, i'll miss my customary birthday blogging! *Gasp*

Ah-hem... so erm, here goes.

i'm finally officially 24. Ok, 24yrs and 1 day old. It's my golden pig year too.. some kinda chinese zordiac calculation that declared good fortune upon me, and.. the many others who were born in 1983. Say, if all of us were to buy lottery at the same time, who will win?

Birthdays have always been a rather ritualistic affair. Going through the same motion over and over again, with minor modifications that came with the years. It used to be a superbly huge event where neighbouring kids and classmates would drop by to grace this party. Friends and relatives would use it as an opportunity for reunion and, mom, aunts and granny would pool their talents for the preparation of the feast.

But this little boy had only wanted to see what's beneath the wrapping papers.

Fast forward to my 24th. The crowd has died down but it's cool, coz i've got my dearests around me, my parents, grandparents and aunt, bestest cousin Aier, and of course Zarah to celebrate it for me in advance last sunday. Other than that, I guess i've kinda drifted through this day like any other day. In fact it's slightly on the downside.

My laptop has been popping out, "Operating system not found".

It kinda popped my heart out too coz a lot of my precious data are stored on it. Till now, i've been attempting rather unsuccessfully to revive it. Oh God, i need your breath of life on it! Looks like a trip to LG service center is inevitable.

Then the 2nd stunner came, my Amazing Australia Adventure (AAA) has left me with an Astounding bill of $246.22. My heart sank. I could have bought a crumpler, Customary Barge with that amount and change to spare. It was all those little phone calls that chalked up this sky high bill. And for my effort to make singtel smile, i've gotta sacrifice my birthday stash to redeem my ass.

Nevertheless, there is always some positive take away for every situation. Buy a freaking local pre-paid card the next time round.

Then for the first time, my gang did not celebrate my birthday. It was quite a refreshing feel when i no longer got to play robin to batman4es. Sorry i got robingirl, why do you keep insisting she should don the batgirl suit? Anyway it was great. Gave me closure and finally taking pride on my birthday. They may never celebrate my birthday ever again, but hey i got my girl. Thanks Zarah for standing by me, and of course for your efforts to make me smile on this gloomy day.

Then there is this oil spill in my crumpler. Yup, freaking doggy bag gave way while i was transporting leftovers to my girl's place. Shitty feeling man.

On the brighter side of this day, i've received several smses from people all over the place. i really appreciate everyone of them and trust me, they have made me felt a little happier with every sms received. right down to this moment i just got an sms from my sec sch band junior, mumhon~! aww.. so sweet of him yeah?

Ok, sleep bug is eating away half my brain cells already, i'll b back to blog more, especially about my australia trip. Till i recover my aussie photos, stay tuned!

Bob + 2kg


Anonymous said...

HAppie Birthday for the "how many times"

As people aged, the people who spend their birthdays with are no longer people who jus come n go, eat n drink, and share all the good ol stories about themselves. But people who will stick with you, making effort to make the frenship work.

Anywaez.. Birthday celebration is jus so overrated. Itz just an opportunity for people to gather n gossip.

Goodbye Angel in disguise

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Belated!


Jan said...

not just to gossip but also to eat good food lor.. anyway the cake if u realised, had 48 candles, for both u and ben LOL. and we gave u a gift wad, the final closure, ben even offered to let u blow the candles lor.. haha