Sunday, March 11, 2007

3 little pigs

once upon a time, there were 3 little pigs who left their mom's house to build their own. Along the way, they had some very interesting encounters.

The first little pig saw an old friend.

How nice it is, thought the little pig. Had wanted to chat for a little longer but the friend's colleagues were waiting for her. Oh well, lamented the pig, perhaps next time then.

The little pig continued his way.

The second little pig saw 2 semi-drunk folks

In the midst of his idllic gaze upon the passing stream, 2 semi-drunk folks approached him and said, "You ok brother? You take care ok? It's a bit late, but happy new year" Little pig was surprised, for he thought he became a target of drunkard bash, for which little pig was prepared to throw his hoof across to knock these wobblies to the ground. Looks like the fallen countenance spoke distinctively despite their tainted analytical skills. Hmm.. Good looking lads, thought the little pig, must be from some art school as they exude a certain artsy fartsy aura with their caucasian n pure chinese look.

The little pig continued his way.

The third little pig saw a susuki swift.

Little pig thought to himself while driving. Why is this swift overtaking me? Little pig stepped up his accelerator and before he knows it, a race had begun.

They both stopped at a traffic light. Moments later, the green light glowed. Like a synchronised act, both cars exploded forward. Little pig floored the accelerator on his 1st gear. Never had him heard the car roaring in that manner. The powerful engine with manual transmission projected little pig ahead of the competition! Subsequent shifts were well timed and by the 3rd gear the car was jumping passed 80km/h. Perhaps a little too much for the car, but it was a gratifying act that had the swift consuming dust trails. Looks like pig has some nifty driving techiques to boot! Manual 1, Auto -100.

At the end of the whole day, the three little pigs decided to combine their resources and build a decent house that would meet their needs for safety, survival and fame.

The End.



E.T. said...


ZaC said...

Familiar story line..

Anonymous said...

There you go again~