Tuesday, October 31, 2006

blaring my brainwaves...

i've had a friend, a brother from the days of old. We were really close friends, brothers to a certain extend. When i first saw him, i told myself, i wanna be his friend. He was this blob of joy and laughter and friendly aura exudes from him.

A great friend i've had.

We went thru a series of life's stages and many of which strengthen our bond, but 1. i'll not bitch about what happened, but this unfortunate turn of event took away what i cherished a lot. This friendship we shared. it meant a lot to me. So damn much that i'll grieve over it. Till now when i try to patch things back, nothing's resolved. Many a times my efforts were wasted. The wall's thickening.. i feel like a fool chasing the wind.

And i'm still a chasing fool.

I'll not stop, it's me. When i was 9, i told a classmate that friends are precious and I'll not lose anyone of them. i'll never forget tat scene, that moment in time when i made a stand for my belief, until now.

stupid bob.


i had a great gathering sometime back wif my army kakis. pple whom i've toiled with in tekong. thou not many turned up, it was still a meaningful event. Was great catching up with these folks. kinda hope we'll all end up doing reservist together.


my friend recently broke up with her bf. the guy was all scholarly, wealthy and a head turner. Young and promising, but empty promises he was to her. I thought they would make it. alas.. bucks, books and looks does not ensure good character.


Sorry if i offend anyone, but i feel tat there are some who are moulded to excel in their studies only. mayb it's society, but hey, we've got a brain of our own. So start tinking for urself. What do you forsee yourself doing upon graduation? Are the books you go thru now going to help with your future job, if so, how? You wont be doing examinations for a living for goodness sake.

i've got someone tat boast about his study credentials, doing accountancy in nus, talks about doing business and constantly looks me up and ask me about my plans in life.

Sorry if i seem a little cynical, but somehow i got this feeling that he's trying to blow his ego bubble by riding upon any praise i offered or by comparing his acadamic feats with mine. Get a life kiddo, i cant be bother to entertain u with lego blocks. If u wanna impress me, u shdnt have downgraded in army, and yet still able to do sports upon ord.


i've been to quite a few bbqs, chalets n gatherings of late. some of which threatened my project submission. but i stuck to them still.

hah.. bob oh bob...


thanks rx for ur comment. appreciate it a lot. not bcoz of the words u wrote.. but more of the fact tat u do care to read n leave a comment.

Ya a dear friend of mine. yup. in all sincerity.

alritey. the speakers are melting.

nitey folks.


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Much needed, much sought after, much deprieved.

Somehow everyone wants a bit of me. My schedules are often packed. My parents gotta make appointment to spend time with me. My girlfriends wants to spend eternity with me already and my friends are liken to the stars of the skies and sands on the shore. Like what Peter parker once said, with great power comes great responsibilties, and so i have a friend's responsibility of attending someone's wedding, whom i tot has been reduced to mere aquaintance.

my 3 weeks of school holidaes have just begun, but i am already booked all the way thru until school reopens. The little free days inbetween i've left are for so many misc events that have bcome weekly rituals.

Somehow it has gotten to me. i took to retail therapy for relief. i self-prescribed van houlten chocolates(it was on sale) for medication, which i gladly finish a week's dosage in a few hrs. i browsed shopping malls alone. i even contemplated dining in at one of those semi-formal restuarants alone. Feast upon some delicacies that i would never permit myself to sample but would gladly bless someone with. What transgression. The sheer thought speaks of the heart's desire, a sin commited in my mind. Alas, my budgetting does not allow such personal indulgence. The eventual outward expression never manifested.


my work beckons, but my labour time shortens. Sad to say, little provision is made for the projects that would have direct/dire effect on me. i am courting certain death, if not, mental.

let not the day come when i need to make an appointment with myself, for myself.

someone once share something with me, who decides whether if i am able to design? my invigilators? English, maths, science? who decides if I am able to be a leader one day? my educational qualifications?

This someone is a classmate of mine.

A school dropout at sec 3. had no choice but to be sent to Aussie to resume his education. Got his A levels there, came back to pursue his diploma at a private education centre that was flocked with rich chinese brats, and lousy lecturers that played video tutorials for lectures.

He is, in my opinion, one of the best designers in my class. Currently working freelance. Starting his design firm by the end of this year. produces amazing project works.

And yet, by local context, he is a failure sieved out by our education system.


time for a shower..


Saturday, October 07, 2006

LTC David.

The CO tat I marched in the marching contingent during his COC to School 1 in Nov 2003, n finally.. now.. as a former subordinate, i've graced his COC out of this place. A defining moment and a memorable event forever etched in my mind. i'm not army siao.. just people oriented. i love it when i play a part in the finer moments of people's life. being there for my CO was perhaps one such event.

reminiscencing the bus route to SFT.. the RP at the gate.. the SFT snack shop.. the "fast"craft.. the path trodded.. the office.. the toilet.. the familiar faces.. i could almost see images carved upon those walls.. drawings that depicted my journey in camp. the many places i've been to.. the various tasks i shouldered. i realised tat the toilet was a place of refuge back then.. when i was so depressed n wore.. a trip to the toilet, at my usual corner urinal, gazing at the toilet ettiq art upon the wall, doing what i came to do... relieved me in a way more than one.

finally~ the warrents are lovely people once again. perhaps it was the bar that i once decked upon my shoulder. the icon of pride n much resent from others. i love the way vennu welcomed us.. punniya.. lee.. msgs n staffs.. all.. lovelified.. i could almost see the sincerity in warrent lee's eyes when he spoke to me... perhaps the Christ brought us a little closer than work would have? haha.. perhaps..

i was a warrent's recruit, and a officer's cadet. my heritage :)

then there were the mortified officers.. many rose in rank.. i'm glad.. these were amazing people that fought many good diplomatic battles. cpt damien, foo, lta ghim, yazid.. col ishak, ltc david n maj effendy.. my salute to you.

Finally.. a shot for keepsake. :)

former ATO and DyMPO (me)

we kenna abandoned ship by Kelvin n Pengfeng(with the wierd accent that CO uses) haha.

Coastal road, anyone? :)

feeling really..