Saturday, June 03, 2006

i just re-lived the days of my OCS training.

was watching the video that was compiled by some kind souls to help me capture my training days. Wow.. i survived it. Now, i'm missing it. What irony. Then i was condemming the route i chose and now i'm like appreciating what has passed.

But of coz, training alone would be torturous, if not meaningless. My OCS mates gave meaning and purpose for everyday i survived. to suffer together is perhaps the greatest bonding sessions i ever had.

Then and now, people have moved on, lives have changed. I wonder how's everyone doing...

Casting careless thoughts to the wind
These men in green, those lives we lived
Stalking slowly my mind to think
These longing hearts, those dreams believed

So pack me up to flow as thee
A fleeting thought, a passing wind
Surely somehow i'll live to see
my careless thoughts, all redeemed


Friday, June 02, 2006

i'm back.

I never left actually, i just did not blog.

Basically i just got back from Msia for a short getaway over the weekend. It was pretty awesome. Ran away with my closest group of friends, the Supper Gang. We met up with one of our gangies who has kinda moved over to Msia to work as a hair salon boss (it was his dad who started it.) We linked up at JB city Sq, n then proceeded to our place of accomodation. Drop the bags, the gals and a sleepy boy, we went on to play overnight - after breakfast dota. Madness. The breakfast break was welcoming thou. Authentic Msia breakfast... tried a lot of pratas, mutton curry rice n murtabak. Superb. 6 guys tucking into every plate that land. Before we knew it, we were back to slaying one another.

Transport came in the late morning. Packing we semi-conscious guys into the back, we proceeded back to the salon for our hair adventure. There i got this lovely hue of brown for my fine crown. Got this vibrant color i love. Best thing was, the salon gal that did my hair was cute. Haha. Nope that was 2nd best. Best was having my gal ard for the whole trip. lovely companionship.

We kinda munch at the neighbouring restaurant for lunch. I had mutton curry n my dear had grilled fish. Yummy i would say. After that we had a ripped off pre-dinner. Rojak that didnt quite turn out rite and a plate of mee goreng that turned out to be maggie mee dry with a sunny side egg. Oh, language wasnt an issue btw. They spoke english and we had a point of reference from some other patrons for better clarity in communication. Alas, mee goreng comes in 1 form too many.

Basically the whole trip was fun. Lotsa excellent bonding with them and rebuilding of lost friendship. Best thing was having my gal as my support when things didnt quite turn out rite. Serious.... i never knew i love n need her so much... Reminded me of the good ole days in OCS when she would lend a listening ear to this cadet who would grumble till he hits the sack, leaving this lovely gal hanging on the phone. hehe... appreciate u for everything dear. This trip has strengthened our love and helped us develop better understanding of each other.

i still wanna talk abt my...
wat nots...

but i'm toooooo tired.. gotta grab wad ever remaining sleeping moments i can.

but then again...

Ok Summary.

Work = My creative department remaining strength of 3 has dwindled to 1, yours truly. Am gonna miss those lovely ladies...
Band = we are going places!! our songs are coming up, we got the full band again, we sourced for home jamming equipments, and i'm learning to use my bass effects better~!
Emerge = While i was complaining about losing my seat on the bus that would bring me home, i took the mrt. Guess wad? i met my dear frens Kun n Jan n we had a great time together. i even got to knoe kun's SOT classmate. Awesome fella. He's from PNG. Amazing guy.

Ok. any more details just hunt me down.

I just might let out.

