Sunday, February 26, 2006

What a day...

Started the day meeting up my poly friend for some work discussion, got on to work from 10 to 2. While i was working, the radio tuned to class 90fm kept me company, belting out oldies upon oldies. Then came the public announcement of road closures around town area due to the funeral of Mr. S. Rajaratnam.

This name has always been rather alien to name. Never really knew who he was or what he did. Perhaps he was just another Singaporean.

But I was wrong.

He's not just another Singaporean, he is a nation shaker, and maker. He helped mould Singapore into what it is today. He manifested what he envisioned, a country of racial and religious harmony. Something I'm really grateful for.

His passing brought light to the national pledge, something we all have been reciting over and over again, and yet never really grasp the essence of it.

So there i was, overwhelmed with immerse respect towards him, that I decided to bid him farewell on his final journey at the Esplanade. Kinda dragged my gal along with me coz we had an appointment prior to this impromtu decision. There we were, outside the entrance to the Esplanade, waiting for the casket to exit and proceed to the crematorium. Just as I thought everyone present would be solumn and griefed, but I was wrong, yet again. A bunch of ah bengs and ah lians were loitering around, making a lot of noise and effective turned nuisance to the public in general. Several people(me included) that we took turns to stare at them. Perhaps they felt the intensity and disgust that we harboured towards them that they proceeded to relocate. As they wandered around, they enroute a path next to mine. My gal was extremely pegx by them that she cast a stare at them. The guy(beng wannabe it seems) stared at her. But while he cast his glare upon her, a highly perturbed and irritated me was laser beaming him. YES! STUPID IGNORANT TWIT STARED AT MY GAL AND AT THE SAME TIME SHOWED NO RESPECT FOR THE FINAL MOMENTS OF A NATIONAL PATRIOT!

Oh.... pardon my outburst...

So there he was, glancing elsewhere upon visual contact with someone who towers a head over him.

Well, he was not the only fool ard, another bunch of hooligans were strutting along the road when one of them, started to pass a totally brainless message to his peers.. "Eh later take note of the casket's car licence plate number to buy 4D" (pls note, this is not replicated word for word as this typical beng spoke in a mixture of languages and was poorly structured. )

To this beng, pls note:

Pls dun act linguist and mimic Yoda's word structuring techniques. He's alien, are you? If you were in army and I am your officer, i'll make you sign all your weekends to the guard house and a stay in detention barrack for a short getaway. How's that for a wake up call?

Thank God this irritants were distant when the casket exited from Esplanade. At this point, it suddenly poured. IS THAT AMAZING OR WHAT!? but as the casket passed us, the rained moved on along with it so much so that we could see a wall of rain some metres away from us, moving along with the casket. a phenomenon no doubt, perhaps God is moved by his deeds? Maybe..

The casket moved on substantially and I felt that I was not going to have any last glimpse whatsoever, that i gave a salute. Yes, to someone who truly deserves it.

Goodbye Mr Rajaratnam, you will be remembered.

Anyway our next schedule on our itinerary says church seminar, something I was rather excited to attend, but due to some unforseen circumstances that this plan was aborted. Instead I was activated for a Charlie Mike to resolve a problem at hand that nearly got me flipping several times over. Yes, thank God for the patience that it was settled amicably, but we missed the seminar. Darn, so there we were strolling around, spending some time together that we went to check out some skates, a hobby resolution that was due last year. There K2 was having some big sale and i caught sight of an aggressive skate going for 50% off. Wow.. i tried it and fell in love immediately. Needless to say, i fell prey to it's lure and placed a deposit for it. Yes, i'm gonna be an aggressive skater, doing grinds here and there. Wow... so cool eh? Next thing i need is a pouch to bring to the beach and babes will trail my tracks to hunt me down.(Yeah rite)

Ended the day with an excellent cooking by my dear and it was a hearty meal that got me really satisfied and fulfilled. Ahh... lovely... Japanese curry rice anyone?

Nevermind i missed today's seminar, tomorrow's gonna be better!

Dear God! a Word from Heaven pls!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Finally.. i'm making that additional, extra, over-the-mountain of an effort to populate my blog.

Dear Blog, How are you?

It's been a while since i last wrote in. Maybe coz i'm no longer in army, therefore much of the sufferings i harboured then, no longer exist. Definitely it's something to be grateful for, but then again, what now to motivate my blogger's pen?

Blogging is good. Helps me to keep track of my language skills, such as articulation and diction of words, and also generates much thought processes. Something that is in dire need of help, given my working environment is degenerative to my vocab and communication skills.

But on the flip side, my mandarin and Cantonese is improving by leaps and bounds. Ah... for that personal touch....

Just some updates on past happenings...

Met up my cousin for a makan before his flight to Melbourne to complete his studies. Had Billy bombers for late lunch and did a lot of catching up. Man.. i'm gonna miss him. Bought him a bag as a send off gift. Glad he likes it a lot. He is a typical guai lan spec, but for a good cause. He may not like officers like i would want him to, but i support him in his cause, esp when officers there are bringing shame to the officer corps. Freak, they cheapen my black bars.

Helped organized a farewell makan for some of my OCS buddies and my best buddy, Weiyang. Held it at Marche. Lovely place, brotherly gang with a few attachments, ie, Issac's hot babe (Weiyang was experiencing some kind of withdrawal symptom when exposed to her) and Trey's late-coming queen. Glad to see everyone going on fine and getting on with their life, except for one regular. Oh well, press on my dear LTC-to-be ah da. :) supporting you all the way.

Went to send Yang off on the 13th Feb, really wanted to give him a mighty hug, alas, there were too many people encamping around his vincity that I could only gather whatever glances stealable from him. There I made friend with his childhood friend, his mom, his dad, and re-united with a band senior from my SAS days. Lovely.

14th Feb came. Ain't this just another day on the calendar? NOOOOOOOOO, highly mistaken one, it is the much *dreaded day for the united and isolated. Why??? Coz the attached guy gotta burst his wallet to purchase exorbitantly priced floras, uniquely stitched cotton balls and processed cocoas. As for the oh so lonely souls, it's the day to hibernate in some secluded corners and don't blame others for your state, but reflect upon yourself what shortcomings that you've been embracing like a totem that wards off gals and spirits alike. There must be a reason why other gals choose to suffer the same fate than to take on one that's worst off, being with you.

*Clause intended: dreaded
Only the genetically expressed masculine organism are exposed to this state of torment. The other-half reap what we sow.

Anyway i stayed up to prep some flowers for my office ladies. Surprised the whole office the next day and got death threats from neighbouring offices if I fail to replicate this effect on them. Too bad la. Blame it on your guys who are too nonchalant to do anything about that day la. If want, come join my office la.

Yes, i started the date with an almost volcanic eruption equvilant of an argument(ha, and I tot i could have averted the expenses ahead) YES. It was all my fault. For making that extra effort, running across SG, just to get some roses for my baby. As a result i was late, albeit the panting and perspiration oozing out of my pores. But the day was great, makaning at some dim sum restuarant. What an interesting Vday meal.

Ok so i am not going to NTU to study anymore. 4 yrs is simply nuts to be studying for soooo long. I wanna do a lot of stuffs so cant afford to spend those years babe watching and dragon boating away. My dreams, passions and companies await my actions.

Had a combined zone level cell group meeting last week. Was great catching up with ex members, and I really enjoyed myself there. Guess what? i was appointed to sing in the choir as well. Lovely. Had a chance to join dear Marcus, Rouxin and Melvin on stage. My beloveds. Then there was this incident when this sister was simply closing in on me so much that I had no place to stand but with one foot upstep and one foot downstep. Now imagine how i stood and jumped like tat for almost an hour. Shagged. But she's forgiven coz she's quite chio. Maybe she was just trying to get to know me indirectly eh? Opps.. my gal's gonna flip at this.

Been training up a lot of late. Coz of the visible fats accumulating at all the prominent locations. Darn. "You put on weight" seems to be the next most common words after "hi". Thank you for all that motivating statements, i'll change to make you say something more edifying.

Okidoki, i'm literally verbal vomitting here. Enuff said.

thanks Mr Blog for the outlet to express myself.

I'll catch up with you again soon.
