Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I am getting prompted to write my blog~!

Oh well, guess I have been on a long blogless vacation eh? Perhaps I no longer wanna share my thoughts? Ney.. more of the reluctance to type after a long day's work. My office dun even allow me to surf the net. Yucky...

Some updates after sooooooo long. Actually I've done quite a fair bit during the month of Dec last year, band performances, gatherings, organised events... etc. But am too lazy to type it all out. So erm.. do prompt me if you really wanna know. Of course I will be most willing to share it. Verbally.

Anyway right now i am working as a junior web designer, at a huge company that specializes in beauty products and services. Last sat we had our staff dinner n dance event. Fortunate me has only been wif the company for only 2 weeks and I am part of the recipient group of this benefit. It was held at The Legend on Fort Canning. Seating was given on a random basis and i was fortunate enuff to be placed with some of the finest beauticians of my company (my gf better not read this :P) on the same table.

So lo and behold came the drag queen contest, and I being the only young and sporting guy on the table, got "volunteered" to represent the yellow table. It was quite an experience to have so many girls fussing over me in their desperate attempt to convert me to their sisterhood. Yes, my male ego got trashed somewhere when I was made to strut the feline stuff. YEW..... at least the boss, was understanding enough, blessed us all with $50 bucks each for our courageous efforts. On top of that, I won for myself a rice cooker which i gave to my gal's mom, and I got a lovely shirt that cost more than SGD$80 for my contribution to the stage production of some chinese folktale. Me who? Just a hooligan who beat up wu da lang and got bashed by wu song. So all in all I got about $200 worth of prizes n cash on that day, made new friends and got recognition by all the spa gals. Caught a few spying at me. haha.. too bad gals, I'm taken. :)

Not bad for a 2 week old staff still on probation eh?

Recently, I realized i am getting more image conscious as the time passes by. Now i am trying to train up to improve my built, buying new clothes to match my style, looking at branded products, thinking of doing facial... i even have a ear stud to give that metro feel~!

Man.. hope i am not getting too superficial here. In my heart i will alwaise embrace the simpler things in life, the joy that the world can never give, and the appreciation of what matters the most. The leaning on my mom on our way to work on board the bus, the wise cracks i exchange with my dad, the hugs my dear covers me with when we meet, the smiles exchanged along with kind gestures from strangers and the friendship that held me up thru the years. I appreciate all these more than the high life and material pursues.

Money is good, but let us not fall slaves to it. No matter how good money is, it will never bring me back my bro.

Are you driven by money or passion? Think about it.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Today's kinda bad. Weather only added to my turmoil.

Sometimes gals will never realise how much their guys are sacrificing for them. Yeah.. my dad n I just got into a heated arguement today, guess what? On me wanting to bike, taking the car too much, and doing the unnecessary. Unnecessary equates to bringing my gal back home then drive her home n then to U-turn to my home. Shucks, I'm probably never gonna pick up the car keys again anytime soon. Oh well.. then again I may never need it again. Guess I really broke his heart esp when he mentioned about my late bro..

Dad, i've never meant it. Coz I really do care for you.

Wanted to share this with my one and only.. but then, hey.. i've just let her in to some news earlier and she cant take it, wanting some time off.. how am i gonna share this with her esp if she's mentioned in the debate? Shit man.. that's some excellent fuel for flames of a woman's wrath.

Oh well... images of her filling up my mind, but to no avail. Coz it doesnt matter to her anymore. It's just a lope-sided phenomenon, that's never meant to happen.

Anyway I've had a prayer meeting with my band. Well, at least that was much better. Rather encouraged by the session. It's really a testimony of how much we need to rely on God when times are bad. Even prayed for the relationship to pull thru. So Bob.. hold on in Faith!

Well well.. time to hit the sack. Gotta work tmr.. dun wanna fall asleep again like the other time. Web Designer Bob, be focused.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

Never mind i'm a bit late, but still it's a good start. Let's do a bit of recap from last month...

30th Nov:
Performance for ISS international School.

3rd - 7 th Dec:
Holiday in Australia

9th Dec:
Manpower BBQ!

10th Dec:
Performance cum event management at *Scape Orchard

14th - 15th Dec:
"Braddell Reunite '05! 10 Years On..." Primary School Gathering

17th Dec:
Xmas Cell group~!

20th Dec:
Xmas Performance for a drug Rehab Centre

22nd Dec:
Commencement of Graphic Freelance project

29th Dec:
Saints Alumni Band Sentosa gathering

31st Dec:
Final performance at Ang Mo Kio POSB Branch Opening.
Thanks giving cell group
count Down

The above-mentioned are the major highlights of my days after ORD~! Yeah~ Oh coz the days in between are spent practising my bass, meeting girlfriend, working on my various projects, etc etc. Been extremely fruitful with the final month of Dec. Yeah~! ended 2005 well, and now looking at greater things in 2006~!


Some of my plans for 2006:

Lose weight/train up
Get to know God in a more real way
Build a stronger relationship with my gal
design more
Perform overseas with my band!
take part in baybeats / sonicfest
Slowly change my wardrobe/fashion
start my business planning

2006, gambette~!

I miss my army friends..On new year's eve i recieved a sms from one of my good friends in camp, ah Giam. Was pleasantly surprised coz i never expected to receive any sms from him after i've left. To me, that's the best NYE's sms greeting i have received~~! Yeah man.. of course my upperstudy's one was great too~ :)

Anyway to all you who have ORDed, quickly get a job~ dun slack around.. SAF no longer supports us already.

To those who have yet to turn Civilian, enjoy yourself in camp, enjoy the company you get from the people there,, As for the shit that comes tumbling down from above, try to make the best out of it; fertilize a plant for example. Esp those who have minimal growth for their crowning dis-glory.


Alritey, i'll try to include some shots in later posts. hehe... tataz..
