Friday, September 30, 2005

Wow, awesome nite.

Was out at the airport sending off a fellow platoon mate of mine, Alvin, who is going over to Cambridge*gaspx* to further his studies.

Yes. Cambridge.

*more gasping and an overwhelmed lady collapses*

He's on a scholarship and will be doing his Masters at US, totally FOC. The emphasis here is more of the "will be". Masters is the understatement, Doctorate? Perhaps...

*paramedic collapses upon the fallen lady*

In today's society of paper chase, or rather Singapore's context, perhaps he has attained the quintessence of success. He is not all that good looking, can't find hordes of gals/fans swarming him down, neither did he wave wades of $1000 bills as we bid farwell. But still he has achieved something that we can only dream of, a scholarship to the most prestigious College in the world!

Now is this what we quantify success as? Think again. To each his own, I can't enforce mine on you, but I may try to leave an introspect for you to ponder upon.

To some it may be wealth; some, health; others, longivity, or even, enlightenment. But success to me is...

Salvation and Happiness.

Why salvation? Because of my faith and belief.

Happiness? Needless to say. To have all material and grieve, is worst then to have not and rejoice. It's like being a billionaire who's disfigured, handicapped, friendless, Aids carrier, etc etc.. you've gotta try to think along that line, to really understand that statement.

Ok, i'm going off-track.

Alrite, so wad so awesome about tonight? Well, after sending off our dear friend, we gathered at Wala wala for a chilling out session. (i had lemon tea btw) The crowd was good, gals flanked our sides, company was great, but best of all, we had an awsome live band performance for our sensory pleasures. Sharlin n band was in the house, playing some really crowd-stirring music.

Here's a shot..

Sharlin in action! Cool lighting eh? pity i couldnt play much with the shutter speed n exposure stuff..

Place aint really sleazy, but still the folks around r like puffing their lives away.. anyway, that didnt dampen my nite.. great fun nonetheless..

What was disturbing was that the gals who flanked us were butches and les.. I'm not against them, but just kinda disappointed why did those pretty gals choose semi-guys over hunks like us?? n why did they choose to convert?? perhaps in my chauvinistic mindset, i'm never gonna realise that fact of life..

Oh well.. tat pretty much sums up my adventure for the nite. :P


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