Saturday, June 18, 2005


I ponder...

When God came down to dwell in our midst, he knew of his heavenly heritage. what about the angels? Do they have any irkling of their roots upon manifestation in mortal being?

I sure hope not.


Coz i wanna believe that I maybe.. somehow.. distantly.. faintly..

am an angel~! Descended from above to dwell among our Lord's creation.

*Distant sound of chaos in Providence, as heavenly hosts activated contingency plan to find means and ways to conceal one of heaven's top secrets exposed by their fellow halo-ed folks. *

Since young i wanted to be a social worker.. loved animals.. SPCA membership.. I wanted to help people.. to give what I have and attempt for those I have not.. feel that I am gentle and meek by nature.. but trained in army to kill and defend what I protect. Command and control not by rank or structure, but by respect and friendship.

I love to be good, to do nice things, alas, oh Lord, let me not die in this dog eat dog world, rat race society.. sure do feel like a lamb sent to the lions' pit.

kk.. enough said.. gotta prep for cell guitaring soon~! :)


Now now.. where did i chuck my halo?



1 comment:

ZaC said...

Haa..! *pInCh bobby's cheek* SO CUTE!

Oh didn't i told u to return my halo to me?! So i secretly took it back! HA!

Anywae u sound like ya gonna sign on from ur previous entry...haa..ARe u?!