Saturday, November 13, 2004

life as an officer...

this week marks my last week as an apc(assistant pc) in "Gyrphon" coy. My stint there was though short, but satisfying. No amount of words can describe the sense of fulfillment when you become a leader of men, young and full energy, the kind of things you can inspire them to do. I enjoy leading by example, running alongside with my recruits, carrying heavier fieldpack to spur them on in route march, standing with them in the grenade bay risking my watermelon with explosives in their butter fingers. When you truely care for your men, they can see, and with it comes respect.

I just bumped into some recruits yesterdae at sakae. although they are from a different platoon, the warmth n frenship extended to me was simply touching. i may not be their leader, but perhaps my dedication to my platoon was evident to them. They also made mention of my inspiring act of packing medicine balls into my fieldpack for route march.

never forget the needs they have. To you they may be a platoon of men, but to them you are an individual, a leader who is empowered to make a difference in their lives.

oh yeah... i'm off to be a staff officer. paperwork n tyranic superiors seems to be the staples of the day. why then did i choose to be a staff you may ask? coz i've got a purpose for my life. i know i'll better spend my free time after office hours out of camp. I've got plans for my future and work for it starts now...

idllic days are but a passing wave
a dream to see, but nought to behold
stop whirling world in your endless daze
to see a purpose, till the daes of old.

gotta go get busy :P


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