Friday, October 15, 2004

A thought to pen...

Wow...finally, i'm updating this wonderful blog of mine. it's been a long long while since i last made an input, due to negligiance and procrastination. Yupyup.. oh well, better late than never. Yeah?

time flew by, subconciously, leaving a track to trail.
there i was, stumbling on, an aching soul to fail
try as i may, with might or flight, it never stood still
slowly but surely, my heart to feel, my soul to heal

deep eh?? yeah~! i tot so too! came up with tis in a couple of minutes.

Yesh, time has passed me by so quickly, so fast. Been thru survival, graced a mountain peak, baptized in river, shed tears of joy, fought senselessly, heart flipped ceaselessly, with a rotting limb. frens missed, buddies lost, experience gained, and more to come.

Right now i've already graduated from my school and moved on to a new phase of military life. wow... got a choc bar, tasted it's power, yeah.. feels good but heavy. guess tat's the price to pay, on top of those downpayments for the last 10 months.

Coming back to a place of knowing God more. Praise and faith, making it possible. I'm hoping to contribute more to my cell, church and of coz Godly works. yeah~ things r in the pipeline... coming to past. :)

yeah~ just gotta hold on and enjoy the ride.

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