Saturday, October 30, 2004

A lil extract of what i wrote to my most beloved;

i may not be able to impact some old ladies down the streets,
housed alone,
death impending.

But at least i can make a soldier smile,
load lightened,
soul heartening.

Someday, some soldiers will say, "i had this officer who led me for 2 weeks and he inspired much."

Show me a leader, and I'll know his men.
Show me the men, and I'll know their leader.

*someone i forgot who*

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

what is the world coming to?! So many people been stepping on my feet, chewing on my tiny nerve, kicking me straight into my funny bones.

i'm too tired to tink now...
lemme go rest n tok to zhou gong about tis issue :P

no lahz.
God lah.

good nite folks...

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Wat lovely time we had at the Comms Ball!!

My dear took several photos of us around Shangz, dressed in our most elegent ball wear, looking pretty in ever corner of the place. The ambience was great, the place was magnificent, the memories were sweet. Definitely her companionship made it a perfect evening :)

hope to go there again one dae!


Friday, October 15, 2004

A thought to pen...

Wow...finally, i'm updating this wonderful blog of mine. it's been a long long while since i last made an input, due to negligiance and procrastination. Yupyup.. oh well, better late than never. Yeah?

time flew by, subconciously, leaving a track to trail.
there i was, stumbling on, an aching soul to fail
try as i may, with might or flight, it never stood still
slowly but surely, my heart to feel, my soul to heal

deep eh?? yeah~! i tot so too! came up with tis in a couple of minutes.

Yesh, time has passed me by so quickly, so fast. Been thru survival, graced a mountain peak, baptized in river, shed tears of joy, fought senselessly, heart flipped ceaselessly, with a rotting limb. frens missed, buddies lost, experience gained, and more to come.

Right now i've already graduated from my school and moved on to a new phase of military life. wow... got a choc bar, tasted it's power, yeah.. feels good but heavy. guess tat's the price to pay, on top of those downpayments for the last 10 months.

Coming back to a place of knowing God more. Praise and faith, making it possible. I'm hoping to contribute more to my cell, church and of coz Godly works. yeah~ things r in the pipeline... coming to past. :)

yeah~ just gotta hold on and enjoy the ride.