Sunday, July 04, 2004

hello blog..

Wow... how time flies.. come to think of it.. i've finally made it thru cadet life for so long n now i'm like left with 3 more months before all these ordeal will come to an end.. hopefully :P

right now training is more survival based and before we know it.. there will b a much slimmer me... after all the starving and foot movement over great distances... hahaz.. my final attempt at getting the abs i've never tot existed..

i wonder how's the blogs of my friends... never been able to view them.. coz i've reformatted my com.. yeahz.. so sad.. lost their add.. dumb virus attacked me com while i was away in training..

Kun gave me a very nice t-shirt.. designed by a great friend of mine.. weihao.. then there was this short but meaningful quote on the paper bag.. "whatever relationship that is built on God will never be lost." how it made me ponder bout the friendship between ben n i.. all the talk of brotherhood seems so fake.. am really tired of making the move to approach him, coz he's not helping it at all.. alwaise showing me a black face.. sacastic words..

but i'm gonna try again.. been praying about it.. to mend what was broken.. esp since Zac wants me to patch things with him. hopefully it's bcoz of the friendship that's why i'm doing it, n not solely bcoz of Zac.. else the friendship will be of no point at all..

tink i better go get busy wif me camp prep... gotta book in liaoz..

missya mr blog...

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