Sunday, April 25, 2004

Hahz... caught some prying eyes peeping into the contents of tis page eh??

oh well.. better take a good look while it's on a cheerful note... hehe...

i am gonna book in again.. but i am going in feeling refreshed, satisfied n a happier person. hahahz... i got my bdae present todae.. cool~! it's a 30gb nomad mp3 player!!!! wow... can challenge my couz 10gb ipod liao :P hehehehe

yeah.. e weekend was great.. am very happy.. i know tis is probably the best weekend i've had since daes of ocs.... got to do loads of things i've wanted.. got to spend quality time wif my loved ones, family, frens, grandparents, n of course my cell. suddenly i feel much closer to them already... muz b the tuition wif junhui.. :)

okidoki~ gtg liao~! tata!!! soldiering on!!!


Thursday, April 22, 2004

Finally... beloved term break, i take comfort n slack... :P

am browsing Kun's webbie.. saw our band webbie.. P.U.S.H. yupyup..

Wow.. how time passed. Everything was like so happening for my band.. we met up regularly to practice.. rehearse n have our fav prata juz down the narrow lane... there was the radio interview.. talentime competition.. n outdoor performance... i had my bass, my band n my friends. Those were the days.. n i believe those will be the days to come..

Zech 4:6 "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel:
"Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,'
Says the LORD of hosts.

Zac shared this with me.. yupyup.. very nice of her... to encourage me.. n i believe tis is so for my band... truly it's by God tat we got so far n only by God we will go even further.. :) I long for the dae when we can come together n make music once again.. it's uplifting :) perhaps it was the music.. perhaps it was the companionship of my beloved friends.. cherished moments :)

I am into my prof term already.. yeah.. it's like another phase in my OCS training... how time flies.. how much i've been thru... wow... it's amazing... words can't describe... perhaps my sweat can.. n maybe by the end of prof term.. when i commission, i guess only blood can spell out what I've been thru... to my fellow hornets(if any one of u happen to chance upon this page) let's do it together... :)

My buddy for Service term has been changed... he got posted to school of logistics..
that's where he requested for.. signed on... he is actually a very nice person.. initially he didnt seem to b very nice.. but i can testify that God has been working thru him to make things happen.. he is really a testimony. Juz like another of my platoon mate, Kelvin.. a total change God has made.. powerful... :)
Guess I'll be without a buddy for a while eh?? Oh God... send me a good buddy for the rest of my 23 weeks...

Got to spend some time with my dad today.. really nice.. fruitful times together... hehe.. i sure do hope that he feels the same way too :)

To be a soldier is like every little boy's dream... they look up to the men in green.. irregardless of their rank n appointment... i too was a little boy.. i tot these men are cool.. but i never saw the sufferings they went thru for our nation... now...i still look up to them.. juz that i dont want to go thru what they went thru...

okidoki.. that's about it... my rantling... hahahaz...

Bobbly bob Weijian

Monday, April 19, 2004


Managed to sneak out for a while... yupyup... having a drag queen contest at the moment... superbly funny~! tat's y i wanna come here and share with you guys the first hand info about it~!

They've got us laughing our heads out n to think it's only half time~! they're superbly hilarious~!

Also today my wing commander talked made mention about this well-written annonymous composition... guess who wrote it? haha~! tat's me.. yupyup... i didnt knew that it was my article until he mentioned part of the title... n he said it in front of the whole wing!~ hehehe.... so happie... maybe i shd b a journalist? :P

Oh well.. the show has started.. guess it's time that i go back n render my support to Fiona n gang of platoon 3~! Chio bu~!


Sunday, April 18, 2004


Here's the next time round.. unfortunately i dont really have much time to type much coz gotta book in after my church service... oh well... it's all for good ole benny boy :P

Life's pretty cool now.. things are nice... gonna have my long weekend next week.. prob start on wed.. rite till thru e weekends... yeah~!

There's so many things to do, so many things to get.. hmm.. so much so tat it makes what i have seems so little.. only God can do the impossible. N i need to see the impossible happening!

Time really flies... tomorrow i would be 21... it seems like all my past bdaes are so happening that seems to pale what i'm about to celebrate, my 21st bdae in camp... now.. how yucky can it get? prob worst.. coz i 've gotten friends who will b celebrating in Brunei's jungles~! hahahah...

Gotta go.. kinda flooded with thoughts for the mo.. perhaps it'll subside n all be forgotten over time...

okidoki... gotta go.. love all you people... hope i can do much more than juz say...


Sunday, April 11, 2004

Yup.. I'm back :o)

It's great to have this long weekend break. Really got a chance to relax and juz have a great time.

Then there was some emotional ride... oh well.. all's settled...

realized tat it's a time slot to write my blog. Coz it's never too good a feeling before booking in. then it'll affect my blog. A point to take note of.

oh well.. so sorry my dear readers... i'll try to write something nicer the next time round yeah?


Sunday, April 04, 2004

Yikes! I've had less than an hour of sleep only.. yupz.. now back in camp to serve the nation.. hhehehe... dun really have a choice... also feeling really sian... book in like even before the sun rose... can't attend church svc... hmm.. my only consolation is that i got to see it over the net.. yeah~! it was good. Can feel the presence of God. Guess it's coz i'm like so worn out mentally that there was a huge hunger for God to be around... could recognise a few people over the broadband... cool eh? oh well.. wished i could be there....

Anyway will be off to some out field training... will only b back on thurs noon... seems rather tough... but then again... i'll be stronger... with God's strength of course...

Rangers have this song... one part of it goes something like no one will know what they went thru.... i understand how they feel... somehow... :P

Anyway i'll b back... hear from me yeah? :)
