Sunday, March 21, 2004

Words of wisdom....

Friends are silver, but dad and mom are gold.

Friends can only go a certain extend for you, but alwaise remember that our parents are those who will go to the ends of the world for us. But a soldier may say that his buddy will be at the frontline with him fighting together. but trust me, as old as our dads maybe, they are willing to take up their arms and when the need arises they will be human shields as the last resort to ensure our survival, at least i know my dad will.

Now we relate it to our Father in Heaven, who gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for us. Can you imagine how much He loves us?? Time for us all to do a reflection...

Today I've been promoted to Ministry Member and I must say, it's a very good feeling. Also i know with this promotion comes greater responsibility. Yupz... believe greater responsibilities will come, greater too will the rewards.

Friends asked why i didnt share with some of them prior to the promotion. Maybe i too should be asking myself why... hmm...
Been dealing with several interpersonal issues... yupz... it will be settled... i dunno when.. but i hope soon. yupyup...

to a certain group of friends,
I love you guys a lot. From the bottom of my heart. i can only hope for the days of our youths. Let's make it happen.

Your friend always.

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